周六爬得不过瘾, 周日再上山, 拔高430米, 阳光灿烂, 透过参天大树, 凉风习习, 很舒服.这条路很多mountain biking, 是他们的乐土. The North Road Trail, on the eastern side of Burnaby Mountain below Simon Fraser University, is one of the more moderate monuntain biking trails in the area, and a great trail to practice your riding skills in all seasons. The North Road trail has a number of skinnies and ladders, rocky sections, steep ramps and small kickers, but all are optional. It is a relatively flat trail, and can be done as an out and back, or can be linked up to a number of other trails on Burnaby Mountain to make a loop. The trail has a number of sections. Follow the trail most travelled. Halfway along there is a very cool practice area, with log rides, some rampage and a small kicker. Enjoy. 