Greasy spoon
Greasy是油腻的意思, spoon是指调羹,也就是汤勺。Greasy和spoon这两个字合在一起就是指那些有点像夫妻老婆店那样的小饭馆。这些小饭馆一般来说菜谱上花色品种并不多,碗筷也好像不那么干净,装潢也不讲究,但是菜的味道倒不错,价钱也很公道。
example1: Judy, let me take you out to dinner. But you know I don’t feel like dressing up to go some place fancy. How about just going down the street to the greasy spoon and getting hamburgers?”
example2: George, you ought to try the potstickers at that little Chinese joint on New York Avenue. It looks like a greasy spoon but the potstickers are great and the price is cheap.
Pot的意思是锅子, luck是运气。可是,我们现在讲的 potluck 是一个字。 Potluck 作为一个字,它指的是美国一种经常举行的聚会形式。也就是在某一个人,或几个人的提议下举行一个午餐会或晚餐会,但是参加聚会的每个人都要带一个菜或者带一种饭后甜食。主人除了为聚会提供场地外,也只要准备一个菜,或买一些饮料就行了。这就叫作: Potluck lunch or potluck supper.可以想象,举行Potluck的时候,大家能够尝到许多不同的食品。可是,要是你运气不好,好几个人带的东西你都不爱吃的话,那你就只好回家去那个greasy spoon吃点儿什么了。Potluck还有另外一个意思。那就是:有什么就要什么。用在吃的方面就成了:有什么吃什么的意思。比如,一个人碰到了好几年没见面的老朋友,他说:
example: Say, George, if you don\'t have plans for tonight, why don’t you come out to our house and have a potluck with us? Helen won’t have time to cook anything special, but she can put an extra plate on the table for you.
他说:“喂,乔治,你要是晚上没事就上我家来吃便饭。有什么吃什么。我太太不一 定有什么时间做什么菜,但是多加一份筷子是绝对没有问题的。”
example: I’ve been so busy lately. Last week I went to a greasy spoon with a friend and this Sunday I’ve got to go a potluck.
下一篇:英语习语:doggy bag / sunny side up / over easy
上一篇:英语习语:bummed and bummed out, Chill or chill out |