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Solitary Confinement in tne Lockup 2016-06-09 06:18:01

1. Prelude

         Guanxian is a famous sightseeing resort town in China for its world-renowned Dujiangyan and Chingcheng Mountain. But, back in those years when class struggle like raging wild fires spread over every corner of China, the present day popular term of sight-seeing tours was still frozen in the locked-up dictionaries.  I was quite familiar with the famous legend of Governor LiBing together with his son who had regulated the rivers some 2000 years ago; now being in such depressed mood as a prisoner-to-be, even walking under armed escort through the famous bamboo suspension bridge, I did not even cast a glance to the beautiful sceneries surrounding me.

    In the Second Detachment of Railway Construction, similar to all the other LR or Laogai (Labor Camp) setups, there was a special unit called Intensive Surveillance Team, (some called Strict-Control Team), for the purpose of confining all kinds of the so-called anti-reform elements. That one of the Second Detachment was located at Zipingpu in Guanxian. Usually every captured escapee was first sent there for further interrogation. Once you were there, the authorities would investigate into your files, meanwhile gave you a head-on blow. They adopted the infamous Chinese principle of “evil against evil”, putting you in a denouncing meeting, asking you to confess all crimes you perpetrated on the run. They  used  old-time anti-reform elements to abuse you with whatever means they could lay their hands to, let the worst part of human nature find its way out, but kept a blind eye to it. The various kinds of torture instrument used was just for “strongly rescuing” you, or only to “weaken your arrogance in anti-reforming”. The result of it was physically turning your body into a mess of bruises and scars, and mentally put you into the lowest spirit. After this first step finished flawlessly, you were confined in the stinking dormitory, to self-examine your own counterrevolutionary crimes.

    I was not exempted from the routine schedule. While I proceeded into the self-examine period, in a pitchy dark night of the last week in December, when all the anti reformists were deeply in their dreams, two armed police abruptly called me up. I was, at the time, as usual with both wrists shackled behind my back (hind-shackled.) They ordered me to walk out right away. After doing so, I saw a military truck standing at the far end of the exercise ground; several soldiers in military overcoats with Russian style rifles on their shoulders were waiting. The hind plank of the truck was open, as if waiting to be loaded. A harsh ordering voice was heard from inside the truck: “Come here, get on the truck!” I knew by experience this kind of rude calling was exclusively for elements like us, so I walked over. But since both hands were shackled at my back, there was simply no way for me to climb up. Seeing this, several soldiers rounded up, some grabbing my arms and some legs, raised me up and threw me onto the truck just like throwing a sack of goods. With a “bang”, my right thigh bone bumped against the plank first, brought about a drilling sharp pain that I was unable to describe.

    The ground soldiers climbed onto the truck and ordered me to sit up in the middle. Soon the engine was turned on. The soldiers unloaded their guns from their shoulders, fixed their bayonets and pointed them toward me. On seeing this I could not help musing: was it necessary to deploy such strong armed force to deal with a weak bookworm like me? I had not long before been tormented with wounds all over my body, and both my wrists were gnawed by handcuffs behind my back, not even possible to move, and now they were still using so many sharp blades aiming at me.  What for?  The only weapon of mine at this time under their slaughter was nothing but my vision. Such an absurd scene only made me wonder: Wasn’t the director of this drama having problems with his own nerves?

      The truck was trudging on the rugged mountain road. The undulating terrain made me inevitably ponder, to where they were taking me in such a dark night? Were they taking me to some desolate place to shoot me dead? But it seemed unnecessary. Had it been imperative to put me to death, they could do it fair easily, just publish a list of my crimes, and kill me in broad daylight so as to give the other offenders a serious warning. They have their State apparatus at hand, no one dared to raise any question. According to their typical convict terms, my crimes were so malicious that sparing of my life would soon arouse the people’s indignation. How convincing it was!

    In the darkness I couldn’t make out my destination, but only wished the road would be smooth all the way, and no incidents would ever occur to cause an emergent skid. Otherwise, if any one of the bayonet-holding soldiers lost his balance, his sharp blade could easily thrust into my body just by inertia, and bring a serious new wound to my all-bruised body, or even have my valueless life taken away right on the spot.

    Thank God everything was OK all the way; now I could see streetlights by the roadside telling me we were in the city this time. From the thirty minute’s drive I reckoned we were in Guanxian County itself by now.

    Finally the truck pulled up into a courtyard. Before I was ordered to get down, the ‘bayonets’ jumped down all at once. I was afraid to have myself served as a ‘sack’ again, and moved to the rear as soon as possible. Been thrown down into the ground would significantly differ from onto the truck; it could easily break my neck and cost my valueless life, not just a throbbing pain again. I managed to slither down without the help of my arms; easy to say here but hard to achieve down there.

    I was taken into a room looked like a meeting room. Some ten people or so were sitting around a big table about a pingpong table’s size. I was brought to a corner opposite them where a small stool was for me.

    After every one was seated, my interrogation started. In the past I had had the experience of seeing doctors’ group consultation of a patient, but had no knowledge of many interrogators doing the same job at a prisoner. It was after a few years I came to know, that the reason of their treating me like a dangerous enemy was because in our Second Detachment of Railway Construction, a “counterrevolution group” named “The Union of Leninist Communists” had been unearthed.  A couple of scores of LR rightists got involved.  The top two, by name of Zou Juzhen and Yang Yingsen were executed the next year. Among them, Yang Yingsen was in the same squad with me and was said to be ‘singing the same tune’ with me.  The group’s name was close to the “Union of Communists” of then Yugoslavia, and in my verdict I was suspected to escape to the Embassy of Yugoslavia to ask for political asylum. (Quoted from my indictment from Procurator of Guanxian) It was said that the above case had alerted The Ministry of Public Security in Beijing, and a special group for investigation was dispatched to our place. Probably they were taking me for an important member of the group, being sent out to seek for support from foreign countries. Probably this answered the question that they spared no effort to deploy so many bayonets. To their disappointment, actually while this ‘organization’ was taking place I was already at large outside. There were no cellular phone at that time; we had no way to communicate. How could I know things occurred in the LR detachment when I was a thousand miles away? Too bad this argument was only my own assertion. In addition, and not to be astonished at all, as it was finally discovered after many years, the whole case was fabricated. All of them were wrongfully executed and sentenced, but I will deal with it at a separate section later.

    This serious interrogation took place more than forty years ago, all the conversations that night had vanished from my memory, only two things could still be called to my mind.

    One of them was that a night meal was served during the interrogation. Of course not for me, I could only sense the delicious smell of omelet, and the merry sound from their slurping of the noodles. Being full of evil intentions as I was assumed to be, I went so far as to doubt why they deliberately scheduled the interrogation at night. Actually they could have done it at any time during the day. The consumption of extra egg-noodle as a purpose could not be excluded. It ought to be known in those ‘Natural Calamity’ years, for the sake of getting more to eat, it was never exaggerating nor fabricating that people would spare no effort to create excuses, even plot conspiracies to achieve the goal, not even cadres from the central government were exempted. Please don’t overlook these additional mouthful of noodles, since every ounce of grain was strictly controlled by the government, they could only use my interrogation as an excuse to get it.

