2010年的加州州长选举,是民主党候选人吉瑞布朗(Jerry Brown)对共和党候选人麦格魏特曼。吉瑞布朗出生于加州一民主党政客世家,其父亲埃德蒙杰拉尔德“帕特“布朗曾经出任旧金山市长,地方检察官,州检察官,和两届加州州长。吉瑞布朗以洛杉矶社区学院校董起家(1969–1971),在政坛上一路爬升,历任加州州务卿(1971–1975),两任加州州长(1975–1983), 加州民主党主席 (1989–1991),奥克兰市市长 (1999–2007),和(现任)加州总检察长。这位职业政客曾经多次参加竞选美国总统和参议院的职位。作为资深民主党人,他与工会更具有深厚的渊源。我们在上一篇文章中提到过的公共事业工会之一,在全美政治献金大户(heavy hitter)排名第十一的服务业员工国际联合会(Service Employees International Union (SEIU)),加州教师工会,加州护士工会(state’s nursing union.),加州劳工联盟(the California Labor Federation)等,都是是布朗的支持者和大金主。据报道,工会仅仅是在花在支持杰瑞布朗的所谓“独立开支(Independent Expenditures)”上的“软钱(Soft Money)”,就高达两千五百万。而在整个竞选过程中,杰瑞布朗阵营的竞选经费的总支出高达两亿五千万之巨。
与杰瑞布朗完全不同,他的竞选对手麦格魏特曼,出身于美国著名的精英大学,普林斯顿和哈佛商学院,获工商管理硕士学位。她的职业生涯全是在商界打拼,一路上升至迪斯尼的副总(1981)。之后她接连在几家跨国公司担任CEO。1998年,魏特曼成为当时仅仅30名雇员,岁入仅$400万的一家小公司eBay的CEO。在她掌控eBay的十年间,到2008年,公司发展成有15,000雇员,岁入八十亿美元的巨无霸公司。魏特曼2007年从eBay退休,先后担任eBay和其他公司的董事会成员。其中包括著名投资公司的高盛。2009年二月,魏特曼宣布参加加州州长的竞选。这位出身商界的成功企业家,代表大资本和共和党,与代表民主党和工会的杰瑞布朗进行了一场从金钱参与政治角度看史无前例的惊人角逐,而最终铩羽而归。这场战争,在美国政治历史上,创下了用于政治竞选花费金钱最高的历史记录。同时创下了候选人自掏腰包资助自我竞选金额最高的历史记录。在这场选战中,杰瑞布朗一方,包括工会为之付出的两千五百万“独立开支(Independent Expenditures)”,总共花掉二亿五千万美金($250 million),而魏特曼自掏腰包高达一亿六千二百万($162 million)美金。此前的最高纪录是1992年罗斯佩罗(Ross Perot )为自己竞选总统,自掏腰包六千三百五十四万三千美金($63,543,721)。魏特曼花掉的差不多是罗斯佩罗的三倍。而这次加州州长的选举,总共花掉四亿一千万美金。想一想,算一算,美国的民主,真正是昂贵的民主!
在整个竞选过程中,竞选经费的问题,成为一个双方相互攻讦的焦点。下面我把杰瑞布朗 vs 麦格魏特曼9月28号的第一次电视辩论视频贴在这里(点击下图播放)。视频较长(60分钟),但是很值得一看。有关竞选经费(Campaign Finance),关于工会和资本对竞选的影响的问题的辩论,我会将我的英文记录和中文翻译附于文末。供有心的读者参考。而在接下来的几段里面,则对此做一些简略介绍与分析。
其次,由于金钱参与选举政治运作,所以出资的一方,胜选之后必然要收取政治红利。所以像鄙视五毛这样的认为政治献金像慈善捐款一样是行善,爱国的看法是非常幼稚的。辩论一开始不久,魏特曼就以工会与政治献金的事攻击布朗:“布朗先生谈论让人民走到一起来。就我看来,他一旦当选州长,就会让所有那些特殊利益集团和工会的人走到一起。他们会走到一起来向他们资助了竞选经费的州长收取红利 ("I-Owe-Yous") 。布朗先生的整个竞选基本上完全由公共事业工会资助。所以他们必然会到他那里去收这些红利。”政治家心中明白,收受了别人的政治献金,就对金主有所亏欠。所以在施政中必须有所报答。当然,魏特曼豪花自己的金钱来竞选公职的做法,也受到对手的强烈攻击。说她是用金钱来买州长职位。而她自己的自辩则是,用自己的钱可以避免欠下金主的人情,从而保持当选后施政的独立性。这个事实表明,第一,工会和资本确实千真万确是美国这家大公司的两个最大的股东。
第三,很有意思的是,在这次州长选举中,出现了一件不同寻常的事情。就是历来捐钱支持民主党的工会组织里,这次出现了一个异数。就是有7,000会员的加州执法人员协会(California Statewide Law Enforcement Association)自2008年合同满期以来,就没有与现任州长施瓦辛格签订新约。指望着与下任州长签订一个较好的协议。这次的竞选过程中,民主共和党双方都希望争取该工会的支持。而工会领袖唐纳威(Don Novey)将赌注押在了麦格魏特曼身上。魏特曼也私下里与该工会做了交易,答应在当选后,对该工会作出例外的合同安排。而且,他们还卷入了一场所谓“骂娼妇“官司。在一次杰瑞布朗与该工会的通话中,布朗无意中的一段话被该工会录下来,其中布朗说到他不会给予该工会想要的东西,而魏特曼会。同时骂魏特曼是“娼妇(whore)”("they know that Witman will give 'em, will cut them a deal, but I won't,...what about saying she's a whore....")(见
这里) 为此魏特曼提出强烈抗议,说这是对所有加州妇女的侮辱。最后杰瑞布朗不得不为此道歉了事。这件事虽然只是一个马克吐温式的小插曲,却说明了一个事实,就是工会上层在进行政治操作时,也不绝对投靠民主党。而共和党同样愿意为了当选和政治献金与工会做交易。所以布朗说魏特曼是“乌鸦笑猪黑,自己不觉得(a little like a kettle calling the Pot black)”,并不是完全没有道理。
【杰瑞布朗 vs 麦格魏特曼电视辩论(9月28号)相关工会和竞选经费的内容记录和中译(白凡根据视频整理)】:
魏特曼:“布朗先生谈论让人民走到一起来。就我看来,一旦当选州长,他就会让所有那些特殊利益集团和工会的人走到一起。他们会走到一起来向他们资助了竞选经费的州长收取债务 ("I-Owe-Yous") 。布朗先生的整个竞选基本上完全由公共事业工会资助。所以他们必然会到他那里去收这些债。而我不认为那会是合乎加州人民的最大利益。我们必须要做的,是对所有加州人民有益的事。我们必须就公共事业雇员的退休金进行重新谈判。我们需要进行社会福利改革。这是我将会首先关注的两大事情。”(布朗用魏特曼的减税计划的89%以上会使年入五百万以上的富人受益来回应魏特曼的攻击。等于默认了工会与自己的竞选经费的关系。)
