面书周五就要在二级市场开始交易了。如果按照人们预期的每股34美元计算,这家今年的预计年销售额只有区区50亿美元,并且,季度与季度间比较,成长已经开始为负值的公司,其市值将达到谷歌市值的一半,而销售额却只有谷歌的355亿美元的七分之一不到。 这样计算下来,你应该不难看出,投资“面书”(Facebook)的风险到底有多大了。我记得,面书从2008年开始搞“私下”交易时的估值是81亿美元。在上个月,人们私下交易时,再想买,付出的价码就是1068亿美元了,相当于今年年度销售额的21倍:它每获得一枚钢镚,你就得付出21个钢镚为代价来当它的股东。 况且,面书的前景远不能说就必然会比谷歌好。就成长潜力和竞争力而言,面书可能还不如谷歌。最近,GE下掉在面书的广告,似乎是一个很强烈的信号了。同时,在手机等无线电器上“业务”“蒸蒸日上”的面书,一方面,面临无法将流量变成金钱的困境,另一方面,又面临被越来越多的公司阻击(禁止雇员在上班时间使用面书!)的尴尬。 就是因为这样的原因,一方面,面书内部在大量借机卖出股份套现,同时,公司的创始人又在费尽心思的,在承担最小的经济风险的前提下,获得对公司最大程度的控制权力。他们就此制定的,就是一个非常不公平的“合约”。公司内部拥有的股份,一股对应一股的选举权,而在二级市场投资的股东们,十股才拥有内部股东一股的选举权。 这和集权与强制性的独裁没有任何的区别。投资这样的公司,二级市场上的投资者,除了承担巨大的投资风险之外,没有什么甜头。在你话语权很小的情况下,你就给了公司的管理层更大的胡作非为的机会和权力。特别是,把舵公司的,还是一个年轻的,感觉上也不是很有经营智慧的固执家伙,在“占有茅坑”。 就是这个家伙,为了节省点金钱,连让自己发迹的美国都被卖了。在我眼中,他好像就是为了金钱和权力而生存。为了金钱,同时又不愿意付出对应的权力分享。他好像是想改造美国企业的玩法,搞点独裁权力方面的创新了。 至于经营潜力方面,面书面对的未来很难让人乐观起来。有点意思的是,他的很大一部分的收益(五分之一),居然是来源于一家游戏公司的利润分享。在今天这个时候,网络游戏已经早就不再是香饽饽的经营业务了,也不太有可能在未来再次成为香饽饽了。 一句话,区区50亿美元的年销售额,销售额和利润成长空间非常有限的一家公司,只是因为大名鼎鼎,就卖出1000亿美元的市值,而且,卖出的股份,大部分还是来自投资者的兑现,在这种情况下,如果你也牛哄哄的参与投资的话,你大亏的可能性远远大于你大赚的可能性。 下面是人们给出的十八个理由,你读读,看看有没有道理。或许,你还能给出更多的理由。这时候,在这种情况下,你投资,很可能就是在接刀子,在玩“比傻游戏”中比较“尾期”的接棒者。你的结局又能够好到哪里去呢。 在这里,我不是说,该公司的股票就必然会跌。只是告诉你,这时候投资这样的公司,和赌博也没有太大的差别。而且,你面临的风险,可能比在赌场还要大很多。在赌场赌博,你输的几率不过51%的样子,而在这里,却远高于这个比例。 好自为之。 The 18 Big Risks To Consider In The Facebook IPO May 15, 2012 by Administrator It seems as though almost everyone wants a piece of the Facebook IPO. The social networking giant is set to come public this Friday in what will be one of the most highly watched initial public offerings of a lifetime. The price range was lifted to $34 to $38 per share with a value of roughly $100 billion. With potentially even more shares being sold by holders now, it is time to ask about what some of the risks are in this huge IPO. The deal was already oversubscribed with more than a week to go, and the order books are already said to be full. Most investors and watchers are focused on how large Facebook is and how big its opportunities are in the future. There may be a side of caution with a super-premium valuation at the IPO here. 24/7 Wall St. wants to at least run up some of the less obvious flags of caution which investors should at least consider on the risk side before throwing their life savings into the social networking leader. Leadership is a huge risk here… Facebook is effectively going to be controlled by 28-year old Mark Zuckerberg. He will hold or have the ability to control approximately 57% of the voting power of the outstanding capital stock following this offering. The fact that Zuckerberg’s ‘hoodie’ stood out in the IPO roadshow more than anything else may bring some caution. Zuckerberg also apparently gets to appoint a successor, making this somewhat