【学习园地 英语精读】
He came into the room to shut the windows while we were still in bed and I saw he looked ill. He was shivering, his face was white, and he walked slowly as though it ached to move. \"What\'s the matter, Schatz?\" 5 \"I\'ve got a hesdache. \" \"You better go back to bed. \" \"No. I\'m all right. \" \"You go to bed. I\'ll see you when I\'m dressed. \" But when I came downstairs he was dressed, sitting by the fire, look- 10 ing a very sick and miserable boy of nine years. When I put my hand on his forehead I knew he had a fever. \"You go up to bed, \" I said, \"You\'re sick. \" \"I\'m all right, \" he said. When the doctor came he took the boy\'s temperature. 15 \"What is it?\" I asked him. \"One hundred and two. \" Downstairs, the doctor left three different medicines in different col- ored capsules with instructions for giving them.One was to bring down the fever, another a purgative, the third to overcome an acid condition. The 20 germs of influenza can only exist in an acid condition,he explained. He seemed to know all about influenza and said there was nothing to worry about if the fever did not go above one hundred and four degress.This was a light epidemic of flu and there was no danger if you avoided pneumonia. Back in the room I wrote the boy\'s temperature down and made a note 25 of the time to give the various. capsules. \"Do you want me to read to you?\" \"All right.If you want to, \" said the boy. His face was very white and there were dark areas under his eyes. He lay still in the bed and seemed very detached from what was going on. 30 I read aloud from Howard Pyle\'s Book of Pirates; but I could see he was not following what I was reading. \"How do you feel, Schatz?\" I asked him. \"Just the same, so far, \" he said. I sat at the foot of the bed and read to myself while I waited for it 35 to be time to give another capsule. It would have been natural for him to go to sleep, but when I looked up he was looking at the foot of the bed, looking very strangely. \"Why don\'t you try to sleep? I\'11 wake you up for the medicine. \" \"I\'d rather stay awake. \" 40 After a while he said to me, \"You don\'t have to stay in here with me, Papa, if it bothers you. \" \"It doesn\'t bother me. \" \"No, I mean you don\'t have to stay if it\'s going to bother you. I thought perhaps he was a little lightheaded and after giving him the 45 prescribed capsules at eleven o\'clock I went out for a while.It was a bright, cold day,the ground covered with a sleet that had frozen so that it seemed as if all the bare trees, the bushes, the cut brush and all the grass and the bare ground had been varnshed with ice, I took the young Irish setter for a walk up the road and along a frozen creek, but it was difficult to 50 stand or walk on the glassy surface and the red dog slipped and slithered and I fell twice, hard, once dropping my gun and having it slide away over the ice. We flushed a covey of quail under a high clay bank with overhanging brush and I killed two as they went out of sight over the top of the bank. Some of the covey lit in trees, but most of them scattered into brush piles 55 and it was necessary to jump on the ice-coated mounds of brush several times before they would flush.Coming out while you were poised unstea- dily on the icy, springy brush they made difficult shooting and I killed two, missed five, and started back pleased to have found a covey close to the house and happy there were so many left to on another day. 60 At the house they said the boy had refused to let anyone come into the room. \"You can\'t come in,\" he said. \" You mustn\'t get what I have.\" I went up to him and found him in exactly the position I had left him, white-faced, but with the tops of his cheeks flushed by the fever, staring 65 still, as he had stared, at the foot of the bed. I took his temperature. \"What is it?\" \"Something like a hundred,\" I said. It was one hundred and two and four tenths. 70 \"It was a hundred and two,\" he said. \"Who said so?\" \"The doctor.\" \"Your temperature is all right,\" I said. \"It\'s nothing to worry about.\" \"I don\'t worry,\" he said, \"but I can\'t keep from thinking.