    The second one was my handcuffs were finally released. I have to make some explanations here: anyone who had been hind-shackled for over twenty days would have his physical conditions altered if not permanently damaged. Once the handcuffs were released, he should by no way to move his arms to the front directly. Doing so will bring serious pain almost unbearable, in serious cases dislocation was possible.

    It happened that night after I, the interrogated, had finished reading the record of their interrogation, should sign on every page to make my confirmation.  But apparently I couldn’t do it with my hands cuffed in my back. When everyone of them was racking his brain to find a way to solve this problem, the one sitting in the center broke out: “Open them for him.”  I could make out he was the highest leader of the group from his tone also from the respect the others were paying to him. At his word, my handcuffs were at once released. But my hands were still unable to move forward, so the young guy performing this task could only bring the ink stand to my back, holding my thumb to have it inked, then press it accordingly behind me. I felt sorry for not being able even to draw a circle like the illiterates would do.

    At 3:00 am, I was sent to Chen’s Alley Lockup of the Police Station of Guanxian, to start a new phase of my humble life.

 1. Prelude

         Guanxian is a famous sightseeing resort town in China for its world-renowned Dujiangyan and Chingcheng Mountain. But, back in those years when class struggle like raging wild fires spread over every corner of China, the present day popular term of sight-seeing tours was still frozen in the locked-up dictionaries.  I was quite familiar with the famous legend of Governor LiBing together with his son who had regulated the rivers some 2000 years ago; now being in such depressed mood as a prisoner-to-be, even walking under armed escort through the famous bamboo suspension bridge, I did not even cast a glance to the beautiful sceneries surrounding me.

    In the Second Detachment of Railway Construction, similar to all the other LR or Laogai (Labor Camp) setups, there was a special unit called Intensive Surveillance Team, (some called Strict-Control Team), for the purpose of confining all kinds of the so-called anti-reform elements. That one of the Second Detachment was located at Zipingpu in Guanxian. Usually every captured escapee was first sent there for further interrogation. Once you were there, the authorities would investigate into your files, meanwhile gave you a head-on blow. They adopted the infamous Chinese principle of “evil against evil”, putting you in a denouncing meeting, asking you to confess all crimes you perpetrated on the run. They  used  old-time anti-reform elements to abuse you with whatever means they could lay their hands to, let the worst part of human nature find its way out, but kept a blind eye to it. The various kinds of torture instrument used was just for “strongly rescuing” you, or only to “weaken your arrogance in anti-reforming”. The result of it was physically turning your body into a mess of bruises and scars, and mentally put you into the lowest spirit. After this first step finished flawlessly, you were confined in the stinking dormitory, to self-examine your own counterrevolutionary crimes.

    I was not exempted from the routine schedule. While I proceeded into the self-examine period, in a pitchy dark night of the last week in December, when all the anti reformists were deeply in their dreams, two armed police abruptly called me up. I was, at the time, as usual with both wrists shackled behind my back (hind-shackled.) They ordered me to walk out right away. After doing so, I saw a military truck standing at the far end of the exercise ground; several soldiers in military overcoats with Russian style rifles on their shoulders were waiting. The hind plank of the truck was open, as if waiting to be loaded. A harsh ordering voice was heard from inside the truck: “Come here, get on the truck!” I knew by experience this kind of rude calling was exclusively for elements like us, so I walked over. But since both hands were shackled at my back, there was simply no way for me to climb up. Seeing this, several soldiers rounded up, some grabbing my arms and some legs, raised me up and threw me onto the truck just like throwing a sack of goods. With a “bang”, my right thigh bone bumped against the plank first, brought about a drilling sharp pain that I was unable to describe.

    The ground soldiers climbed onto the truck and ordered me to sit up in the middle. Soon the engine was turned on. The soldiers unloaded their guns from their shoulders, fixed their bayonets and pointed them toward me. On seeing this I could not help musing: was it necessary to deploy such strong armed force to deal with a weak bookworm like me? I had not long before been tormented with wounds all over my body, and both my wrists were gnawed by handcuffs behind my back, not even possible to move, and now they were still using so many sharp blades aiming at me.  What for?  The only weapon of mine at this time under their slaughter was nothing but my vision. Such an absurd scene only made me wonder: Wasn’t the director of this drama having problems with his own nerves?

      The truck was trudging on the rugged mountain road. The undulating terrain made me inevitably ponder, to where they were taking me in such a dark night? Were they taking me to some desolate place to shoot me dead? But it seemed unnecessary. Had it been imperative to put me to death, they could do it fair easily, just publish a list of my crimes, and kill me in broad daylight so as to give the other offenders a serious warning. They have their State apparatus at hand, no one dared to raise any question. According to their typical convict terms, my crimes were so malicious that sparing of my life would soon arouse the people’s indignation. How convincing it was!

    In the darkness I couldn’t make out my destination, but only wished the road would be smooth all the way, and no incidents would ever occur to cause an emergent skid. Otherwise, if any one of the bayonet-holding soldiers lost his balance, his sharp blade could easily thrust into my body just by inertia, and bring a serious new wound to my all-bruised body, or even have my valueless life taken away right on the spot.

    Thank God everything was OK all the way; now I could see streetlights by the roadside telling me we were in the city this time. From the thirty minute’s drive I reckoned we were in Guanxian County itself by now.

    Finally the truck pulled up into a courtyard. Before I was ordered to get down, the ‘bayonets’ jumped down all at once. I was afraid to have myself served as a ‘sack’ again, and moved to the rear as soon as possible. Been thrown down into the ground would significantly differ from onto the truck; it could easily break my neck and cost my valueless life, not just a throbbing pain again. I managed to slither down without the help of my arms; easy to say here but hard to achieve down there.

    I was taken into a room looked like a meeting room. Some ten people or so were sitting around a big table about a pingpong table’s size. I was brought to a corner opposite them where a small stool was for me.

    After every one was seated, my interrogation started. In the past I had had the experience of seeing doctors’ group consultation of a patient, but had no knowledge of many interrogators doing the same job at a prisoner. It was after a few years I came to know, that the reason of their treating me like a dangerous enemy was because in our Second Detachment of Railway Construction, a “counterrevolution group” named “The Union of Leninist Communists” had been unearthed.  A couple of scores of LR rightists got involved.  The top two, by name of Zou Juzhen and Yang Yingsen were executed the next year. Among them, Yang Yingsen was in the same squad with me and was said to be ‘singing the same tune’ with me.  The group’s name was close to the “Union of Communists” of then Yugoslavia, and in my verdict I was suspected to escape to the Embassy of Yugoslavia to ask for political asylum. (Quoted from my indictment from Procurator of Guanxian) It was said that the above case had alerted The Ministry of Public Security in Beijing, and a special group for investigation was dispatched to our place. Probably they were taking me for an important member of the group, being sent out to seek for support from foreign countries. Probably this answered the question that they spared no effort to deploy so many bayonets. To their disappointment, actually while this ‘organization’ was taking place I was already at large outside. There were no cellular phone at that time; we had no way to communicate. How could I know things occurred in the LR detachment when I was a thousand miles away? Too bad this argument was only my own assertion. In addition, and not to be astonished at all, as it was finally discovered after many years, the whole case was fabricated. All of them were wrongfully executed and sentenced, but I will deal with it at a separate section later.

