【白凡案】下面是响应丹奇博主的号召,全文转发她的文字。请我的读者还没有签署该呼吁书,又赞同其观点的,也来支持和呼吁。  向奥巴马总统紧急请愿书:抗议种族歧视,发出华裔声音!请签名,请转发!!! 各位亲爱的乡亲, 在我们为优秀的 NBA球员林书豪近期的卓越表现而无比自豪,欢喜鼓舞的时候,在我们埋首奋斗为前途打拼的时候,请不要忘记,无论我们如何努力,种族歧视的大棒随时就会高高扬起随时砸下,无论你是精英,还是普通百姓。 这样的事例不胜枚举。就连当今如日中天的林书豪前天还遭遇了ESPN的歧视“Chinks in Armor)”。更别提我们的为国参军去,马革裹尸还的华裔子弟兵。他们在军中遭受凌辱的现象令人不安,至今还在发酵的华裔士兵廖梓源去年四月因辱自杀案以及陈宇晖去年十月受辱自杀案,并没有获得公正的判决。 华裔在美国日益增多,我们的儿女们也许将来更多地会选择参军,报效国家。但是,军中歧视现象如果任由发展,不加以制止,下一个廖梓源和陈宇晖就可能是你我的儿女的命运。 为了我们的后代不再面对如此的结局,请华裔朋友们行动起来,请配合我们的第一位华裔女国会议员赵美心的呼吁,请在美国80-20亚裔政治行动委员会发出的向奥巴马总统的请愿书上庄严签名,呼吁白宫政府,呼吁美国国会重视军中歧视华裔的现象,制止更多类似的悲剧继续发生。 http://admin.80-20nj.info/cgi/80/e?l=8/12ps/f&w=no 请打开连接,签下你的名字,请转发给更多的朋友,为了广大华裔的基本生存权利不受侵害,请发出你的声音! 美国国会议员希拉杰克森李亚裔顾问兼代表 罗玲 (笔名:丹奇) From: "S.B. Woo" <sbw@UDel.Edu> Date: February 18, 2012 12:05:12 PM EST Subject: Urgent Petition to Pres. Obama Dear You are a great 80-20 member. You know that we must speak up to become EQAUL citizens of the USA. If you have NOT signed the petition to President Obama regarding securing justice for Danny Chen who was bullied racially to suicide by his superiors and comrades, DO IT NOW. http://admin.80-20nj.info/cgi/80/e?l=8/12ps/f&w=no In addition, get at least one more Asian Am (your spouse or child or a colleague) to sign it too. 4500 have already done so. An estimated 10,000 signers are needed, before it'll move the White House to act. Otherwise, the lives of AsAm soldiers may not be worth a damn from here on. President Obama's staff is already aware of this petition. I bet a staff will be checking each day to see how the petition is coming. If it gathers momentum, it'll likely be a positive response. If it peters out, we deserve to be ignored. We are masters of our own destiny. We are proud pioneers who will willingly go above and beyond our call of duty. SIGN NOW AND GET ONE MORE TO SIGN! Sincerely, S.B. Woo President, 80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc. http://www.80-20EF.org |