like a kingdom rather than a public company. NO real voting power for holders… Facebook has this dual-class of shares. This gives what is effectively zero power to common shareholders. Shares of the Class A common stock are entitled to one vote per share while shares of Class B common stock are entitled to ten votes per share. This is another example of a public company that might as well not even hold annual shareholder meetings. Google hype versus Facebook hype… The last big frenzy of this sort that comes to mind is Google Inc.. Facebook will already be worth half of what Google is worth today, yet Google is expected to generate almost $35.5 billion in sales in 2012. If you just annualize the first quarter Facebook revenues with 10% growth sequentially in each quarter, the Facebook revenues would come to about $4.9 billion in 2012. Sequential revenue growth has already faltered… We just noted the revenue path if Facebook grows revenues 10% sequentially each quarter, but the reality is that in the first quarter of 2012 the social media giant saw negative sequential revenue trends. Facebook generated revenues of $1.06 billion versus $731 million a year earlier and net income attributable to shareholders was listed as $137 million versus $153 million. Facebook saw its first sequential decline in revenues as the fourth quarter of 2011 had combined revenues of $1.131 billion. Despite seasonality, the growth opportunity here is so large that the company should still be growing sequentially at this point. Are Too many insiders selling?… Facebook is offering 180,000,000 Class A shares versus some 241,233,615 Class A shares being sold by existing shareholders. It is often expected that the insiders and backers can get a chance to sell shares, but many investors are probably hoping that an offering of this size could be mostly for the benefit of the company rather than an offering that is instantly going to create thousands of new liquid millionaires rather than paper millionaires. Buying up outfits regardless of price… Facebook has already shown that it will make acquisitions without an explanation of revenue ambitions. Oddly enough, word was out that the company was not going to do that but it did. The latest $1 billion deal for Instagram has been criticized and it looks like Mark Zuckerberg over-rode any objections from board members to this deal. How many more deals are lurking out there where no revenues are on the table? Skeptics are out in force… A recent poll shows that the Facebook is facing public distrust and also facing apathy from display advertisers who have been very disappointed in the ad results from Facebook compared to results at Google and elsewhere. A CNBC-AP poll showed