    This serious interrogation took place more than forty years ago, all the conversations that night had vanished from my memory, only two things could still be called to my mind.

    One of them was that a night meal was served during the interrogation. Of course not for me, I could only sense the delicious smell of omelet, and the merry sound from their slurping of the noodles. Being full of evil intentions as I was assumed to be, I went so far as to doubt why they deliberately scheduled the interrogation at night. Actually they could have done it at any time during the day. The consumption of extra egg-noodle as a purpose could not be excluded. It ought to be known in those ‘Natural Calamity’ years, for the sake of getting more to eat, it was never exaggerating nor fabricating that people would spare no effort to create excuses, even plot conspiracies to achieve the goal, not even cadres from the central government were exempted. Please don’t overlook these additional mouthful of noodles, since every ounce of grain was strictly controlled by the government, they could only use my interrogation as an excuse to get it.

    The second one was my handcuffs were finally released. I have to make some explanations here: anyone who had been hind-shackled for over twenty days would have his physical conditions altered if not permanently damaged. Once the handcuffs were released, he should by no way to move his arms to the front directly. Doing so will bring serious pain almost unbearable, in serious cases dislocation was possible.

    It happened that night after I, the interrogated, had finished reading the record of their interrogation, should sign on every page to make my confirmation.  But apparently I couldn’t do it with my hands cuffed in my back. When everyone of them was racking his brain to find a way to solve this problem, the one sitting in the center broke out: “Open them for him.”  I could make out he was the highest leader of the group from his tone also from the respect the others were paying to him. At his word, my handcuffs were at once released. But my hands were still unable to move forward, so the young guy performing this task could only bring the ink stand to my back, holding my thumb to have it inked, then press it accordingly behind me. I felt sorry for not being able even to draw a circle like the illiterates would do.

    At 3:00 am, I was sent to Chen’s Alley Lockup of the Police Station of Guanxian, to start a new phase of my humble life.

 1. Prelude

         Guanxian is a famous sightseeing resort town in China for its world-renowned Dujiangyan and Chingcheng Mountain. But, back in those years when class struggle like raging wild fires spread over every corner of China, the present day popular term of sight-seeing tours was still frozen in the locked-up dictionaries.  I was quite familiar with the famous legend of Governor LiBing together with his son who had regulated the rivers some 2000 years ago; now being in such depressed mood as a prisoner-to-be, even walking under armed escort through the famous bamboo suspension bridge, I did not even cast a glance to the beautiful sceneries surrounding me.

    In the Second Detachment of Railway Construction, similar to all the other LR or Laogai (Labor Camp) setups, there was a special unit called Intensive Surveillance Team, (some called Strict-Control Team), for the purpose of confining all kinds of the so-called anti-reform elements. That one of the Second Detachment was located at Zipingpu in Guanxian. Usually every captured escapee was first sent there for further interrogation. Once you were there, the authorities would investigate into your files, meanwhile gave you a head-on blow. They adopted the infamous Chinese principle of “evil against evil”, putting you in a denouncing meeting, asking you to confess all crimes you perpetrated on the run. They  used  old-time anti-reform elements to abuse you with whatever means they could lay their hands to, let the worst part of human nature find its way out, but kept a blind eye to it. The various kinds of torture instrument used was just for “strongly rescuing” you, or only to “weaken your arrogance in anti-reforming”. The result of it was physically turning your body into a mess of bruises and scars, and mentally put you into the lowest spirit. After this first step finished flawlessly, you were confined in the stinking dormitory, to self-examine your own counterrevolutionary crimes.

    I was not exempted from the routine schedule. While I proceeded into the self-examine period, in a pitchy dark night of the last week in December, when all the anti reformists were deeply in their dreams, two armed police abruptly called me up. I was, at the time, as usual with both wrists shackled behind my back (hind-shackled.) They ordered me to walk out right away. After doing so, I saw a military truck standing at the far end of the exercise ground; several soldiers in military overcoats with Russian style rifles on their shoulders were waiting. The hind plank of the truck was open, as if waiting to be loaded. A harsh ordering voice was heard from inside the truck: “Come here, get on the truck!” I knew by experience this kind of rude calling was exclusively for elements like us, so I walked over. But since both hands were shackled at my back, there was simply no way for me to climb up. Seeing this, several soldiers rounded up, some grabbing my arms and some legs, raised me up and threw me onto the truck just like throwing a sack of goods. With a “bang”, my right thigh bone bumped against the plank first, brought about a drilling sharp pain that I was unable to describe.

    The ground soldiers climbed onto the truck and ordered me to sit up in the middle. Soon the engine was turned on. The soldiers unloaded their guns from their shoulders, fixed their bayonets and pointed them toward me. On seeing this I could not help musing: was it necessary to deploy such strong armed force to deal with a weak bookworm like me? I had not long before been tormented with wounds all over my body, and both my wrists were gnawed by handcuffs behind my back, not even possible to move, and now they were still using so many sharp blades aiming at me.  What for?  The only weapon of mine at this time under their slaughter was nothing but my vision. Such an absurd scene only made me wonder: Wasn’t the director of this drama having problems with his own nerves?

      The truck was trudging on the rugged mountain road. The undulating terrain made me inevitably ponder, to where they were taking me in such a dark night? Were they taking me to some desolate place to shoot me dead? But it seemed unnecessary. Had it been imperative to put me to death, they could do it fair easily, just publish a list of my crimes, and kill me in broad daylight so as to give the other offenders a serious warning. They have their State apparatus at hand, no one dared to raise any question. According to their typical convict terms, my crimes were so malicious that sparing of my life would soon arouse the people’s indignation. How convincing it was!

    In the darkness I couldn’t make out my destination, but only wished the road would be smooth all the way, and no incidents would ever occur to cause an emergent skid. Otherwise, if any one of the bayonet-holding soldiers lost his balance, his sharp blade could easily thrust into my body just by inertia, and bring a serious new wound to my all-bruised body, or even have my valueless life taken away right on the spot.

    Thank God everything was OK all the way; now I could see streetlights by the roadside telling me we were in the city this time. From the thirty minute’s drive I reckoned we were in Guanxian County itself by now.