Mr. Brown talks about bringing people together and my view is that he will bring people together after he is elected governor and there will be a meeting with all the special interests and the Unions, who are there to collect their IOUs ("I-Owe-Yous") from the campaign that they have funded. Virtually Mr. Browns entire campaign has been funded by the public employ unions. And they will be there to collect their IOUs. And I don't think that is in the best interest of the people of California. We have to do what is right to all the California people. We have to re-negotiate the public employee pension benefits; we are going to reform welfare. And that are the two things I will focus at first.
当被问到自已一生的经历,都是在私营企业,所以没有与工会谈判的经验,怎么可以保证通过与工会的谈判,成功降低公共事业雇员的养老金的问题时,魏特曼说:“首先,您不能有亏欠于公共事业雇员。如果您的竞选是由那些公共事业雇员工会资助,那么谈判起来就会极其困难。这里我们必须挺身而出,负起责任。今天,公共事业雇员的养老金计划短缺600至1000亿美金。意味着我们欠下了我们不可能还清的债务。而且您知道谁该为此买单?当然是纳税人。所以,这里是我们所应当做的:我们需要延长退休年龄。我不知道您们有多少人知道,今天在册的各级公务员可以在55岁时退休,仍然享受绝大部分工资和健康保险和福利,直到死亡。我希望把退休年龄从55岁提高到65岁。我希望延长兑现期(vesting periods),我要确定,公共雇员比今天投资更多的钱到雇主的养老金计划,同时新雇佣的人员必须按新的合同办事,就是像其他私营企业所有员工的401K计划一样。这会很不容易。我相信下一任加利福尼亚州长需要有一副钢铁的脊梁。她必须确切地知道她相信什么,并坚持信念。因为工会将进行巨大的抵抗。因为他们不希望变革,而我们必须变革。因为今天我们只有850亿总基金,却要花35亿来支撑这些公共雇员的养老金。这根本就是不可持续的。
First of all, you cannot be holden by the public employees, if your campaign has been funded by those public employees unions; it’s going to be extraordinarily difficult to negotiate. And we have to be stand up and be counted here. Today, the public employee pension system is under funded by 60 to 100 billion dollars, what that means is that we owe more money than we can possibly pay. And you know who is on the hook of it? The tax payers. So, here is what we need to do. We need to take the retirement ages up. I don't know how many of you know that today ranking and filed civil servant can retire at 55 years of age and take most of their salary and health care benefit until they die. I want to take that age from 55 to 65, I want to increase vesting periods, I want to make sure that employees to contribute to their employer retirement funds in a greater ways than they do today and new people have to come in under a new different deal and they are going to have to come in under a different program like a 401K stock program, much like that everyone in the private sector does as today, this will not be easy. The next governor of California, I believe have to have a spins steel. The next governor has to know exactly what she believes and she needs to stick with it because there would be tremendous push back by the unions because they do not want to change but we have to change. Because today we spent almost over 3.9 billion dollars and have a general fund of 85 billion dollars fund supporting these public pension benefit and it is simply not sustainable.
