苹果公司是不是出现了大麻烦? 最近的苹果公司,似乎是“麻烦”不断。一方面是股价一再冲高,一口气上升了50%左右,是到了该停下来歇一歇的时候了。另一方面,新上市的ipad又让中国(大陆和香港)的黄牛们叫苦不迭,有的甚至是因为投机不成而亏本连连。 而且,苹果自己的产品本身,似乎也是问题重重。 如果苹果的产品真的有质量问题,那么,苹果的衰败可能就此开始。如果所有的问题,只是短期的因为是科技产品,很难做到一口气就完美,那么,任何因此而下跌的股票,就是你建仓的良机了。如果你是苹果的投资者,你就得好好的注意苹果产品的市场反应,而不是分析师的评价。因为,到了分析师已经开始说三道四的时候,你就已经失去先机了。 下面的消息继续为你跟踪苹果。 Apple's iPad has problems -- so what else is new? Erik Sherman March 26, 2012 8:05 AM (MoneyWatch) COMMENTARY Apple (AAPL) has drawn a number of complaints about some of its iPad units. These include devices running hot; bad Wi-Fi reception; a misleading battery charge indicator; iTunes changing colors of photos sent to a new iPad; and devices taking up to an hour to fully charge after they indicate that they're already juiced up. The media's coverage of these problems tends to split between the Apple loyalists, who insist that nothing is wrong and everything is overblown (which might be true until your unit has a problem), and the skeptics, who see every glitch as a calamity. What makes this odd is that the same scenario now plays out after the release of virtually every Apple product. So what's going on? A combination of a high-profile company, the law of large numbers, technical complexities, and limits of engineering knowledge create a landscape ruled by Murphy's Law. The bottom line is this: Getting a new iPad -- like the new run of any other piece of hardware and software -- means there's a chance that you'll have a problem. iPad: Love the screen, hate the bills How the new iPad makes everything old again Apple eyes slicker mobile devices "This American Life Apple" kerfuffle is nonsense Unfortunately, units in the first round of any new product are the ones most likely to exhibit problems: · Modern electronics and applications are incredibly complicated. Even with extensive pre-release testing, there are only so many problems that engineers can realistically uncover. · Hardware or software designs can be vulnerable to rare combinations of environmental conditions and user actions that are next to impossible to predict. It requires having a product in actual use to see what issues come up. · When a company sells products in the volume that Apple does, it comes under the law of large numbers. Highly unusual combinations of conditions are more likely to appear. For example, if an error only happened only in one out of 5,000 units, then you'd see 600 cases out of 3,000,000 units -- the number of new iPads that Apple has reported already having sold. · As manufacturers put ever more functions into smaller electronics devices, the form factor itself can present challenges, including excess heat without room to dissipate it, or electrical signals interfering with each other. · Sometimes people just screw up big time. The more complicated a product, the more people can screw up in different places. As a result, problems are going to appear when new products hit the market, and there's nothing a company can do about it. Step away from the new product There's an old rule of thumb among technical people: Never buy a dot-oh version of a product. That refers to a new version before the company incrementally releases bug fixes. If it applies to Microsoft (MSFT), HP (HPQ), or Google (GOOG), why not Apple? Apple clearly isn't faultless. It has had problems with many of its recent products, and not all are minor. For example, The iPhone 4's