    Finally the truck pulled up into a courtyard. Before I was ordered to get down, the ‘bayonets’ jumped down all at once. I was afraid to have myself served as a ‘sack’ again, and moved to the rear as soon as possible. Been thrown down into the ground would significantly differ from onto the truck; it could easily break my neck and cost my valueless life, not just a throbbing pain again. I managed to slither down without the help of my arms; easy to say here but hard to achieve down there.

    I was taken into a room looked like a meeting room. Some ten people or so were sitting around a big table about a pingpong table’s size. I was brought to a corner opposite them where a small stool was for me.

    After every one was seated, my interrogation started. In the past I had had the experience of seeing doctors’ group consultation of a patient, but had no knowledge of many interrogators doing the same job at a prisoner. It was after a few years I came to know, that the reason of their treating me like a dangerous enemy was because in our Second Detachment of Railway Construction, a “counterrevolution group” named “The Union of Leninist Communists” had been unearthed.  A couple of scores of LR rightists got involved.  The top two, by name of Zou Juzhen and Yang Yingsen were executed the next year. Among them, Yang Yingsen was in the same squad with me and was said to be ‘singing the same tune’ with me.  The group’s name was close to the “Union of Communists” of then Yugoslavia, and in my verdict I was suspected to escape to the Embassy of Yugoslavia to ask for political asylum. (Quoted from my indictment from Procurator of Guanxian) It was said that the above case had alerted The Ministry of Public Security in Beijing, and a special group for investigation was dispatched to our place. Probably they were taking me for an important member of the group, being sent out to seek for support from foreign countries. Probably this answered the question that they spared no effort to deploy so many bayonets. To their disappointment, actually while this ‘organization’ was taking place I was already at large outside. There were no cellular phone at that time; we had no way to communicate. How could I know things occurred in the LR detachment when I was a thousand miles away? Too bad this argument was only my own assertion. In addition, and not to be astonished at all, as it was finally discovered after many years, the whole case was fabricated. All of them were wrongfully executed and sentenced, but I will deal with it at a separate section later.

    This serious interrogation took place more than forty years ago, all the conversations that night had vanished from my memory, only two things could still be called to my mind.

    One of them was that a night meal was served during the interrogation. Of course not for me, I could only sense the delicious smell of omelet, and the merry sound from their slurping of the noodles. Being full of evil intentions as I was assumed to be, I went so far as to doubt why they deliberately scheduled the interrogation at night. Actually they could have done it at any time during the day. The consumption of extra egg-noodle as a purpose could not be excluded. It ought to be known in those ‘Natural Calamity’ years, for the sake of getting more to eat, it was never exaggerating nor fabricating that people would spare no effort to create excuses, even plot conspiracies to achieve the goal, not even cadres from the central government were exempted. Please don’t overlook these additional mouthful of noodles, since every ounce of grain was strictly controlled by the government, they could only use my interrogation as an excuse to get it.

    The second one was my handcuffs were finally released. I have to make some explanations here: anyone who had been hind-shackled for over twenty days would have his physical conditions altered if not permanently damaged. Once the handcuffs were released, he should by no way to move his arms to the front directly. Doing so will bring serious pain almost unbearable, in serious cases dislocation was possible.

    It happened that night after I, the interrogated, had finished reading the record of their interrogation, should sign on every page to make my confirmation.  But apparently I couldn’t do it with my hands cuffed in my back. When everyone of them was racking his brain to find a way to solve this problem, the one sitting in the center broke out: “Open them for him.”  I could make out he was the highest leader of the group from his tone also from the respect the others were paying to him. At his word, my handcuffs were at once released. But my hands were still unable to move forward, so the young guy performing this task could only bring the ink stand to my back, holding my thumb to have it inked, then press it accordingly behind me. I felt sorry for not being able even to draw a circle like the illiterates would do.

    At 3:00 am, I was sent to Chen’s Alley Lockup of the Police Station of Guanxian, to start a new phase of my humble life.

 1. Prelude

         Guanxian is a famous sightseeing resort town in China for its world-renowned Dujiangyan and Chingcheng Mountain. But, back in those years when class struggle like raging wild fires spread over every corner of China, the present day popular term of sight-seeing tours was still frozen in the locked-up dictionaries.  I was quite familiar with the famous legend of Governor LiBing together with his son who had regulated the rivers some 2000 years ago; now being in such depressed mood as a prisoner-to-be, even walking under armed escort through the famous bamboo suspension bridge, I did not even cast a glance to the beautiful sceneries surrounding me.

    In the Second Detachment of Railway Construction, similar to all the other LR or Laogai (Labor Camp) setups, there was a special unit called Intensive Surveillance Team, (some called Strict-Control Team), for the purpose of confining all kinds of the so-called anti-reform elements. That one of the Second Detachment was located at Zipingpu in Guanxian. Usually every captured escapee was first sent there for further interrogation. Once you were there, the authorities would investigate into your files, meanwhile gave you a head-on blow. They adopted the infamous Chinese principle of “evil against evil”, putting you in a denouncing meeting, asking you to confess all crimes you perpetrated on the run. They  used  old-time anti-reform elements to abuse you with whatever means they could lay their hands to, let the worst part of human nature find its way out, but kept a blind eye to it. The various kinds of torture instrument used was just for “strongly rescuing” you, or only to “weaken your arrogance in anti-reforming”. The result of it was physically turning your body into a mess of bruises and scars, and mentally put you into the lowest spirit. After this first step finished flawlessly, you were confined in the stinking dormitory, to self-examine your own counterrevolutionary crimes.

    I was not exempted from the routine schedule. While I proceeded into the self-examine period, in a pitchy dark night of the last week in December, when all the anti reformists were deeply in their dreams, two armed police abruptly called me up. I was, at the time, as usual with both wrists shackled behind my back (hind-shackled.) They ordered me to walk out right away. After doing so, I saw a military truck standing at the far end of the exercise ground; several soldiers in military overcoats with Russian style rifles on their shoulders were waiting. The hind plank of the truck was open, as if waiting to be loaded. A harsh ordering voice was heard from inside the truck: “Come here, get on the truck!” I knew by experience this kind of rude calling was exclusively for elements like us, so I walked over. But since both hands were shackled at my back, there was simply no way for me to climb up. Seeing this, several soldiers rounded up, some grabbing my arms and some legs, raised me up and threw me onto the truck just like throwing a sack of goods. With a “bang”, my right thigh bone bumped against the plank first, brought about a drilling sharp pain that I was unable to describe.

    The ground soldiers climbed onto the truck and ordered me to sit up in the middle. Soon the engine was turned on. The soldiers unloaded their guns from their shoulders, fixed their bayonets and pointed them toward me. On seeing this I could not help musing: was it necessary to deploy such strong armed force to deal with a weak bookworm like me? I had not long before been tormented with wounds all over my body, and both my wrists were gnawed by handcuffs behind my back, not even possible to move, and now they were still using so many sharp blades aiming at me.  What for?  The only weapon of mine at this time under their slaughter was nothing but my vision. Such an absurd scene only made me wonder: Wasn’t the director of this drama having problems with his own nerves?

