【七律】蒲公英(绿岛阳光作) 生来富贵披金袄,飒飒英姿本色侠。 一片芳心朝日诉,几分絮意借风发。 飞墙越院非轻骨,落地安营把好家。 禅意佛缘谁与共,天南海北耀春华。
Dandelion (于文子译) Handsome and heroic, born to be noble and golden, you wittily maneuver the gust, with heart bracing the sun. You look as buoyant as wisp to get over walls, yet are as firm as nail to camp once you fall. Who can be as dedicated to share your faith and fortune? After all, you’re the everywhere shining dandelion.  (绿岛阳光摄图)