that 57% of users never click on Facebook ads and another 26% said they hardly ever click on ads on Facebook. The pre-IPO analysts… Two Wall Street analysts have already issued “Buy” ratings (or equivalent) with one target at $44 and one at $46 per share. What happens if the stock opens too close to those ratings or opens above those target prices? It will be weeks before the underwriters can issue their own ratings due to a quiet period of underwriting firms. Morningstar put its fair value target initially at $32 per share, which already creates some caution here if you look for other independent views outside of Wall Street. Whether or not this guy’s past is convoluted or not in analyzing internet companies is one thing, but Henry Blodgett of Business Insider recently called the Facebook IPO “Muppet Bait.” IPOdesktop.com puts its price projection for Facebook at $18 a share six to nine months from now. Big dilution or widening out of the free float ahead… This is another IPO where a small portion of the shares will be available in the free-float after the initial public offering. In six months (or less if the company moves up its lock-up expiration) will come one giant shareholder lock-up expiration. That will allow for even more insiders and shareholders to unload shares that will increase the float substantially. A much larger float may drive down the share price after the IPO frenzy has cooled. Brain drain risks, the exodus… Another problem exists after insiders and employees make their millions of dollars from this IPO. These people may opt to leave to go form their own start-ups. This is the risk of a brain-drain early on in the company. The New York Times recently showed how Facebook insiders have already left to go out to new start-ups and ventures. This is a risk for any IPO making many millionaires, but it is a risk nonetheless. Corporate backlash risks… Companies may start to limit Facebook access at work by their employees. Some companies already block Facebook as a ‘productivity killer.’ This trend has not taken on a full swing ahead yet, but at some point companies have to consider security. That Koobface worm/virus infiltrated many computers at work and at home, and companies have to consider network security and the costs associated with allowing access to sites where viruses can infiltrate the system. Virus/Worm risks… Maybe this sounds redundant, but if another version of Koobface surfaces through the Facebook network, it could harm the company’s reputation. It could also create more distrust among Facebook users, particularly if they have to go pay $50 or $100 to get the virus removed. This is perhaps one of the largest long-term risks and caveats for this company. Reliance