      The truck was trudging on the rugged mountain road. The undulating terrain made me inevitably ponder, to where they were taking me in such a dark night? Were they taking me to some desolate place to shoot me dead? But it seemed unnecessary. Had it been imperative to put me to death, they could do it fair easily, just publish a list of my crimes, and kill me in broad daylight so as to give the other offenders a serious warning. They have their State apparatus at hand, no one dared to raise any question. According to their typical convict terms, my crimes were so malicious that sparing of my life would soon arouse the people’s indignation. How convincing it was!

    In the darkness I couldn’t make out my destination, but only wished the road would be smooth all the way, and no incidents would ever occur to cause an emergent skid. Otherwise, if any one of the bayonet-holding soldiers lost his balance, his sharp blade could easily thrust into my body just by inertia, and bring a serious new wound to my all-bruised body, or even have my valueless life taken away right on the spot.

    Thank God everything was OK all the way; now I could see streetlights by the roadside telling me we were in the city this time. From the thirty minute’s drive I reckoned we were in Guanxian County itself by now.

    Finally the truck pulled up into a courtyard. Before I was ordered to get down, the ‘bayonets’ jumped down all at once. I was afraid to have myself served as a ‘sack’ again, and moved to the rear as soon as possible. Been thrown down into the ground would significantly differ from onto the truck; it could easily break my neck and cost my valueless life, not just a throbbing pain again. I managed to slither down without the help of my arms; easy to say here but hard to achieve down there.

    I was taken into a room looked like a meeting room. Some ten people or so were sitting around a big table about a pingpong table’s size. I was brought to a corner opposite them where a small stool was for me.

    After every one was seated, my interrogation started. In the past I had had the experience of seeing doctors’ group consultation of a patient, but had no knowledge of many interrogators doing the same job at a prisoner. It was after a few years I came to know, that the reason of their treating me like a dangerous enemy was because in our Second Detachment of Railway Construction, a “counterrevolution group” named “The Union of Leninist Communists” had been unearthed.  A couple of scores of LR rightists got involved.  The top two, by name of Zou Juzhen and Yang Yingsen were executed the next year. Among them, Yang Yingsen was in the same squad with me and was said to be ‘singing the same tune’ with me.  The group’s name was close to the “Union of Communists” of then Yugoslavia, and in my verdict I was suspected to escape to the Embassy of Yugoslavia to ask for political asylum. (Quoted from my indictment from Procurator of Guanxian) It was said that the above case had alerted The Ministry of Public Security in Beijing, and a special group for investigation was dispatched to our place. Probably they were taking me for an important member of the group, being sent out to seek for support from foreign countries. Probably this answered the question that they spared no effort to deploy so many bayonets. To their disappointment, actually while this ‘organization’ was taking place I was already at large outside. There were no cellular phone at that time; we had no way to communicate. How could I know things occurred in the LR detachment when I was a thousand miles away? Too bad this argument was only my own assertion. In addition, and not to be astonished at all, as it was finally discovered after many years, the whole case was fabricated. All of them were wrongfully executed and sentenced, but I will deal with it at a separate section later.

    This serious interrogation took place more than forty years ago, all the conversations that night had vanished from my memory, only two things could still be called to my mind.

    One of them was that a night meal was served during the interrogation. Of course not for me, I could only sense the delicious smell of omelet, and the merry sound from their slurping of the noodles. Being full of evil intentions as I was assumed to be, I went so far as to doubt why they deliberately scheduled the interrogation at night. Actually they could have done it at any time during the day. The consumption of extra egg-noodle as a purpose could not be excluded. It ought to be known in those ‘Natural Calamity’ years, for the sake of getting more to eat, it was never exaggerating nor fabricating that people would spare no effort to create excuses, even plot conspiracies to achieve the goal, not even cadres from the central government were exempted. Please don’t overlook these additional mouthful of noodles, since every ounce of grain was strictly controlled by the government, they could only use my interrogation as an excuse to get it.

    The second one was my handcuffs were finally released. I have to make some explanations here: anyone who had been hind-shackled for over twenty days would have his physical conditions altered if not permanently damaged. Once the handcuffs were released, he should by no way to move his arms to the front directly. Doing so will bring serious pain almost unbearable, in serious cases dislocation was possible.

    It happened that night after I, the interrogated, had finished reading the record of their interrogation, should sign on every page to make my confirmation.  But apparently I couldn’t do it with my hands cuffed in my back. When everyone of them was racking his brain to find a way to solve this problem, the one sitting in the center broke out: “Open them for him.”  I could make out he was the highest leader of the group from his tone also from the respect the others were paying to him. At his word, my handcuffs were at once released. But my hands were still unable to move forward, so the young guy performing this task could only bring the ink stand to my back, holding my thumb to have it inked, then press it accordingly behind me. I felt sorry for not being able even to draw a circle like the illiterates would do.

    At 3:00 am, I was sent to Chen’s Alley Lockup of the Police Station of Guanxian, to start a new phase of my humble life.

 1. Prelude

         Guanxian is a famous sightseeing resort town in China for its world-renowned Dujiangyan and Chingcheng Mountain. But, back in those years when class struggle like raging wild fires spread over every corner of China, the present day popular term of sight-seeing tours was still frozen in the locked-up dictionaries.  I was quite familiar with the famous legend of Governor LiBing together with his son who had regulated the rivers some 2000 years ago; now being in such depressed mood as a prisoner-to-be, even walking under armed escort through the famous bamboo suspension bridge, I did not even cast a glance to the beautiful sceneries surrounding me.

    In the Second Detachment of Railway Construction, similar to all the other LR or Laogai (Labor Camp) setups, there was a special unit called Intensive Surveillance Team, (some called Strict-Control Team), for the purpose of confining all kinds of the so-called anti-reform elements. That one of the Second Detachment was located at Zipingpu in Guanxian. Usually every captured escapee was first sent there for further interrogation. Once you were there, the authorities would investigate into your files, meanwhile gave you a head-on blow. They adopted the infamous Chinese principle of “evil against evil”, putting you in a denouncing meeting, asking you to confess all crimes you perpetrated on the run. They  used  old-time anti-reform elements to abuse you with whatever means they could lay their hands to, let the worst part of human nature find its way out, but kept a blind eye to it. The various kinds of torture instrument used was just for “strongly rescuing” you, or only to “weaken your arrogance in anti-reforming”. The result of it was physically turning your body into a mess of bruises and scars, and mentally put you into the lowest spirit. After this first step finished flawlessly, you were confined in the stinking dormitory, to self-examine your own counterrevolutionary crimes.

