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“美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(七) 2013-03-01 10:18:01


Sgt —– LPPD, Ofcr —– LPPD (ret), and Chief —– LPPD, your guidance and mentoring as a young police explorer was second to none and invaluable as a young man, police officer, and naval officer. Sgt —–, you forewarned me long ago about joining LAPD as they were “different” and operated differently from other modern law enforcement agencies. I now know it was your humbleness and respect for all who wear the badge and protect their communities that you didn’t just express what you wanted to say, that they lack values and basic ethics as law enforcement officers. Chief —–, your fucking awesome. Thanks for the long talks over the years when I was an explorer, college student, Naval officer, and Police officer. Your are a great leader and carry your heart on your sleeve. Your son will be a great Air Force officer with the upbringing you provided. —–, what can I say? Your just an awesome person and my first exposure to what law enforcement was really about was on our ride along. Your realistic approach and empathetic approach to treating all people as humans first is something I carried with me daily. Thank you, every one of you.

LPPD的某某警司,长官。 LPPD(退休的)某某,和LPPD的某某总警察长,你们的指导和辅导对作为一个青年男子,年轻警察和海军军官的我,是非常重要的。某某警司,关于加入 LAPD,你事先早就曾经警告过我。因为它的“不同”,它与所有其他现代执法机构在运作上的相异性。现在我明白,你这是出于你的谦逊和对所有佩戴警徽和保 护社区的警察的尊重,你没有直接表达你想说的话。那就是他们缺乏执法人员的基本道德和价值观。某某总警监,你他妈的真棒。感谢您多年来,对作为实习警 察,大学生,海军军官和警官的我的那些长谈。您是一位很棒的领袖,总是待人以诚。由于你的教养,你的儿子将会成为一个很棒的空军军官。 某某,我能说什么呢?你真是很棒的人,从我们一起驾车行,我算是真的第一次接触到什么是执法。你首先以实事求是的态度和同情的方式对待所有的人,这成为我 后来每天坚持的信念。谢谢你们每一位

Dr. —–, thank you for the superb surgery you performed on my knee on 7/98 in Irvine, CA. I never had the opportunity to thank you for allowing me to live a life free of knee joint pain. Thank you.


CM1 —– (Ret.), I learned more from you about leadership than most of my own commanders. You lived by a strict ethos of get it done, and get it done right. I wanted to attend your retirement, I really did. But because of my predicament I was unable to. Hope you and Ritchie are still together. I’ve always held you in high regard.


Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of shit.


Sgt Maj. —– USMC, Thank you for the intense instruction and mentorship and time spent forging me into a never quit officer. You were challenging as a DI. You made sure the vicious and intense personality I possess was discovered. On a lighter note….Don’t feel humbled you never broke me. I made it a personal goal to never give up years before. The Corp is lucky to have you at the front. Your leadership is essential and needed for all marines, especially staff NCO’s and mentorship and advisement to company grade officers. You are the epitome of a US marine and never forget that.

海军陆战队的某某军士长,感谢你花费时间对我的高强度的指 导,将我锻造成一个永不放弃的警官。作为一名训练指导(DI:Drill instructor),你富有挑战性。你确保我强烈的个性被发现。开句玩笑……不要因为你从来没有让我失败而觉得不好意思。我在多年以前就确立 了一个个人目标,就是永不放弃。海军陆战队很幸运有你在第一线。你的领导对所有的海军陆战队员,特别是士官工作人员和指导人员,你的指导和顾问,对那些校 官和尉官们,都是必不可少的,和必要的。你是美国海军陆战队的缩影,永远不要忘记这一点。

I thank my friends for the awesome shared experiences. I thank the unnamed women I dated over my lifetime for the great and sometimes not so great sex.


It’s kind of sad I won’t be around to view and enjoy The Hangover III. What an awesome trilogy. Todd Phillips, don’t make anymore Hangovers after the third, takes away the originality of its foundation. World War Z looks good and The Walking Dead season 3 (second half) looked intriguing. Damn, gonna miss shark week.

我不能活着欣赏《宿醉III》有点悲哀。那真是一部很棒的三部曲。托德·菲利普斯,在拍了《宿醉III》以后,不要再拍新的《宿 醉》了,其原创性的基础不存在了。《Z次世界大战》看起来不错,《行尸走肉》第3季(下半年)看着也很有趣。妈的,我会想念《鲨鱼周》(The Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, first broadcast on July 17, 1987, is a week-long series of feature television programs dedicated to sharks.)的。

Mr. Vice President, do your due diligence when formulating a concise and permanent national AWB plan. Future generations of Americans depend on your plan and advisement to the president. I’ve always been a fan of yours and consider you one of the few genuine and charismatic politicians. Damn, sounds like an oxymoron calling you an honest politician. It’s the truth.