upon Zynga… Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ: ZNGA) is tied too closely to Facebook or Facebook is tied closely to Zynga for social gaming as a percentage of sales. The filing showed that in 2011 and the first quarter of 2012, up to 19% and 15% of Facebook’s revenue, respectively, was derived from payments processing fees from Zynga, direct advertising from Zynga, and revenue from third parties for ads shown on pages generated by Zynga apps. Zynga is already trying to diversify its reliance and Facebook’s filing under Risks noted, “If Zynga does not maintain its level of engagement with our users or if we are unable to successfully maintain our relationship with Zynga, our financial results could be harmed.” The mobile dominance risks… Facebook recently showed that it was getting more focused on mobile Facebook users. The problem is that mobile users are incredibly hard to make any revenues off of if you are not directly selling something to them. The hype has been around for years about the hope of mobile advertising, yet mobile advertising generates very little in advertising dollars compared to desktop advertising. If everyone is just accessing Facebook through their iPhone and Droid smartphones, Facebook could find revenues challenging. Outside pressure from other companies (and owners)… Another risk to Facebook, despite the Zuckerberg control, is that many companies may be able to force this company into doing things it might not want to do. Microsoft Corporation was a fairly early investor and it may take a larger stake. That creates the opportunity for Bing to be the ‘Facebook search of choice” at a time when Google’s U.S. shares of search is still more than double that of Bing. What if Facebook is fully valued at the IPO?… If Facebook shares get priced too high and something unexpected happens that causes the shares to drop right out of the gate, then Main Street investors would likely feel on last time that they have no chance to win by investing in stocks. It would be a morale-killer of epic proportions due to the major hype that has gone into this IPO and great growth story. Post-IPO loss possibilities from chasing shares… Perhaps the largest risk is not really in the IPO shares at all, but in the aftermarket. Facebook is expected to open at a premium to the pricing, but if too many investors buy into the open market after the IPO and then see their share values tank over the hours or days after the IPO, then they may feel a bit duped. One last thought of risks, the easy money may have been made already… There are already many owners of Facebook shares ahead of the IPO. It is possible that even the IPO subscribers are getting in after the smart money already