    I was not exempted from the routine schedule. While I proceeded into the self-examine period, in a pitchy dark night of the last week in December, when all the anti reformists were deeply in their dreams, two armed police abruptly called me up. I was, at the time, as usual with both wrists shackled behind my back (hind-shackled.) They ordered me to walk out right away. After doing so, I saw a military truck standing at the far end of the exercise ground; several soldiers in military overcoats with Russian style rifles on their shoulders were waiting. The hind plank of the truck was open, as if waiting to be loaded. A harsh ordering voice was heard from inside the truck: “Come here, get on the truck!” I knew by experience this kind of rude calling was exclusively for elements like us, so I walked over. But since both hands were shackled at my back, there was simply no way for me to climb up. Seeing this, several soldiers rounded up, some grabbing my arms and some legs, raised me up and threw me onto the truck just like throwing a sack of goods. With a “bang”, my right thigh bone bumped against the plank first, brought about a drilling sharp pain that I was unable to describe.

    The ground soldiers climbed onto the truck and ordered me to sit up in the middle. Soon the engine was turned on. The soldiers unloaded their guns from their shoulders, fixed their bayonets and pointed them toward me. On seeing this I could not help musing: was it necessary to deploy such strong armed force to deal with a weak bookworm like me? I had not long before been tormented with wounds all over my body, and both my wrists were gnawed by handcuffs behind my back, not even possible to move, and now they were still using so many sharp blades aiming at me.  What for?  The only weapon of mine at this time under their slaughter was nothing but my vision. Such an absurd scene only made me wonder: Wasn’t the director of this drama having problems with his own nerves?

      The truck was trudging on the rugged mountain road. The undulating terrain made me inevitably ponder, to where they were taking me in such a dark night? Were they taking me to some desolate place to shoot me dead? But it seemed unnecessary. Had it been imperative to put me to death, they could do it fair easily, just publish a list of my crimes, and kill me in broad daylight so as to give the other offenders a serious warning. They have their State apparatus at hand, no one dared to raise any question. According to their typical convict terms, my crimes were so malicious that sparing of my life would soon arouse the people’s indignation. How convincing it was!

    In the darkness I couldn’t make out my destination, but only wished the road would be smooth all the way, and no incidents would ever occur to cause an emergent skid. Otherwise, if any one of the bayonet-holding soldiers lost his balance, his sharp blade could easily thrust into my body just by inertia, and bring a serious new wound to my all-bruised body, or even have my valueless life taken away right on the spot.

    Thank God everything was OK all the way; now I could see streetlights by the roadside telling me we were in the city this time. From the thirty minute’s drive I reckoned we were in Guanxian County itself by now.

    Finally the truck pulled up into a courtyard. Before I was ordered to get down, the ‘bayonets’ jumped down all at once. I was afraid to have myself served as a ‘sack’ again, and moved to the rear as soon as possible. Been thrown down into the ground would significantly differ from onto the truck; it could easily break my neck and cost my valueless life, not just a throbbing pain again. I managed to slither down without the help of my arms; easy to say here but hard to achieve down there.

    I was taken into a room looked like a meeting room. Some ten people or so were sitting around a big table about a pingpong table’s size. I was brought to a corner opposite them where a small stool was for me.

    After every one was seated, my interrogation started. In the past I had had the experience of seeing doctors’ group consultation of a patient, but had no knowledge of many interrogators doing the same job at a prisoner. It was after a few years I came to know, that the reason of their treating me like a dangerous enemy was because in our Second Detachment of Railway Construction, a “counterrevolution group” named “The Union of Leninist Communists” had been unearthed.  A couple of scores of LR rightists got involved.  The top two, by name of Zou Juzhen and Yang Yingsen were executed the next year. Among them, Yang Yingsen was in the same squad with me and was said to be ‘singing the same tune’ with me.  The group’s name was close to the “Union of Communists” of then Yugoslavia, and in my verdict I was suspected to escape to the Embassy of Yugoslavia to ask for political asylum. (Quoted from my indictment from Procurator of Guanxian) It was said that the above case had alerted The Ministry of Public Security in Beijing, and a special group for investigation was dispatched to our place. Probably they were taking me for an important member of the group, being sent out to seek for support from foreign countries. Probably this answered the question that they spared no effort to deploy so many bayonets. To their disappointment, actually while this ‘organization’ was taking place I was already at large outside. There were no cellular phone at that time; we had no way to communicate. How could I know things occurred in the LR detachment when I was a thousand miles away? Too bad this argument was only my own assertion. In addition, and not to be astonished at all, as it was finally discovered after many years, the whole case was fabricated. All of them were wrongfully executed and sentenced, but I will deal with it at a separate section later.

    This serious interrogation took place more than forty years ago, all the conversations that night had vanished from my memory, only two things could still be called to my mind.

    One of them was that a night meal was served during the interrogation. Of course not for me, I could only sense the delicious smell of omelet, and the merry sound from their slurping of the noodles. Being full of evil intentions as I was assumed to be, I went so far as to doubt why they deliberately scheduled the interrogation at night. Actually they could have done it at any time during the day. The consumption of extra egg-noodle as a purpose could not be excluded. It ought to be known in those ‘Natural Calamity’ years, for the sake of getting more to eat, it was never exaggerating nor fabricating that people would spare no effort to create excuses, even plot conspiracies to achieve the goal, not even cadres from the central government were exempted. Please don’t overlook these additional mouthful of noodles, since every ounce of grain was strictly controlled by the government, they could only use my interrogation as an excuse to get it.

    The second one was my handcuffs were finally released. I have to make some explanations here: anyone who had been hind-shackled for over twenty days would have his physical conditions altered if not permanently damaged. Once the handcuffs were released, he should by no way to move his arms to the front directly. Doing so will bring serious pain almost unbearable, in serious cases dislocation was possible.

    It happened that night after I, the interrogated, had finished reading the record of their interrogation, should sign on every page to make my confirmation.  But apparently I couldn’t do it with my hands cuffed in my back. When everyone of them was racking his brain to find a way to solve this problem, the one sitting in the center broke out: “Open them for him.”  I could make out he was the highest leader of the group from his tone also from the respect the others were paying to him. At his word, my handcuffs were at once released. But my hands were still unable to move forward, so the young guy performing this task could only bring the ink stand to my back, holding my thumb to have it inked, then press it accordingly behind me. I felt sorry for not being able even to draw a circle like the illiterates would do.

    At 3:00 am, I was sent to Chen’s Alley Lockup of the Police Station of Guanxian, to start a new phase of my humble life.