当被问到她具体会怎样与工会沟通时(how specifically will you work with the unions?),她说:“州长可以有三种方式处理工会的问题。首先,我倾向于采用谈判的方式。而且有的工会已经愿意就此进行谈判。比方说,加州公路巡警,就带来了很有建设性的建议,橙县也与他们的县警达成协议,将退休年龄从50岁提高到55岁。所以首先是谈判。其次,我们有可能不得不诉诸公投,把它交给加州人民。让人民拿回自己政府的控制权。由于大量的,从来没有过的这么多的人员膨胀的官僚体系,我们在失去对我们政府的控制。他们本没必要。所以我们必须使用一切我们拥有的权力,把这个问题解决。这是绝对必要的。”
Well the governor has three flavor dealing with this and that my preferred approach is negotiation. And some unions have come to the table. for example, the California highway patrol has come to the table, with very constructive ideas, and Orange county they negotiated with their sheriff to take the retirement age from 50 to 55. so first is negotiation. But second we may have to go to the ballot with initiatives to go in front of the people of California to take back of control of their government. We are losing control of our government by a bloat of bureaucracy with more people than we never had to work for and so we have use all that things that we have in our disposal to get this done and it's absolutely essential.
布朗反击说:“魏特曼的攻击有点像‘乌鸦笑猪黑,自己不觉得’(a little like a kettle calling the Pot black)。说到工会与政治献金,她筹集了两千五百万美金,其中很多是两万五千美金,有的高达五万。有的是夫妇捐献,高达100万。我敢打赌,其中的大多数会从她的主要经济方案,就是取消加州投资收益税的方案中得到立刻的回报。而正如我已经说过的,那里的50亿美金,直接来自于总基金。而其中的一半应该给学校。所以是来自学校,来自儿童,而我以为他们应当受到保护,不因那些最有权势的麦格魏特曼的大金主而受到削减。顺便说一句,提到工会,我是唯一一位曾经否决给所有公共雇员涨工资的州长。我做过一次,做过两次,如果有必要,我还会再这样做。”
This is a little like a kettle calling the Pot black,about union contribution, she has raised 25 million dollars, amorous number of $25,000 dollars, some of them $50,000, some of them husband and wife $100,000. And I would bet you that the majority will get immediate tax break from her key economic plan which is to eliminate totally California capital gains tax, and as I said, that 5 billion comes right out of the general fund, and half of the general fund goes to school, so it's from school, from kids that i think should be protected from cuts to the most powerful and big campaign contributors of Meg Whitman. by the way, as far a unions, I am the only governor that have vetoed the pay raises for all public employees. I did it once, I did it twice. I will do it again if I have to.
魏特曼说:“... 您知道,我在竞选中投入了大量我自己的钱,也筹集许多钱。那是因为许多人相信我的关于一个新的加利福尼亚的理念。但那给予我的是我走向萨克拉门托的独立性。而不是对特殊利益集团的亏欠。我向您承诺,如果您选我为下任加州州长,我会为加州人民而战,因为将不会有人向我收取亏欠费(IOUs)”
What I can do it to tell voters what I believe to turn this state around. This state is in enormous mass and I am a big believer, you know as Einstein said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and hoping for different results. We have to challenge the status quo in Sacramento. I do want to answer the charge that the governor has just said. You know, I have put my own money in this campaign and I raised a lot of money, that's because many people believe my vision for new California. but what that gives me is to give me the independence to go to Sacramento, not be holden to special interests. And I promise you that if you elect me as the next governor of California, I will not owe anyone to anything to anyone. I will do what is right to the people of California, because there wouldn’t be any one to collect IOUs from me.
Well, I have invested a lot of my own money in this campaign. The reason is that I am up and against some of the very significant forces. In the last five years, the public employ unions and unions throughout California have spent over $300 million on politics in California. So I am up and against a set of big set of entrenched interests. You know what, I think Californians are really smart, I don't think you can buy an election, I think Californians are too smart. What you can do is to get your message out and tell Californians what your view is of the way forward. And that is what I have tried to do. I want to get jobs going again in California. I’ve got three very important priorities: Jobs being one, government efficiency being number 2, and getting our schools back in order. It is not OK that our school is rated near the bottom of the barrel. So that's what I 'v done, invested my own money so that I have the Independence. As I said earlier, you know what, that independence allows me to go to Sacramento, break glass, change how things are done there. You know if you want someone just want things go along, I mean not really fundamentally change what is wrong with Sacramento, that I am not your candidate. We have got to fundamentally change how the things are done, we have to redo how the budget is done, we have to think how to spend money differently, and we have got to have business friendly state. So that's why I have invested my own money and I think it gives me independence.