figured out how to get in here ahead of the IPO. That is probably more of a risk for the post-IPO buyers but it is an ongoing risk. We have said that there are still some ways to buy into Facebook ahead of the IPO, and those alternatives as ways to get exposure to Facebook now are here. ***** So, you have heard risk after risk here. We skipped over the competitive risks, the risks to user privacy, the currency risks, and many of the other obvious risks that exist in any IPO. The reality is that as of now Facebook is going to be able to sell as many shares as it wants to, and the share price might not even matter at first. Still, investors need understand the risks of any story even if it is the great growth story of Facebook. A ‘caveat emptor’ review should be considered before making any investment. We have been asked multiple times about whether or not investors should subscribe to the Facebook IPO and our answer has been, “Yes, as long as you have no lock-up restrictions that prevent you from being able to take a profit right after the IPO if you want.” JON C. OGG Facebook股票抢夺战:中国富人争做股东 外滩画报 于 2012-02-02! 身在加州的布朗,最近颇为郁闷。一切迹象显示,Facebook上市在即。但高盛早已禁止任何一个美国人,购买其设立的Facebook特殊用途基金。 2011年1月,高盛自营部门向Facebook投资4亿美元(占股0.8%),并向其海外客户(非美国客户)发行一支规模达15亿美元的Facebook特殊用途基金,用以购买Facebook 2%的股权。 “主要是媒体太过于关注此事了。”高盛在一份声明中如此表示。而Facebook CEO马克.扎克伯格的团队则出面回应说:“高盛最适合回答任何问题。” 这已不是一个新闻,格局早已形成。问题是,2012年新年到来之际,高盛在中国转手Facebook股份的动作越来越大、反差愈发鲜明。几天前,一份中国平安信托的“QDII股权挂钩结构性产品-脸谱(Facebook)未上市股权” 募集资料,开始悄然在中国富人之间流传。至于高盛所售Facebook股权是来自高盛自营部门的投资,还是其海外客户委托高盛协助出售,不得而知。 要知道,仅仅一年前,高盛还游说过沙特国王阿卜杜拉斥资1500亿美元,买断Facebook的所有权。 在Facebook的页面上不断出现埃及和利比亚民众举行抗议的信息之后,阿卜杜拉国王的担心进一步加剧,因此高盛建议他买断Facebook 的所有权,进而“斩草除根”。高盛建议阿卜杜拉国王出价1500亿美元,但看到Facebook的资产负债表之后,阿卜杜拉国王的幕僚均认为,Facebook连10亿美元都不值,因为这家公司根本无法带来任何利润。 但中国富人的反应全然不同。早在2008年,华人商界领袖李嘉诚就以个人名义购买了1.2亿美元的Facebook股份。去年,柳传志带队的中国内地企业家,也专程奔赴Facebook总部考察。“扎克伯格现在已经能够全程用中文交流了,虽然语速很慢、但反应极其机敏。”TCL总裁李东生说。曹国伟和李东生尤其对Facebook的签到墙印象深刻。 2012年,对于中国富人来说,入股Facebook则越来越具象。当机会来临,人们心急如焚——《21世纪经济报道》引用化名商人施建荣的话,就显示了这样的心态:“宁愿牺牲两年6%人民币升值带来的汇兑损失,也想分享‘脸谱(Facebook)’100亿美元的上市募资盛宴。” 李嘉诚就是榜样,当初1.2亿美元的投资,如今已经升值到4亿美元。高盛正如愿在富人圈里,掀起一场抢夺Facebook股票的大战。 不过,《时代》周刊还是泼了冷水:“Facebook约500亿美元的高估值,包含了高盛这种老牌投资承销商为了私利使用的伎俩。越来越多的迹象显示,技术领域的泡沫正在形成。”该周刊发文称,最令人不安的是,现在投资者相信Facebook价值500亿美元。 对此,易凯资本首席执行官王冉指出:“Facebook在2010年前九个月有3.55亿美元的净利润,假设全年能做到5个亿,2011年再翻一番。500亿美元的估值,也就是50倍的前瞻市盈率。同很多在美国和境内上市的中国互联网公司相比,这个估值并不显得太贵。” 这还不是最贵的,美国著名的未上市股票交易平台SharesPost估计,截止去年9月,社交网站巨头Facebook的市值可达800亿美元。去年9月,由SharesPost股票交易平台旗下的自营经纪商成功完成了拍卖10万股Facebook B类普通股的交易,每股结算价为32美元。而在记者截稿的1月12日,这个网站的Facebook B类普通股报价为74美元。SharesPost专为Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn等当红未上市新创公司股票提供交易平台。 高盛是那只“庞大的吸血乌贼”吗? 《滚石》杂志对于高盛也没好气——它将后者形容为一只“庞大的吸血乌贼”,喜欢将“吸血触角”刺入任何可以赚钱的东西。现在,它把触角伸向了Facebook。 