提建議時可以用motion這個字來表達:propose or make a motion
Judy: I make a motion that we have a longer vocations.
John: Yes, I second the motion (這裡的意思是支持)
George: I have another motion I would like to make, I motion that we get more pay.
chairman: The motion passes.
有關的詞語還有: put something to a vote, vote on something.
Adjourn: 休會
1. |
to suspend the meeting of (a club, legislature, committee, etc.) to a future time, another place, or indefinitely: to adjourn the court. |
2. |
to defer or postpone to a later time: They adjourned the meeting until the following Monday. |
3. |
to defer or postpone (a matter) to a future meeting of the same body. |
4. |
to defer or postpone (a matter) to some future time, either specified or not specified. | –verb (used without object)
5. |
to postpone, suspend, or transfer proceedings. |
6. |
to go to another place: to adjourn to the parlor. |
This meeting is adjourned.
True or False?
In Western culture, people generally prefer to be addressed by their first names?
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