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· 牧人: 迟到的记忆 - 悼董先生
· 纪念董胜今先生文章集萃
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· 纪念董胜今先生文章集萃
· 忆和董老交往三二事--雪草
· 莲花泪—纪念董胜今先生 ---- 南
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【民国往事 2】
· 我在专政铁拳下继续受难
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· 我在专政的铁拳下
· 我参加了1952年的“三反五反运动”
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· 我与“民主党派”擦肩而过
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· 我所经历的“土地改革”运动
· 1950年我在农村的那些事情
· 我滚进了“解放大西南”的队伍中
· “吃光运动”和“反饥饿”
· 关于大饥荒
【疯狂岁月 2】
· 我的右派朋友董延安的传奇人生
· "叛国投敌”途中的遭遇 (六)
【疯狂岁月 3】
· 为什么不能要求官员辞职?
· 借他人胸臆作我的告白
· 我来妄议杨振宁先生
· 有这样的别墅区?
· 中南海的黑发族
· 也谈习近平
· 名人演讲
· 古文为什么难懂?
· 人寿几何
· 怀念周小燕先生
· 请几亿华人为倪玉兰一家呐喊!
· 柿子捡软的捏,这所谓几亿华人可
· ;令人恶心的新闻
· 中共不当党产知多少?
· 我也来谈谈"政治正确"
· 从李娜到郎平
· 我做背包客游欧洲
· ZT; 端午节的随想
· 外行再谈京剧
· 外行续谈京剧
【杂感 3】
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· 再忆周小燕先生
· 为别人过年?
· “房子是用来住的”这种P话
· 随想四则
· 神韵演出值得一看
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· 自作孽,不可活
· 我来评法轮功
· 墨西哥城记游 (完)
· 墨西哥城记游 (五)
· 墨西哥城记游 (四)
· 墨西哥城记游 (三)
· 墨西哥城记游(上)
· 一串珍珠
· 我也来谈中国画
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· 今天换个题目来谈谈戏
· 双面间谍的中共爱国侨领
· 每一个共产党都是间谍特务
· 也谈老年人的体型
【闲谈 2】
· 请勿助纣为虐攻击民运人士
· 马云的低智商
· “叛国投敌”途中的遭遇 (十)
· “叛国投敌”途中的遭遇 (九)
· “叛国投敌”途中的遭遇 (八)
· “叛国投敌”途中的遭遇 (七)
· “叛国投敌”途中的经历 (五)
· “叛国投敌”途中的经历 (四)
· “叛国投敌”途中的经历 (三)
· “叛国投敌”途中的经历 (二)
· 我的难友在“叛国投敌”途中
· ZT: 我在看守所的日日夜夜 (一
· 九个阿拉伯国家的勇气
· 余傑:你所羨慕的馬雲「大數據」
· 如果波多黎各想投诚我们,我们会
· 疯狂掠夺与残害的历史大灾难 ——
【转载 24】
· 关于"六四"的故事  -- 魏京
· 《澳光事件是对全球五
· “一带一路”名与实 —— 兼与马歇尔
· ZT:一带一路”僵尸高铁 边亏损边
· 巴黎气候协定缺乏充分科学根据&n
· 郭文貴直播事件與中國當代特務政
· 转载:昭雪六四惨案,痛斥各种谬
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· [转帖]说端午节起于念屈原,谁先
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· 1.谁才是“辱华”的主角?
· 程晓农:繁荣缘何而去?—— 中国
· ZT:央视被院士打脸 可燃冰弥天大
· 李方:川普外交甩习近平十条街
· ZT:为什么骂“圣母”和“白左”在中
·   ZT:换个角
【转载 22】
· 余杰:美國之音的崩壞比古巴導彈
· 北大校慶悼民主烈士 罕見未受阻
· 李方:只有愚蠢的国家才搞“一带
· 1968-1979“上山下乡始末
· 转载 1.中巴经济走廊是令中国纳
· 转载:中国人正在失却说话的能力
· 转载:一帶一路論壇 燒銀紙換面
· 转载:徐晓冬“武林打假”被禁声
· 威廉姆斯:她为何还要讲夹边沟的
· ZT:从弃老国到最适合养老的国家
【转载 21】
· ZT:盛言:旧罪名变脸 新恶法登场
· 转载;大飞机C919非国产央视不得
· zt: 中国国情深度报告
· ZT:孙立平:中国经济的根本症结
· ZT:习王内讧乃必然
· ZT:我们依然还是麻木和沉默的看
· 中国小女孩敢当美国总统,中共党
· ZT:愚蠢比邪恶更可怕一一逻辑与
· ZT:中国6个人养一个官何谈公平
· ZT:特朗普是療治“美國病”的一劑
· [ZT]以色列也拥核,为什么不口出
· ZT:比看毛片还过瘾的座谈纪要 &n
· ZT:郭文贵的出现和失控,足以打
· XT:海参崴的中国人都去哪儿了?
· ZT:魏京生:国际通告还是红色通
· Zt:以德配天:东洋沉思录
· ZT:砸锅的时候,你还去捞粥?——
· zt: 莫言:感到自己跟一头猪、一
· ZT:中共死穴──金融走資與戰略透
· ZT:人民的名義 皇上的恩典
【转载 19】
· ZT:李明哲小小人权义工大大民主
· ZT:华北平原,今夜我为你哭泣!
· 1,中共白送塑像 马克思故乡争议
· ZT:一个值得关注的重要动向
· ZT:习总访美 带鱼反美仍不收敛
· ZT:日本侵略中国背后共产国际的
· ZT:地球离了谁都照样转?韩国3月
· 赵鑫父母被抓走前质问警方录音热
· ZT:打击阿萨德的信息量很大
· ZT:1.令中国不舒服的邻居们 2.
【转载 18】
· ZT:還好上帝給中國留下了幾個有
· ZT:余傑:東突厥斯坦不是中國的
· ZT: 苏晓康: 三十年人文大杀&nb
· ZT: 盗听图说
· ZT:最近的四百年的中国的历史的
· 浸泡在农药化肥里的国度 – - 中
· ZT:值得一代中国留学生思考的问
· 曹长青:马英九的官司和习近平的
· ZT:评论]远比萨德强大的中国雷
· ZT:肖建华、刘延东的“经济政变”
【转载 17】
· 在高房价面前,你的创业一钱不值
· ZT:1,环报对半岛局势放狠话 2,张
· ZT:政协副主席是最丑陋的
· ZT:一个微信圈里的“反韩”之争
· Zt: 1,中国人杯葛南韩的荒谬 2,
· ZT: 1,中国连科学精神都没有,怎
· ZI:一個九零後異見者在追求民主
· ZT:80后生完二胎:从中产跌入地
· ZT: (1)民主到了需要捍卫的时候
· ZT:为什么汉语中盛产“假概念”?
【转载 16】
· ZT:杨振宁与李政道的巴别塔
· ZT:中共集体造假的铁证:《毛泽
· ZT:老狼:歇菜了,刘亚州将军
· ZT:大逃港
· 何清涟 : “代码291案卷”中隐藏的
· 梁京:特朗普革命与中国的政治危
· 告别不了的“穆斯林恐惧症” &
· 谁背叛了中华民族?重庆轰炸与红