如今,没有比Facebook更完美的吹捧对象了。这个不足8岁的社交网站,吸引来了8亿活跃用户,创始人兼CEO扎克伯格还被《时代》周刊评为2010年度人物。当一家私人公司展露出如此的创新水平,获得这样的成功,牵动如此广泛公众的神经时,任何投资人都希望自己能成为其中的一分子,这本无可厚非。 何况,Facebook计划在今年早些时候提交上市申请。高盛和大摩为了成为其承销商,早就斗得你死我活。 《华尔街日报》称,为了准备上市,Facebook高层已经和华尔街的投行展开磋商。 不过,这一次高盛先下了手。去年,它携手俄罗斯投资公司DST向Facebook注资5亿美元,使这家全球最受欢迎的社交网站估值达到500亿美元。另外,它甚至还专门成立了一支总额高达15亿美元的Facebook特殊用途基金。 相对于高盛自营业务对Facebook的直接投资而言,该公司的“特殊用途基金”或许更加引人关注。这只基金专门面向富豪客户募集资金,并将用于投资Facebook。 知情人士透露,高盛针对该交易收取高额费率:4%的申购费外加5%的利润分成。尽管费率较高,但该公司对客户表示,这一基金有望获得大幅超额认购。 申购该基金的高盛客户最低投资额度为200万美元,而且在2013年前都将禁止出售该股。该公司还对潜在投资者表示,如果他们参与这一投资,就无法在私有市场上交易Facebook股票。 问题是高盛精心设计的这只基金,很快就受到了美国证券管理委员会(以下简称“SEC”)的关注。按照美国法律规定:通常要求股东人数超过499人的企业,公布季度盈利和经过审计的财务信息。 而这是Facebook创始人马克.扎克伯格不愿看到的。因为一旦股东人数突破了500人的天花板,就具备了某种“准公众公司”的性质,会不断招致SEC一系列的公开调查。 从技术上讲,高盛成立的这家投资基金只会被当做Facebook的一名股东记录在册。但是多名证券律师表示,SEC可能会认为,这种投资结构破坏了法律精神,并将该基金的申购者都作为Facebook股东记录在册。 “这是证券法律会议上讨论的最棘手的技术和政策问题之一。像Facebook这样的企业如今都在以非常快的速度成长,他们的股票也被很多人持有,十年前颁布的证券法或许无法对他们完全适用。”美国风险投资公司Blue Mesa管理合伙人、证券律师马克.摩根斯登说。 律师认为,SEC的问讯有可能会对投资Facebook等新兴企业的风险投资公司产生副作用。“假如SEC简单地制定一条规定,要求企业必须查看投资基金,以确定股东人数,我会感到很意外。”美国律师事务所Herrick证券律师史蒂芬.福克斯表示。 但事实是,高盛这样的私募股本投资交易,一直受到美国证券交易委员会的严格监管限定。 去年1月3日,美国另一家未上市股票交易平台SecondMarket的一个经纪人表示,已经收到SEC对有关私有公司股票投资基金相关数据的询问。高盛这只基金正属于被调查对象。 此后,诸多高盛投资者被告知,“由于监管忧虑,交易只限于非美国人。” 据《华尔街日报》报道,高盛后来将此次私募行动对象限制为“非美客户”,可能就是为了规避美国证券交易委员会的有关规定。根据该规定,类似于 Facebook这样的私募交易“不能够成为同私募相关的广告、推广研讨会以及公开会议的主题”。而在美国以外,相关交易公开规定在同“专业投资者”的私募行动中更为宽松,鉴于高盛的私募活动一直是外界关注的焦点,集团在美国以外市场开展交易将更为便利。 在宣布禁止美国人客户投资Facebook后,高盛集团说:“对这项决定的后果表示遗憾,但是我们坚信这将是最谨慎的选择”。 有分析认为,高盛在其美国国内大型客户考虑是否向Facebook投资之时将其“拒之门外”,势必将破坏该集团同这些大型客户之间的关系。但失去了他们,高盛实现私募投资目标似乎也是十拿九稳。据一名熟悉内情的人士透露,高盛目前已经收到超过70亿美元的针对Facebook的投资请求。也就是说,即使没有来自美国国内的投资者,高盛集团也可以轻易达到之前的私募投资目标。 这就是为什么中国商人从未幻想过自己有机会成为 Facebook的股东,苍天却偏偏掉下了这么一块“馅饼”? 但中国富人通过QDII渠道入股Facebook,并非易事。条款之严苛,出乎意料。 据21世纪经济报道,“听说这款QDII信托产品总募资额只有2400万美元(约合1.5亿元人民币),按照最低投资额500万元人民币或等值美元计算,最多30位中国买家能幸运成为Facebook股东。”施建荣的语气略带几分唏嘘,尽管募资资料没有给出合格投资者的准入门槛。 根据中国平安信托的“QDII股权挂钩结构性产品-脸谱(Facebook)未上市股权” 募集资料显示,QDII信托计划通过持有海外投行发行的结构性票据,达到间接持有Facebook股权的目的;一旦Facebook上市,持有人仍将显示为上述海外投行。 QDII信托产品还规定Facebook股票抛售价格暂定为投资者委托后连续5天的收盘价平均价格,且退出计划需由Facebook方面确认。 “设定严格限制的目的,就是将海外客户群设定为单一股东(或一致行动人),以避免Facebook忽然增加上百位海外股东,进而必须遵循按SEC要求公开财务数据。”一位投行人士如此解释说。 股票抢夺战 高盛集团宣布将为其私人客户提供投资Facebook的机会(尽管没有美国人的份),激起了其高端客户之间的股票抢夺战。因为有钱的高盛客户,谁都希望分上一杯羹。 要成为高盛私人财富管理业务(也就是发售Facebook股票的部门)的客户,必须拥有至少1000万美元的资产净值。 高盛近日在一份备忘录中告诉客户,要得到Facebook的股票,他们必须保证至少购买200万美元的股票,并在2013年之前不允许出售这些股票。财富顾问说,一个家族需要拥有至少3000万美元的资产净值,才适合向一只两年不能变现的股票投资200万美元。 在一份电子邮件中,高盛拒绝就该交易或对客户规定的条款置评。 上述备忘录还告知客户,有关Facebook的信息是高度保密的重要非公开信息,不允许任何不适当的泄露。备忘录说,该信息不能被使用,除非与信息获得人的投资有关。 但是,熟知该交易的人士说,股票预订量达到现有提供量的三到四倍是有可能的。因此向客户配发股票迅速变成一场竞争激烈的讨价还价交易,其结果将决定哪些客户得到最多的股票。 例如要求得到200万美元股票的客户也许只能得到50万美元的股票。而有些要求500万美元到1,000万美元股票的客户可能获得200万美元的股票。 