英文诗译成中文现代诗-----绿岛的新玩具,呵呵,再玩一下? 作者 爱德华 托马斯(1878-1917) 七月泛舟 (绿岛阳光译) 风,屏住了呼吸—悄静静, 草木杵立,水滑无痕。 云,起舞纷纷, 把我的小船拥进她的倩影。 船儿轻轻地随流漂动, 微波荡起复又无形; 浮水漫载着我的思絮, 如真似梦荡漾在我的心。 那天边移动的---- 是飞鸟?还是幻影? 那岸边沉睡的灌木林---- 可正在慢慢地苏醒? 黎明早已来过, 时光流逝无存。 冷冷的河床上, 芦苇拥抱着,温暖无声, 无垠的天空间, 我的思绪在驰骋---- 往事历历如风, 难以在我的心房久停; 树丛碧叶间野鸽不停地啼吟, 送来了神乐般悦耳歌声; 正将那美妙,祥和, 慢慢地注入我期待的心灵! 英文原诗如下: Edward Thomas(1878-1917) July Naught moves but clouds, and in the glassy lake Their doubles and the shadow of my boat. The boat itself stirs only when I break This drowse of heat and solitude afloat To prove if what I see be bird or mote, Or learn if yet the shore woods be awake. Long hours since dawn grew, - spread, - and passed on high And deep below, - I have watched the cool reeds hung Over images more cool in imaged sky: Nothing there was worth thinking of so long; All that the ring-doves say, far leaves among, Brims my mind with content thus still to lie. 来自傅正明老师的博客: http://blog.creaders.net/Fuzhengming/user_blog_diary.php?did=118859 |