· 特朗普总统上任一个月:我行我素
· ZT:星条旗永不落
【转载 15】
· ZT: 毛岸英死亡真相
· ZT: 国内舆情荟萃
· 而万千国人像已忘掉,你死是为了
· ZT:百年前中国知识分子的骨气 &n
· 曹长青新作批韩寒: 陈丹青是哪
· 美国停止输出“颜色革命”风起何 Z
·  ZT: 习近平的权力格局
· ZT:知青血泪
· ZT:梦想与现实的印度之旅
· ZT:“被漠视的达沃斯”
【转载 14】
· ZT:習近平的三個情人
· ZT:说好的L型可能守不住了
· ZT:川普要做的是回归美国精神,
· 2016政治倒退,2017经济衰退?zt
· ZT:阎连科: 春晚如屁
· ZT: 早知道刘亚洲的下场
· ZT: 器之:浅谈川普主义
· ZT:第二次闭关锁国
· ZTZ:不过春节行吗?
· ZT: 不过春节行吗?
【转载 13】
· zt: 天朝主義、「達沃斯人」與「
· ZT: 周立波到美国的事
· ZT: “大逃港”真相
· ZT: 欧洲迎来觉醒之年
·  ZT: 誰是「中共勃列日涅夫」
· ZT:雾霾预报要进入掩耳盗铃时代
· ZT: 基辛格的大杀器:重构欧盟,
· ZT:百岁学者周有光谈政治
· ZT:8年抗战改14年 中共修史难掩
· ZT:梁京:北京雾霾的切尔诺贝利
【转载 12】
· ZT:神韵纽约演出五天七场爆满(
· ZT:习近平“精彩”表演集锦
· ZT:2017世界大势反共为势
· ZT:济南雾霾压城中的一道光明闪
· ZT:我们只能生态自杀吗?
· ZT:掀翻那些恶臭的鸡汤
· zt: 王朔:中国社会的“四大魔咒”
· ZT:日本到底强大到什么地步?
· 资中筠: 思想不是用钱可砸出来
· ZT:中国的政治雾霾比大气雾霾更
【转载 11】
· ZT:坚决刹住人民币换美元歪风
· ZT:臺灣應立法禁止共產主義宣傳
· ZT:中国需要时间,请朝鲜同志挺
· ZT:主张统一的李登辉被打为台独
· zt: 即将开战的中美贸易战
· ZT: 英國政治家:林耶凡應贏得20
· ZT: 饿死你个狗日王八蛋
· ZT: 监委是习王削权?
· zt: 比韩剧还要精彩的韩国政局
· ZT:这个社会黑暗的伸手不见五指
【转载 10】
· ZT: 中国人历史观的几个笑柄
· ZT:习近平是个连最起码的常识都
· ZT: 北大正在培养比贪官更可怕的
· 段子集锦 (五)
· zt: 反中医的傅斯年看穿毛泽东
· ZT:这个社会黑暗的伸手不见五指
· ZT:伟大光荣属于坚信上帝的美国
· ZT:川普能否捍卫自由民主人权价
· zt: 习核心难过2017
· ZT:中共没有满清的好命
【转载 9】
· ZT:段子集锦 (四)
· ZT:原来自古以来就伪造历史
· ZT:司徒雷登爱中国超过了中国人
· 中国护照的含金量?
· ZT: 习近平就是齐奥塞斯库
· 献给我的英雄的美国
· ZT: 死刑“特供”平民是法治的奇耻
· 本次大选,华人应该投票给哪一个
· ZT: 习核心出台内幕
· ZT: 国内的经济形势大变,海归窗
【转载 8】
· ZT: 历史上溃败带来的转折
· ZT:中国的官场到底有多黑暗?
· ZT: 段子集锦 (三)
· ZT:“迷魂汤”居然有人真醉
· ZT: 向不敬礼的人致敬!
· ZT: 一个都保不了
· ZT: 尾大不掉的长征神话
· 美国大选,如果按照中国的逻辑
· ZT:香港的瑞士模式?
· ZT :比中国足球更烂的是。。
【转载 7】
· 劳改往事:难友情深(七)
· ZT; 劳改往事:难友情深(六)
· ZT; 集权暴发户美学的代表作
· 劳改往事:难友情深(五)
· 劳改往事:难友情深(四)LT
· 劳改往事:难友情深(三)LT
· 劳改往事:难友情深(二)ZT
· 劳改往事:难友情深(一)ZT
· ZT:真正血染的风采
· 劳改往事:我和虱子的故事
【转载 6】
· 洛杉矶海滩度假见闻
· ZT: 看看中共的军工
· 劳改往事:不可遗漏的分队长
· ZT: 段子集锦 (3)
· 劳改往事:  彝 族 分 队
· ZT: 很多人不明高房价埋伏什
· 劳改回忆: 首任分队长 ZT
· ZT: 段子集锦 (2)
· ZT: 段子集锦 (!)
· ZT: 冷面冷血管教股长
【转载 5】
· ZT: 如何评价蒋介石先生
· 自杀者的悲催 (下) ZT
· ZT:当创业成为一种“全民运动”
· ZT: 全民创业又成荒芜之地
· ZT: 郎平此生不会再上中共贼船
· ZT: 澳洲大捷,正终胜邪作者:秦
· 杨勐《陌生的中国人》
· 世上有两个这样国家:一个没有身
· 我被当场宣布“判处死刑、立即执
· ZT:慈禧时期的言论自由状况
【转载 (4)】
· ZT: 自杀者的悲催 (上)
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事(十一 )
· ZT: 鸦片战争原来是这个样子
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事(十 )
· ZT: 中国官场沦落到六个不堪
· ZT: 刘在中:缺失人权的大
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事(九 )
· ZT:一场出动了克格勃的换尿行动…
· ZT: 新老女工的“性交易”生活
· ZT: 一个国家不应该像一头斗牛
【转载 3】
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事(八 )
· ZT 炎黄春秋事件有深层原因 --
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事 (7)
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事 (7)
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事 (六)
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事 (五)
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事(四)
· 雷马屏劳改农场记事(三)
· ZT: 雷马屏劳改农场记事 (二)
· ZT: 雷马屏劳改农场记事 (一)
【转载 2】
· 我在看守所的日日夜夜 (十一)
· 我在看守所的日日夜夜 (十)
· 我在看守所的日日夜夜 (九)
· 我在看守所的日日夜夜 (八)
· ZT: 对习近平近日外交活动的评
· ZT:我在看守所的日日夜夜 (七
· ZT: 美国西方与伊斯兰世界关系现
· 我在看守所的日日夜夜 (六)
· 我在看守所的日日夜夜 (五)
· 看守所中的日日夜夜 (四)
· ZT: 于浩成 我主张联邦制制台
· 看守所中的日日夜夜 (三)
· 看守所中的日日夜夜 (二)
· Solitary Confinement in tne Lo
· ZT : 土葬救中国
· 民主女神雕像在美国国会前展出
· 梁文骐遗作:我的父亲梁实秋
· ZT: 令人震惊的调查报告: 这
· ZT; 维杰:我们消灭了贵族,剩下
2017-09-08 - 2017-09-28
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