飘逸轻盈 你冉冉升起 占据了 正在寻觅的眼帘 周身佛光 是这样温暖灿烂 沐浴着 充满欢愉的心田 天堂如斯? 如梦如幻。。。 你如天使一般 指引着路通向仙园 。。。 蓦然!你隐身不见 告别笑容粲然 心痛!真让人不舍 好想凝固时间! 问上苍 有无神秘机缘? 可能够 追随你到永远? D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930) , English novelist, critic, poet and painter D.H. 劳伦斯(1885-1930),英国小说家、批评家、诗人和画家 附劳伦斯原诗和正明兄原玉: Aware 赏月 Slowly the moon is rising out of the ruddy haze, 薄雾微红映月明, Divesting herself of her golden shift, and so 婵娟缓步出金屏, Emerging white and exquisite; and I in amaze 圆融玉照浊寰惊。 See in the sky before me, a woman I did not know 遥望空灵追绝美, I loved, but there she goes and her beauty hurts my heart; 紧随银泻入深更, I follow her down the night, begging her not to depart. 恳求静女勿辞行。 调寄浣溪沙 傅正明英诗古译并书