可以想象他接到邮件以后高兴的表情,“好,真有傻子呀,赶紧骗吧?”于是他就开口要钱。还挺客气,只要1460 欧元, 还给了西联汇款的地址。你说能有多少傻子,抓住一个还不多骗点?
Urgent Help
I really hope you get this on time. I made an urgent trip to France some days back, but unfortunately I was robbed at the hotel where I lodged along with other folks. I didn't bring my phones here and the hotel telephone lines were disconnected during the incident. So I have access to only emails. I really need your support & assistance for me to relocate to another hotel close to the embassy and also get another flight ticket. Those thieves made away with my credit cards as well which is why this can't be resolved instantly. I've been to the Embassy and the Police here but they're not 100% helpful and my flight leaves tomorrow..Please, Let me know if you can help me out? I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks so much for your willingness to help, the amount of money I need to settle our bills is €1,460 EUR. Western Union happens to be the safest and fastest means of sending the money. I will definitely refund your money as soon as we get home. Locate a Western Union office and get the money transferred in my name. Please use the details below to send:
Name: xxx Wang Address: 167 Allee Charles De Fitte Country France As soon as your are done with the transfer just help me write out the MTCN/Reference number and other necessary details. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I still have my passport to receive the money here. Please kindly help me with the money as soon as you can. As soon as you have transferred the money get back to me with the Western Union transfer details. I will be waiting to hear from you.
OK here are my passport Info below
Passport number: G22403739 Passport name: xxx Wang Date of Issue: 20 April 2010 Date of Expiry: 20 April 2015 Please let me know as soon as you transfer the money. 第5
Chinese Passport. Please let me know as soon as you transfer the money. I will be waiting to hear from you. |