副总统先生,你的应尽职责,是制定一个简洁的和永久的国家反自动武器 (AWB:Federal Assault Weapons Ban)计划。未来几代的美国人依赖于你的计划和给总统的建议。我一直是你的粉丝,认为你是为数不多的真正的,有魅力的政治家之一。妈的,称你一个诚实的 政客,听起来像是有点矛盾。但是这确实是事实。

Hillary Clinton. You’ll make one hell of a president in 2016. Much like your husband, Bill, you will be one of the greatest. Look at Castro in San Antonio as a running mate or possible secretary of state. He’s (good people) and I have faith and confidence in him. Look after Bill. He was always my favorite President. Chelsea grew up to be one hell of an attractive woman. No disrespect to her husband.

希拉里·克林顿,在2016年,你会成为一个很棒的总统。就像你的丈夫比尔,你会是最伟大的美国总统中的一个。圣安东尼奥的卡斯特 罗可以作为你的竞选伙伴或可能的国务卿人选。他是个好人,我对他有信心。照顾好比尔吧,他一直是我最喜欢的总统。切尔西已经长大成一个很有魅力 的女人。我也尊重她的丈夫。

Gov. Chris Christie. What can I say? You’re the only person I would like to see in the White House in 2016 other than Hillary. You’re America’s no shit taking uncle. Do one thing for your wife, kids, and supporters. Start walking at night and eat a little less, not a lot less, just a little. We want to see you around for a long time. Your leadership is greatly needed.

州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)。对你我能说什么呢?你是希拉里以外在2016年我想在白宫见到的唯一一人。你,美国的不说废话大叔。为了你的妻儿和支持者做一件事 吧。开始在晚上跑跑步,吃少一点,也不是少吃很多,只是一点点。我们希望看到你活得长一点。你的领导是非常需要的。

Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of shit. You never even showed 30 seconds of empathy for the children, teachers, and families of Sandy Hook. You deflected any type of blame/responsibility and directed it toward the influence of movies and the media. You are a failure of a human being. May all of your immediate and distant family die horrific deaths in front of you.


Willie Geist, you’re a talented and charismatic journalist.


Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Pat Harvey, Brian Williams, Soledad Obrien, Wolf Blitzer, Meredith Viera, Tavis Smiley, and Anderson Cooper, keep up the great work and follow Cronkite’s lead. I hold many of you in the same regard as Tom Brokaw and the late Peter Jennings. Cooper, stop nagging and berating your guest, they’re your (guest). Mr. Scarborough, we met at McGuire’s pub in P-cola in 2002 when I was stationed there. It was an honor conversing with you about politics, family, and life.

克 里斯·马修斯,乔·士嘉堡,帕特·哈维,布赖恩·威廉斯,索莱达·奥伯林,,沃尔夫·布利泽,梅雷迪思·维埃拉,川维斯·斯迈利,和安德森·库珀,请追随 克朗凯特(Walter Cronkite)的足迹,继续你们的出色的工作。我认为你们中许多人在这方面和布罗考(Tom Brokaw)和后来的彼得·詹宁斯一样出色。库珀,停止唠叨和斥责你的客人,他们毕竟是你(客人)。士嘉堡先生,我们曾经在彭斯科纳(P- cola:Pensacola,弗罗里达的一个城市)的麦圭尔酒吧相遇过,那是2002年,当时我们驻扎在那里。和你一起探讨政治,家庭,和生活,是我的 荣幸。

Willie Geist, you’re a talented and charismatic journalist. Stop with all the talk show shenanigans and get back to your core of reporting. Your future is brighter than most.


Revoke the citizenship of Fareed Zakaria and deport him. I’ve never heard a positive word about America or its interest from his mouth, ever. On the same day, give Piers Morgan an indefinite resident alien and Visa card. Mr. Morgan, the problem that many American gun owners have with you and your continuous discussion of gun control is that you are not an American citizen and have an accent that is distinct and clarifies that you are a foreigner. I want you to know that I agree with you 100% on enacting stricter firearm laws but you must understand that your critics will always have in the back of their mind that you are native to a country that we won our sovereignty from while using firearms as a last resort in defense and you come from a country that has no legal private ownership of firearms. That is disheartening to American gun owners and rightfully so.

