| 看看国外网民如何看待人民币升值 部份美国政客近年来最热衷的事就是让人民币升值。似乎美国的一切经济问题都来源于人民币的稳定(或者小幅度升值). 人民币的是否升值,对美国经济确实是有影响。但美国经济问题的根源是什么?是因为人民币的价值没有正确反应出来?那么当人民币和美元比价在1:2,1:3阶段时,为何美国经济不能腾飞,而中国经济却上去了? 也难怪那些政客,救命稻草总是要抓一把。而美国民众因为人民币升值而必须为消费付出更多的钱财,他们是熟视无睹的。 笔者不认为这些政客智商低到分不清看不到问题的根源。而是借这个话题,达到政治目的罢了。 下面看一下国外普通网民如何看待人民币升值。来源为yahoo留言网站。 david - Monday June 21, 2010 10:23AM EDT OK, but so what will now happen to the worker's of China? Will they need to go on more strikes, until there's blood in the streets? To use a term that the British uppity ups have been using: what about the "little people". BOHICA - Monday June 21, 2010 10:25AM EDT No more cheap Chinese slave goods anymore. China will no longer hold onto out debts either. We will be the next Greek tragedy! Johnny - Monday June 21, 2010 10:25AM EDT The Stocks around the world because the Chinese currency will soon replace the dollar......In favor of Chineses currency..................That is the sign that soon China will Dominate the Western World......They will Buy all our Asset and Corporation soon....They have money we have debts........Money will move the mountain in China's Favor?......That what it is......The Mighty China? ku - Monday June 21, 2010 10:30AM EDT HAHA, CHINA CURRENCY WILL RISE AGAINST THE WORLD MONEY. SO THAT MEANS UNITED STATES OWED MORE MONEY TO CHINA,....ALSO THAT MEANS CHINA ECONOMICS WILL DRAMATICALLY SLOW DOWN. THERE ARE NO TURNING BACK BABY. ALL I CAN SEE IS THAT THE ECONOMICS AROUND THE WORLD WILL BE DRAMATICALLY SLOW DOWN TOO. YOU'LL SEE. RECESSION AND OR INFLATION WILL HAPPENED WITH THIS YEAR. I JUST WONDERING DON'T THESE PEOPLE KNOW THAT THE POOR FEEDING THE RICH. Yahoo! Finance User - Monday June 21, 2010 10:31AM EDT Our problems do not have anything to do with the Chinese yuan. A valuable yuan will make life more expensive for Americans. Affording less of what we need is not a fix! China cannot fix the world's debt problem. Debt was the problem to begin with and we have more of it now. US dollar rally is real. 2008 was just the warm up in this deflationary crash. FED printed a trillion and inflation is nowhere to be seen! Do you know why? Let me explain. Our money supply is NOT printed dollars. It is bank credit. We printed 2 trillion dollars. But we borrowed 50 to 300 trillion over many decades. This debt becomes our money supply. And it needs to be paid back with interest! Because banks create money when we borrow. For that reason, credit, which is our money supply, can deflate: http://www.tradingstocks.net/html/banks_create_money.html BOHICA - Monday June 21, 2010 10:31AM EDT Plunger team trying to hold the market up this morning on bad news for the US. China raising the yuan to the dollar would be good for our exports but the only problem is WE DON'T MANUFACTURE ANYTHING ANYMORE!!!!! We have become a useless service sector economy. We are like a 64k computer, useless Johnny - Monday June 21, 2010 10:37AM EDT It is a sign the soon the United States will soon be demoted to Third World Nation Category.............China will soon Demand payment for our Debts...........Okay $ 15 trillion Dollar Debts plus $ 750 Billion Dollar service Chargs every year in interest.............Good for China bad for us.......Where will we get the money to pay our creditor......The Mighty China.......... Don - Monday June 21, 2010 10:40AM EDT USD will tank sooner or later.China several trillions reserve in USD will convert to "basket of currencies" which meant don't so much rely on USD anymore.What NOBAMA can do? Yahoo! Finance User - Monday June 21, 2010 10:40AM EDT China has opened the door for hyperinflation in the U.S. which is good news for the wealthy, bad news for the rest of us. The wealthy will recoup their losses with inflation, the consumer will get hosed with massive inflation, the economy will tank again taking the China economy along with it. Only rich Americans benefit from this move. Look at the stock market, it loves it. Anything good for Wall Street is bad for the rest of us Turner - Monday June 21, 2010 11:27AM EDT As US problems start to materialize, China is setting the stage for the removal of the US dollar as the global reserve currency. This will protect them and others in the world from collapsing commodity prices or severe price increases. Yahoo! Finance User - Monday June 21, 2010 11:40AM EDT You Fascist's forgot one thing: The rise in the Chinese currency means more expensive Chinese xxxx coming into the USA .... and thr Chinese woker is still paid less than an American worker .... So, tell me ... all you blowhards ... What did you accomplish? what is happening 2 US - Monday June 21, 2010 12:05PM EDT "STOCKS SOAR" really? This is just the next chapter in the plan. Manipulate this equals unintended consequenses so manipulate something else, repeat......... manipulation and uncertanty is not good. move to cash on the up days Yahoo! Finance User - Monday June 21, 2010 12:16PM EDT Wow, finally we got what we have wanted all the time: $10 a pack of eggs and $400 a pair of sneakers. Are all of us really so dumb to wish buy thing more expensive? Look at the price of groceries; expect it to triple in a very short time? Why do our politicians always try to mislead us that all our problems are someone else's fault? Last time (2005-2008) Yuan increased 20%; our trade deficit increased 34%, please do the math yourself. This is only good for the rich. Arisian! - Monday June 21, 2010 12:24PM EDT Jobs in America are the result of more expensive foreign goods and labor. In what way is a rising yaun bad for anyone who wants an American economic recovery? If we keep currency circulating HERE instead of concentrating it and sending it offshore to pile up as foreign debt, we all benefit- except, of course, the one percent that controls forty-five percent of American wealth. On the down side, there is also considerable potential for disaster: if the yuan rises fast enough, the wealthiest among Americans will precipitate a panicked sell-off of the dollar as they attempt to maintain equity |