在回答有关竞选经费与自己与劳工工会的长期关系,许多那些工会花费巨资支持布朗的竞选,布朗应该怎样在与劳工谈判薪酬和退休金的问题时维持独立性的问题(you have long standing ties with the labor organizations of the state, and many of whom have spent millions supporting your campaign, so, giving that, how will you be able to maintain independent on questions about state worker pays and benefits?)时,布朗说:“说到薪酬,有教授,管理者,和工会会员。我真为没有谁比我更加认真。我必须重复我是唯一的否决全州雇员过分的薪酬增长的州长,不是一次,而是两次。我相信我是呼吁实行两种退休金制度的第一任州长。是的,工会有他们的问题,但是商业又怎么样呢?我是说商业,那些游说华盛顿取消所有的规定的人们,他们剥脱了检察长的权力,以保护那些滥用和欺骗的借款人。因为华尔街,和全国的贷款银行的滥权,这个国家失去了11万亿美金。加州超过一万亿。作为总检察长,我一直在起诉他们。所以无论是劳工还是商业,我们都需提高警惕。但是我必须为我们的教师,为医院里那些清洁工,我们的警察,消防队员,说几句话。 他们没有抱怨。他们虽然被称为公共服务人员,我们确实应当用高标准来要求他们,但是同时我也珍惜和感激他们的服务。而当他们提出过分的要求是,我要阻止他们。。。。另外,商会有一笔秘密行贿基金。他们用来帮助麦格魏特曼攻击我。。。我希望她告诉商会,请他们公开所有那些为这些电视广告捐款的人,看看他们是商人还是工会。我希望看到一个提前24小时的公示,说明他们是严格正式的竞选委员会,还是那些有问题的所谓“非牟利”机构。不仅是在加利福尼亚,而且在全国范围内,他们都是成百上千万地花钱。”
Well, when it comes to pays, there are professors, administrators, union members; I don't think there is anybody who has taken more no nonsense approach. 。。。 Yes I want to repeat again that I am the only governor that vetoed the excessive pay raises of all the state employees, not once, but twice, and I was the first governor I believe to call for the two tier pension system. Now, look, unions, yah, they have their problems. But what about business over here? I mean businesses, or the folks who were lobbying Washington, got all the regulations cut back, they deprive the attorney general of their power to protect the borrowers from fraud and abuse and we lost this country 11 trillions, about over a trillion in California, because of the abuse of the practices of the Wall street, of the mortgage bankers Countrywide? As attorney general, I have been suing those people. So we got to be vigilant, whether it's labor or business, but I have to say something about our teachers, and people who clean bed in hospitals, our policemen, fire fighters, I mean, they are the people who really haven't barked. Upon public service as it is calling, and yes, they should be asked as public servants and hold them to that high standard. But I do cherish and appreciate works they do. And when there is excess, I will stop it. .... The chamber of commerce has a secret slush fund, that they use for Meg Whitman to attack me... I’d like her to tell the chamber, please disclose all the donors to those ads you are running on television, and whether it's labor or business, I would like to see 24 hours disclosure whether it's a strictly formal campaign committee, or one of the questionable non-profits. They are spending millions, not only in California, but throughout the country.
The fact that jerry brown tries to distance himself from the labor unions are amazing to me. Because the labor union that jerry brown has been joined and headed for 40 years. In my view that putting Jerry Brown in charge of negotiating with the labor unions around pension, around how many people we have in the state government is like putting ConDracula in charge of blood bank. The fact is nothing will get done. We’ve got to make very serious change here. You know just over the last five years, the number of employees at the state level has ballooned by 33,000 people. No family has been expanding like that, businesses have been cutting back。 We have got to run this government more efficiently, and we have got to have a government we can afford. we need to use technology to figure out how we do more with less。 We need use technology to find frauds that have be embedded in the system. you know estimate is that there are more than 5 billion dollars fraud embedded in the Medicare and Medical system. And because we haven’t have the strength of characters to go after that, I want to impanel a grand jury so if people are ripping off the state of California, they are going to go to jail...
by the way, Meg Whitman says she wants to change the pension system, but when they came the police and firefighter who are pretty powerful, by the way, represent 25% of the pension system, she carved down an exception. And she wants to define benefit plan which she says is so bad. I think that's a real reflection when powerful force come she will cave. I’ve been in the kitchen and I know the heat. I can take it, I got the knowhow, and yes I got the spine and intelligence and wisdom, and at my age, the independence to do what's right.