取消扎卡里亚(Fareed Zakaria)的公民身份,将他驱逐出境。从他的嘴里,我从来没有听说过关于美国和美国利益的一个正面的词儿,从来没有。同时,授予皮尔斯·摩根永久居 留权和绿卡。摩根先生,许多美国枪支持有者和你本人,以及与你不断地讨论枪支管制的问题,是因为你不是美国公民,并有很重的口音,那使你显得与众不同,那 明确表明你是一个外国人。我想让你知道,我100%同意你关于制定更严格的枪支法律的看法。但你必须明白,在他们想到你的批评的时候,他们总是会的在心底 想到,你土生土长的那个国家,是我们通过武力作为最终手段赢得主权的国家,你来自一个私人不能依法拥有枪支的国家。这令美国的枪支拥有者们沮丧,这也是理 所当然的。

The honorable President George H.W. Bush, they never give you enough credit for your successful Presidency. You were always one of my favorite Presidents (2nd favorite). I hope your health improves greatly. You are the epitome of an American and service to country.


General Petraeus, you made a mistake that the majority of men make once, twice, or unfortunately many times in a lifetime. You are human. You thought with your penis. It’s okay.I personally believe you should have never resigned and told your critics to shove it. You only answer to two people regarding the affair, your wife and children, period. I hope you return to government service to your country as it is visibly in your DNA.

彼得雷乌斯将军,你犯了一个错误,不幸的是,这是大多数人在其一生中,都会犯一次,两次,甚至许多次这样的错误。你是一个人。你用你的阴茎思考(thought with your penis:意指色鬼)。这个也没有什么啦。我个人认为你永远不该辞职。只是告诉你的继任人将你的案子束之高阁。关于你的绯闻,你只对两个人欠一个解释。 你的妻子和孩子。如此而已。我希望你回到政府为国家服务,因为它明显是在你的基因里。

General Colin Powell, your book “My American Journey” solidified my decision to join the military after college. I had always intended to serve, but your book and journey motivated me. You are an inspiration to all Americans and influenced me greatly.


To all SEA’s (senior enlisted advisers), you are just as important if not a greater viability to large and small commands. It’s time you take a more active role in leading your enlisted and advising officers. These are not your twilight years or time to relax. You can either strengthen the tip of the spear, or make it brittle. You decide.


Pat Harvey, I’ve always thought you carried yourself professionally and personally the way a strong black woman should. Your articulation and speech is second to none. You are the epitome of a journalist/anchor. You are America.


Ellen Degeneres, continue your excellent contribution to entertaining America and bringing the human factor to entertainment. You changed the perception of your gay community and how we as Americans view the LGBT community. I congratulate you on your success and opening my eyes as a young adult, and my generation to the fact that you are know different from us other than who you choose to love. Oh, and you Prop 8 supporters, why the fuck do you care who your neighbor marries. Hypocritical pieces of shit.

艾伦德杰尼勒斯,继续你对娱乐美国人的卓越贡献,并给娱乐带来的人性的因素。你改 变了人们对你的同性恋社区的成见,也改变了我们作为美国人对LGBT(男女同性恋,双性恋,和变性人LGBT:lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender)的成见。我祝贺你的成功。你让作为一个年轻人的我,我们这一代人,睁开眼睛,看到这样的事实,就是这不仅仅是你选择爱谁的问题, 而是你知道我们之间的不同的问题。哦,你们这些8号提案的支持者,你他妈的为什么要去管你的邻居和谁结婚。 虚伪的臭狗屎。

Westboro Baptist Church, may you all burn slowly in a fire, not from smoke inhalation, but from the flames and only the flames.


Tebow, I really wanted to see you take charge of an offense again and the game. You are not a good QB by todays standards, but you are a great football player who knows how to lead a team and WIN. You will be “Tebowing” when you reach your next team. I have faith in you. Get out of that circus they call the Jets and away from the reality TV star, Rex Ryan, and Mark Rapist Sanchez.

特博,我真的很想看看你在比赛里再打前锋。按照今天的标准,你算不上是一个很好的四分卫(QB:Quarterback)。 但你是一个伟大的足球运动员。而且知道如何带领一个团队去赢得比赛。当你达到你的下一个团队时,你会被人们膜拜(Tebowing:To get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.)”。我对你有信心。离开那个所谓喷气机的马戏团队吧。离开那些真人实境电视秀明星雷克斯瑞安,和强奸犯马克·桑切斯吧。

Christopher Walz, you impressed me in Inglorious Basterds. After viewing Django Unchained, I was sold. I have come to the conclusion that you are well on your way to becoming one of the greats if not already and show glimpses of Daniel Day Lewis and Morgan Freeman-esque type qualities of greatness. Trust me when I say that you will be one of the greatest ever.

