The girl's beautifully white. She searches her love, only in the night. No one knows that she's a fox. All are obssesed, under her might.
豆蔻姑娘白美娇, 夜色迷蒙,觅爱陶陶。 千年修炼哪人识? 狐媚滔滔,情魅娆娆。
In the wind which swings the light. He won't believe, the kiss could bite. Lucky to die in flowers so why repent? A crow wakes dream, the East is bright.
逐句对比,赏析一遍: 送交者:曹雪葵 [诗词歌赋] 于 2015月10月16日05:50:56 《一剪梅 The White Fox》原作:曹雪葵 《一剪梅 白狐》翻译:绿岛阳光 The girl's beautifully white, 豆蔻姑娘白美娇, --- 英文有音节限制,girl前面不能加修饰词了。译文前面加“豆蔻”二字立马增加了神采! She searches her love, only in the night 夜色迷蒙,觅爱陶陶。 --- 译文灰常地美幻!恍见一道白纱在月雾中飞过,哇... 浮想联翩 No one knows that she's a fox. 千年修炼哪人识? --- 这句足见译者对汉语和英语的把握能力:不直译,却直接一句“千年修炼哪人识?”寓意更深了! All are obssesed, under her might 狐媚滔滔,情魅娆娆。 --- 这一行带彩儿啊:媚+魅 音同而意有浅深,恰对obssesed+might,好! In the wind which swings the light 烛影风摇携梦飘, --- 用笔灵活!把原文出现在后面的梦字移到前面来,让它和烛影同舞 He won't believe, the kiss could bite 一见心交,一吻心烧! --- 俺颇为 kiss could bite 得意,却发现“一见心交,一吻心烧”也同样煽情!呵呵 Lucky to die in flowers so why repent? 花丛成鬼有谁迟? --- 译文很贴切,更富诗意。 A crow wakes dream, the East is bright 只恨乌鸣,只憾天昭! --- 昭字用得精妙大气,准确而无雕痕。 其实,译诗比写诗难。大赞绿岛兄成功之译!点石成金!