中文原文: 《相思》唐 王维
红豆生南国,春来发几枝? 愿君多采撷,此物最相思。 试译王维的诗《相思》 by 叉鱼哥
In the South only true red beans grow, With the spring magic buds they throw. Shall I pick and hold abreast a dear few, That tells of all my love due for you! 绿岛阳光玩译: 南国的相思豆真红艳, 是春大师用魔术棒点变。 可否采上几颗放入我的心田? 种入我的全部爱意专为你呈现!
In southern states the Valentine beans grow, So red on branches like drops of rosy dew. Like lover's blood is to merge in wine, Drink it! For all her heart is forever thine. 绿岛阳光玩译: 南国的相思豆是如此的艳丽, 悬挂在枝头像玫瑰露鲜红欲滴; 这情色犹如爱人的热血可否融入我的酒杯? 一饮而尽她的心将永远和我的相依!