克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹,你原本给我的印象就是一个无耻的混蛋。看了《被解放的姜戈》(Django Unchained,2012年的西部片,克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹以此获得奥斯卡最佳男配角)之后,我知道那是不对的。我得出结论,你是在一路奔着成为一个伟 大的 演员而去的,如果说你还不已经是一个伟大的演员的话。你已经隐约可见丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯和摩根·弗里曼式这样伟大演员的类型特质。当我说你将是有史以来 最伟大的,相信我吧。


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· 亲历南加州全境大停电
· 奥萨马之死:另一只潘多拉的盒子
· 君子群而不党,乡原德之贼也——兼
· 美国是强奸犯的天堂吗?
· 在2010年的选举中,投下你的神圣
· 有感于不是中国人的中国人答舒林
· 由填写人口普查问卷所想到的
· 好莱坞电影《惊爆内幕》故事情节
· 温馨提示:假日幸存十二法
· 小儿要我投奥巴马一票
· 我与死神擦肩而过(后续)
· 破产的政府与零票当选的议员
· 分享一件生活中的真实美国法制故
· 美国国会研究报告:理解中国的政
· 我与死神擦肩而过
· 快讯:奥萨马本拉丁死掉了
· 他为何放弃美国国籍?
· 媒体的言论自由等于公民的言论自
· 转基因巨擘孟山都与美国政治
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(续完)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(七)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(六)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(五)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(四)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(三)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(二)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(一)
· 所谓“言论自由”在中国的困境
· ZT:中国向何处去?
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· 众议院议长佩洛西是一个圣人
· 《鹰隼大队》:歼十看上去帅呆了
· 转贴:一位台湾学校校长在中国内
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· 我与两分钱和德孤的有限交流
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· 日本东电公司澄清所谓“五十死士”
· 白凡致万维的紧急再声明
· 中國人,說一個“愛”字太沉重
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· 社交网络和个人隐私
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· (微博)希拉里怎么了?
· 四川人看医生;品位虽然不太高,
· 回收站 (Recycle Bin)
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· “incapacity to do something”在
· 也来秀一秀我的夫人(标题党。慎
· 等闲花鸟莫相疑
· 人狗之间
· 真正的釣魚島島主找到了,有慈禧
· 祝各位,掐的和不掐的,都节日快
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· 中国好人
· 万维博客病毒警告
· 夕阳之歌(图)
· 答欧阳锋再谈决战高法
· 紧急动员,决战最高法院!
· 美国高法将重审大学招生中的种族
· 从The Insider的故事看美国传媒
· 且看好莱坞怎样戏说历史:汤姆库
· 蓦然回首思“更雨”- Mt. Rainier
· 贾西瓦树国家公园
· 棕榈泉游记兼和沙之舟
· 再论中国炮击钓鱼岛
· 辛子陵在沪讲话(全文转贴)
· 我为何对温总感到失望?
· 从耳食之言得来的“学问”
· 基督教与西方国家的文化涂鸦与种
· 我们为何研究中国文化?
· 臣妾意识与女性人格 ——古代士大
· 从评论看我所知道的花见草
· 发生过的历史难以轻易抹杀
· 答翅膀先生和白凡谈政教分离
· 就网上交友与美国言论自由答“运
· 出入万维谈“左”“右”
· 明星博主与网管互动--也向万维网
· 为儿童还是为海狮?动物活动家们
· 绿警察,哥本哈根会议与中庸之道
· 世博三日记(3)
· 世博三日记(2)
· 世博三日记(1)
· 明初排名第三文人之死
· 陆机《文赋》三题
· 从“养气”说看苏辙的文艺思想
· 楊基家世考
· 【四杰年譜】 1357:元至正十七
· 【四杰年譜】 1356:元至正十六
· 【四杰年譜】 1352: 元至正十二
· 【四杰年譜】 1351: 元至正十一
· 【四杰年譜】 1347: 元至正七年
· 【四杰年譜】 1326: 元泰定三年
· 【四杰年譜】 1301: 元成宗大徳
· 明初四杰年譜說明
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