antenna issues, which Steve Jobs initially blamed on how users held the devices, caused performance issues for some percentage of users. Even if reports of new iPads overheating may seem a non-issue, that wasn't the case for some iPhone users, since the device first hit store shelves in 2007. (And there's at least one report of a new iPad thatallegedly caught on fire while charging over night.) Issues aren't restricted to hardware. There were many complaints about Mac OS Lion, including aclumsy interface design and numerous reports of Wi-Fi connection issues. Unfortunately, Apple has often tried to downplay and ignore problems. Not that other vendors are always forthcoming, but there's something about the company's secretive nature that seems to make it particularly egregious. So if you're looking at the latest piece of consumer electronics eye candy from Apple, remember to apply the same rule as you should for any vendor. Wait for the product to be out for a while so that the potential issues are out in the open. And if something goes wrong when you do buy, don't be shy in demanding a fix or, if that doesn't work, returning the item. Only when consumers get more insistent that products be hassle-free straight out of the box will companies work harder to stop problems before they start. iPad退货iPhone甩卖 分析称苹果或难续辉煌 2012-03-23 20:56:08 广州日报 编者按:记者走访香港百老汇和丰泽等电器连锁店发现,新iPad在中国香港上市一周来销售并不尽如人意,市场反响平淡。而市场上,iPhone不仅货源充足,价格也一路走低,甚至已经“沦为”“街机”。不少人大唿:苹果的危机来了!一些运营商人士认为,创新能力下滑加上缺乏手机行业功底,苹果未来在手机市场可能难续辉煌。 新iPad:黄牛集体去退货 3月16日,中国香港苹果零售店正式销售新iPad,常见的果粉大军和黄牛排队长龙已经不见了。一方面在于苹果此次启用了在线预订系统,每人网上限订两部,次日在约定时间去取货。更重要的是,新iPad的吸引力大减,在网上流传的测试视频中,许多消费者无法分清新iPad和iPad2的区别到底在哪里。 以往苹果发布新产品的首日,全球粉丝彻夜排队的场面令人印象深刻,如今,苹果iPad也开始遭遇了销售遇冷的窘境。很多消费者觉得“新iPad只是iPad2的硬件升级版”。而且,新iPad还被爆出现各种问题,例如耗电量过大、运行速度变慢、机背左下方发热到47℃等。 记者走访香港百老汇和丰泽等电器连锁店发现,新iPad供货充足。在百老汇内,最低配置的新iPad售价为3888元港币,附带条件是消费者须购买 600港元的苹果配件。在丰泽电器内,新iPad售价与官方售价一样,附带条件是消费者必须在店内购买1500港元的其他产品。不过记者观察看,在半小时内较少有消费者问津新iPad,个别消费者一听到“捆绑销售”就摇头走开了。 有国外网友爆料称,苹果纽约第五大道旗舰店,有大批华人携带一兜兜的新iPad,这不是发售之日的抢购盛举,而是黄牛们纷纷前来退货。有评论认为,这么多黄牛拎着大包小包,集体前来退货的场景,可谓是首次。而以往黄牛在收购iPad2,原价再加300元~800元转售后,相当容易出手。 iPhone:一夜大甩卖沦为“街机” 一个月前,苹果官网突然敞开供应iPhone 4和iPhone 4S,除了苹果官网和专卖店,苹果的代理商和授权商手中的iPhone手机也是“你要多少有多少”。 在广州各大电脑城,各种版本的iPhone4和iPhone 4S更是货源充足,价格一路看跌;就连中国联通和中国电信,也开始大量销售裸机;国内许多企业也纷纷团购iPhone手机,发给员工作为福利。一时间,苹果手机彻底沦为“街机”。对于把“饥饿营销”发挥到极致的苹果来说,这可是破天荒头一回。 从价格看,春节前后,最低配置的iPhone 4S在水货市场也能卖到5000元以上,许多水货商大量囤货。节后价格有所回落,但基本上还在官网价格之上。最近一段时间,最低配置的iPhone 4S行货在网上也只能卖到4400元左右。 一些经销商感叹:在以前,苹果手机是唯一能长时间保值甚至升值的电子产品,从而吸引大家疯狂囤货炒作。而如今,随着苹果iPhone(参数 图片 样张 评测)手机一路走跌,经销商和黄牛们把目光转投向三星Galaxy Note等炒作对象。 分析 苹果改变在华“傲慢”销售策略 苹果手机为何一夜大甩卖呢?一方面是竞争激烈所致。调查机构Gartner发布的最新数据显示,苹果在中国智能手机的市场份额从2011年三季度的10.4%下跌至了第四季度7.5%,排名也从第四名跌到第五名;三星则已取代诺基亚成为中国第一大智能手机厂商。 另一方面,一年多来苹果自身产品的吸引力不足,也使得苹果没办法再吊起消费者胃口。比如在iPhone 4S正式进入中国之前,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克曾宣称,鉴于中国消费者火爆的需求,苹果将改变在华销售策略,这次敞开供应iPhone 4S,可能是苹果改变其“傲慢”销售策略的第一步。 记者观察 苹果即将“落叶”? “乔帮主”走后,苹果是否将走向没落了呢?行内人士指出,不仅苹果的创新能力将出现下降,其商业模式也会走到尽头,苹果的没落只是个时间问题。 北京邮电大学着名教授吕廷杰断言iPhone不可能一直成功。他在一个主题演讲中表示,iPhone是简单地把互联网的商业模式搬到了手机上,没有深刻理解移动互联网与互联网的重大区别。吕廷杰指出,如果在有限的带宽内导致了拥塞和断网等恶劣现象时,iPhone应用一旦出现雪崩效应,iPhone “必死无疑”。 苹果或退出手机市场 iPhone无疑是苹果最大的产品线,在苹果的营收和衡量其股价的权重中均超过了50%,所以iphone的市场表现将决定苹果今年的走势。广东某电信运营商人士认为,苹果在手机市场的地位面临巨大挑战,未来几年甚至有可能退出手机市场。他认为,一方面,苹果的优势在于应用,对通信协议的理解和把握并不强,手机通话等基本功能在几大手机厂商中是较差的,iPhone的信号问题也屡遭诟病,已引起消费者不满。另一方面,苹果自身并不持有手机芯片等技术专利。现在,摩托罗拉、三星等公司因为手机专利而纷纷起诉苹果,苹果未来面临更加不利的局面。 |