\" 75 \"Don\'t think,\" I said. \"Just take it easy.\" \"I\'m taking it easy,\" he said and looked straight ahead. He was evi- dently holding tight onto himself about something. \"Take this with water.\" \"Do you think it will do any good?\" 80 \"Of course it will.\" I sat down and opened the Pirate book ane commenced to read,but I could see he was not following, so I stopped. \"About what time do you think I\'m going to die?\" he asked. \"What?\" 85 \"About how long will it be before I die?\" \"You aren\'t going to die. What\'s the matter with you?\" \"Oh, yes, I am. I heard him say a hundred and two. \" \"People don\'t die with a fever of one hundred and two.That\'s a silly way to talk. \" 90 \"I know they do.At school in France the boys told me you can\'t live with forty-four degrees. I\'ve got a hundred and two. \" He had been waiting to die all day, ever since nine o\'clock in the morning \"You poor Schatz, \" I said. \"Poor old Schatz. It\'s like miles and kilo- 95 meters. You aren\'t going to die. That\'s a different thermometer. On that thermometer thirty-seven is normal. On this kind it\'s ninety-eight. \" \"Are you sure?\" \"Absolutely, \" I said. \"It\'s like miles and kilometers. You know, like how many kilometers we make when we do seventy miles in the car?\" 100 \"Oh, \" he said. But his gaze at the foot of the bed relaxed slowly. The hold over him- self relaxed too, finally, and the next day it was very slack and he cried very easily at little things that were of no importance. New Words
shiver / v. shake, tremble, esp. from cold or fear
capsule / n. 胶囊(药)
purgative /n. a medicine to produce bowel movements
acid /a. sour; marked by an abnormally high
concentra- tion of a sour substance
germ / n. 病菌,细菌
influenza / n. a contagious disease which is like a
bad cold but more serious 流行性感冒
epidemic / n. & a. (disease) spreading rapidly among many
people in the same place for a time
flu/ n. (short for) influenza
pneumonia / n. a serious illness with inflammation of
one or both lungs 肺炎
detached / a. indifferent; separate, not connected
detach/ vt.
pirate / n. a person who attacks and robs ships at
sea 海盗
papa/ n. father
lightheaded/a. unable to think clearly or move steadily
as during fever or after drinking alcohal;
dizzy and faint 神志不清的;眩晕的
prescribe / vt. orderor give (sth.) as a medicine or
treatment for a sick person开(药)
sleet/ n. amixture of rain and snow; rain that
freezes as it falls 雨夹雪;冻雨
brush/ n. rough low-growing bushes; small branches
bro-ken off from trees 矮灌木丛;断落
varnish / vt. cover (sth.) with a smooth appearance
Irish /a. 爱尔兰(人)的
setter/ n. a type of dog with red hair; a hunting
dog 塞特狗
creek / n. small stream
glassy/ a. like glass, esp. (of water) smooth and
slither / vi. slide unsteadily 不稳地滑动
slide / v. (cause to) move smoothly along a surface
flush / v. drive (birds) up from the trees or
bushes so as to shoot; (of birds) fly
up suddenly (使)(鸟)惊飞
vi. (sides of the face) become rosy or
reddened by a sudden flow of blood to
the face (脸)发红
covey / n. a small flock or group (of small birds)
quail /n. a kind of small bird, valued as food
overhang/ v. hang over or stand out over 悬于...之上,
light (lit or lighted)/ vi. land and settle 停落
scatter / vi. go off in all directions 散开
mound / n. small hill; a large pile of earth,
stones, etc. 土墩
poise /vt. balance
unsteadily / ad. shakily
unsteady/ a.
icy/ a. covered with ice; extremely cold
springy / a. flexible (as a spring moving up and
down) 有弹性的
csunmence / n. start; begin
thermomeier / n. an instrument for measuring and
showing tem- perature 温度计
absolutely/ ad. completely; certainly
gaze / vi. look long and steadily 凝视
slack / a. not tense; relaxed 松弛的;放松的
Phrases & Expressions
bring down reduce; cause to fall 减少,降低
be detached from show no interest in, be indifferent to
would rather would prefer to; would prefer that 宁愿
out of sight unable to be seen
keep from prevent oneself from (doing sth.); stop
(doing sth.)
take it easy not to work too hard; not to worry too
much 不紧张;不急
hold tight onto oneself keep firm control over oneself
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