To keep an ear to the ground
Example: Every two weeks while the Congress is in session, I try to get back home to California to talk to people. This doesn\'t give me much time to relax with my family, but I have to keep an ear to the ground and hear what voters are thinking about.
Up to one\'s ears
Example: Half the people in John\'s office are home sick, so he is up to his ears! John办公室里有一半的人有病请假,所以John简直忙得不得了。
Up to one\'s ears这个习惯用语在下面这句句子里的意思就不同了:
Example: The boss says he didn\'t know people on his staff were taking bribes. But my guess is he\'s up to his ears in it.\" Boss说他不知道他手下的工作人员接受贿赂。可是,我猜想他完全是介入这些事的。
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