这种竞相抬价的状况会产生将较小(也就是实力较差的)客户淘汰出局的结果,因为客户必须证明,万一他们的股票购买要求被全额满足,他们有现钱购买所要求的股份数。 为部分高盛客户做财富管理咨询工作的一名顾问说,我们听说较大的客户会拿到最多的股份数,实力较弱的客户也许得到的较少,甚至拿不到;但在这一行内这种现象并非异常;他们想让最大的客户享受最好的待遇。 投资高盛“投资合伙人基金”(Goldman Sachs Investment Partners fund)的高盛客户也将得到少量股票,但数量可能很少。这是一只面向私人客户的基金。据两名高盛的客户说,这些客户可能会获得2.5万美元到5万美元的股票。 “人人都爱Facebook”,但是一定要经过高盛经纪人吗? 财经网站滚雪球(i美股)创始人方三文在接受《外滩画报》采访时,就给出了另一个答案。“如果你有实力,就可以用别的方法买到Facebook股票。”尽管Facebook并未上市,但在成熟的多层次美国资本市场,投资未上市私有公司(private company)并不是VC与PE们的专利,普通的中国投资者亦可通过未公开上市股票交易平台投资B类普通股,Sharespost就是这样一个平台,专为Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn等当红未上市新创公司股票提供交易平台。 “投资过程并不繁琐,首先你可以在Sharespost网站上注册。注册成功后你就可以查看在此网站交易的所有公司的股票报价、股票出售量并进行股票买卖。包括Facebook、Twitter、Groupon、Linkedin、Zynga(未公开上市前)等一批引领当今互联网风潮的公司,它们的股票都可以在该网站进行交易。而Sharespost仅是美国资本市场诸多私有股票交易平台之一,还有如SecondMarket等网站都是私有公司员工售股、投资人购股的常用交易平台。” 方三文介绍说。 投资美国私有公司也有限制,但门槛很低。 方三文指出:“首先,根据美国SEC法规,该市场的交易只限于有公信力的投资者参与,即美国SEC认可的净资产超过100万美元(不包括房产)或年收入连续两年在20万美元以上的投资者。 其次,每笔交易成功后,股票买卖双方都必须向美国联邦银行缴纳一定税金。如Facebook为2500美元,Zynga为4500至6000美元。 最后,Sharespost的注册用户每月需要支付34美元的账户费。 去年9月,SharesPost曾经拍卖了10万股Facebook股票,起拍价为每股23美元。方三文指出:“若以底价23美元一股计算,Facebook估值将达460亿美元。而在2005年Facebook获得第一笔风险投资时,估值仅为1亿美元。六年时间,Facebook市值增长了460倍。” “这仅仅是Facebook作为私有公司在市场进行交易的估值,若待到上市,又该是怎样的庞然巨物,市值相较现在又将增长几何? ”i美股如此评价道。 疯狂生长 在创办Facebook的最初几年里,马克.扎克伯格一直设法让网站保持“酷”的风格。但是在过去的18个月里,作为公司的创办者和首席执行官,扎克伯格通过系统的准备,让Facebook不仅看上去、而且行为上也更像是一家蓝筹公司。 消息人士透露,Facebook可能将通过首次公开招股募集100亿美元资金,如此一来,市场对这家公司的估值将超过1000亿美元。 原本有普遍观点认为,Facebook将在2012年4月之前实施IPO。但《金融时报》报道称估计将延期至2012年底。延期的背景在于美股行情下跌等原因。 对于华尔街来说,Facebook上市将成为近十年以来最有吸引力的IPO,不仅可以获得数亿美元的承销费用,还可以增强在业界的话语权。 对于Facebook IPO后的总市值也有各种猜测。美国韦德布什证券社交媒体分析师卢.柯纳表示:“经我们计算,预计总市值2011年度将达到840亿美元。而且这还是相当保守的数字。” 柯纳预计Facebook总市值2015年度将达到2340亿美元。虽然目前不及IT(信息技术)电机企业中总市值最高的美国苹果(2011年 9月30日收盘市值为3640亿美元),但史蒂夫.乔布斯离世后如果苹果业绩不佳的话,到2015年前后,Facebook也许就会成为IT板块的代表性股票。 其实,对Facebook股票将来看涨的观点日益活跃。原职员持有的股票在SharesPost上的行情看涨就是明证。 不过,也有对看涨预测发出警告的。美国PGB Trust & Investments资产组合经理约翰J李表示:“对PL(损益表)和BS(资产负债表)都尚未明确的公司如此信服,这本身就很奇怪?” 从去年开始,Facebook的高管们就不再对外透露公司的季度财务状况,这也引发了市场分析师对公司营收和利润的揣测。Facebook甚至亲自撰写了绝密级的首次公开招股说明书,而通常情况下这一工作都是由投资银行来完成的。 Facebook首席财务官大卫.伊博斯曼一直亲自审计Facebook每个季度的财务报表,是为了避免Groupon和Zynga因为采用不同的会计方式而遇到的问题。 去年,团购网站Groupon和社交游戏公司Zynga在首次公开招股时的糟糕表现,已让投资人开始重新审查Facebook。Groupon当前的股价较首日的收盘价下跌了12%,而Zynga更是在上市数分钟后,便宣告破发。 为什么Facebook在股市上如此倍受追捧?其原因在于,对该公司描绘的前景有共鸣感的用户及企业为数众多。Facebook打算从根本上重塑互联网。该公司合作伙伴关系和平台市场营销副总裁丹.罗斯(Dan Rose)将这一前景诠释为“社会化设计(Social Design)”。“以往的互联网是以信息为中心而设计的。而社会化设计的概念,描绘的是以人为中心来定位的互联网世界。”这样,照片、游戏、音乐及电影等广义的媒体都将脱胎换骨。 去年9月22日,Facebook公开了将用户个人史汇总到一页上显示的“时间线(Timeline)”功能。另外还提出了对朋友在Facebook网内听音乐或看电影的信息实时共享的“开放图谱(OpenGraph)”新构想。 尽管对Facebook的投资现在似乎很有前景。但《纽约时报》指出,高盛及其投资者最终仍然有可能血本无归。在互联网泡沫时期,高盛曾经对美国网络杂货铺Webvan投资1亿美元,但该公司最终破产。 在王冉看来,在这一轮Facebook 的争夺战中,“(下注者)已经看清楚了输赢,赌的就是明天”。 |