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“美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(六) 2013-02-23 11:15:45


Mia Farrow said it best. “Gun control is no longer debatable, it’s not a conversation, its a moral mandate.”

米亚·法罗说得最好: “枪支管制不再是一个可以争议的问题,它不是一个对话,而是一种道德义务。”

Sen. Feinstein, you are doing the right thing in leading the re-institution of a national AWB. Never again should any public official state that their prayers and thoughts are with the family. That has become cliche’ and meaningless. Its time for action. Let this be your legacy that you bestow to America. Do not be swayed by obstacles, antagaonist, and naysayers. Remember the innocent children at Austin, Kent, Stockton, Fullerton, San Diego, Iowa City, Jonesboro, Columbine, Nickel Mines, Blacksburg, Springfield, Red Lake, Chardon, Aurora, and Newtown. Make sure this never happens again!!!

参议员范士丹,你领导的在全国重建致命武器禁令(AWB:Federal Assault Weapons Ban) 是在做一件正确的事。永远不要再有任何公职人员说他们的祈祷和想法是为了家庭。这已经成为陈词滥调,而且毫无意义的。现在是行动的时候了。让这成为留给刘 美国的遗产吧,。不要被障碍,反派,和反对者所动摇。请记住奥斯汀,肯特,斯托克顿,富乐顿,爱荷华城,圣迭戈,琼斯波罗,科伦拜恩,布莱克斯堡,斯普林 菲尔德,红城湖,恰顿,阿罗纳,和新城那些无辜的孩子。请确保这不会再发生!

In my cache you will find several small arms. In the cache, Bushmaster firearms, Remington precision rifles, and AAC Suppressors (silencers). All of these small arms are manufactured by Cerberus/Freedom Group. The same company responsible for the Portland mall shooting, Webster , NY, and Sandy Hook massacre.


You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama. A woman whose professional and educational accomplishments are second to none when compared to recent First wives. You call his supporters, whether black, brown, yellow, or white, leeches, FSA, welfare recipients, and ni$&er lovers. You say this openly without any discretion. Before you start with your argument that you believe I would vote for Obama because he has the same skin color as me, fuck you. I didn’t vote in this last election as my choice of candidate, John Huntsman, didn’t win the primary candidacy for his party.

你对美国总统,我们的三军总司令(POTUS:Presidents of the United States)大不 敬。你叫他肯尼亚,大嘴怪(mongroid 是卡通人物。以大嘴著名),半非洲人(halfrican),穆斯林,和FBHO(Fuck Barack Hussein Obama)。或者像你称呼乔治·W·布什,和所有那些在他之前在我们这块土地上身处最高位的人一样,简单地称呼他总统。正如我一直所称呼的一样。你质疑 他的出生证明,他的教育和专业成就,以及他的犹太-基督教的信仰。你散布诋毁他死去的父母的言论。你从来没有质疑他以前的对手,尊敬的参议员约翰·麦凯 恩,也不是出生在美国本土,或者布个什在他的大学阶段只有C 的平均成绩的的事实。像儿童一样的选举候选人罗姆尼们曾经在辩论中说他们想当面给总统一拳,却无需承担任何不良后果。甚至没有人质疑这个龟儿子刚刚向总统 作出了犯罪威胁的事实。你们把他的妻子叫Wookie(电影《星球大战》中的长发人形物种)。私下里说,奥巴马夫人,我喜欢你的新刘海。相比起最近的那些 第一夫人们她的专业和教育成就是首屈一指的。你们称呼他的支持者,无论是黑种人,棕色种人,黄种人或白种人,为水蛭,滥用食品券的人(FSA:food stamp abuse),吃福利的,和爱黑鬼的人。你们公开讲着样的话而不加任何限定。在你们开口之前,你们就已经假定我会投票给奥巴马,因为我和他有相同的肤色,操你妈的。我在这最近一次的选举中并没有投票,因为我中意的候选人约翰·亨斯迈,没有赢得他的政党的初选。

Mr. President, I haven’t agreed with all of your decisions but of course I haven’t agreed with all of your predecessors decisions. I think you’ve done a hell of a job with what you have been dealt and how you have managed it. I shed a tear the night you were initially elected President in 2008. I never thought that day would occur. A black man elected president in the U.S. in my lifetime. I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012 because I really didn’t think you were going to pull that one off. Romney, stop being a sore loser. You could’ve exited graciously and still contributed significantly to public service, not now. Mr. President, get back to work. Many want to see you fail as they have stated so many times previously. Unfortunately, if you fail, the U.S. fails but your opponents do not concern themselves about the big picture. Do not forget your commitment to transparency in your administration. Sometimes I believe your administration forgets that. America, you will realize today and tomorrow that this world is made up of all human beings who have the same general needs and wants in life for themselves, their kin, community, and state. That is the freedom to LIVE and LOVE. They may eat different foods, enjoy different music, have different dialects, or speak a second language, but in essence are no different from you and I. This is America. We are not a perfect sovereign country as we have our own flaws but we are the closest that will ever exist.

总统先生,我并不同意你的所有决定,但我当然也不同意你的前任的所有决定。就你所一直在处理的(困难),和你是处理这些问题的方式 而言。我以为你干得相当不错。你最初在2008年当选总统的那一夜,我流下了眼泪。我从来没有想过这一天会发生。在我的在世的时间里,一个黑人当选美国美 国总统。当你2012年再次当选,我笑了。因为我真的没想到你会再下一城。罗姆尼,不要再那么输不起了。你本可以优雅地退出,继续为公众服务。而不是像现 在这样。总统先生,回去工作吧。许多人都希望看到你失败,正如他们从前已经多次说过的一样。不幸的是,如果你失败了,就是美国的失败,但你的对手不关心这 个。他们不会从全局考虑这个。不要忘记你的关于透明执政的承诺。有时候,我觉得你的政府忘记了这些承诺。美国,今天或明天,你会发现,这个世界是由全人类 组成,大家在生活中为自己,为亲人,为社区和国家,都具有相同的总体需求。那便是生活和爱情的自由。他们可能会吃不同的食物,享受不同的音乐,有不同的方 言,或讲第二语言。但在本质上与你和我没有不同。这就是美国。我们不是一个完美的主权国家,因为我们有我们自己的缺陷,但我们是最接近于那个将永远存在的 国度。

Unfortunately, this is not the first time an authoritative figure has lied on me.


—–, assistant principal, Cypress HS. Remember when you lied to my mother and the police officer in your office about stating that you never stated to me in a private conversation that you know the theft suspect (—–) stole my watch. Let me refresh your memory. A physical education teachers assistant, a student, stole the list of combination codes to peoples lockers, from the P.E. teacher. That student then opened many of those lockers and stole students personal property. My watch was taken in that multi theft an I reported it to you. A week later you discovered that the theft suspect was —–, a student. You stated to me in private that you know for a fact he stole my property. When I attempted to retrieve my property from the suspect. Campus security was called and you lied and stated that you never stated to me that you “know he stole my watch”. You sat there and lied to their faces right in front of me. You said it with such a deliberate, stern face. I never forgot that and was not surprised when 13 years later I was lied on again in the BOR by —–. maybe you can confess to your family at the very least in the private of your own home. After that, contact my mother and apologize for lying to her in 1996.

某某,赛普拉斯高中的副校长,请记住,当你在你的办公室说你从来没有在一次私人谈话中对我讲过你知道某某盗窃犯罪嫌疑人偷了我的手 表时,你向我的母亲和警察撒了谎。让我来刷新你的记忆吧。一个做体育老师助理的学生,从体育老师那里偷走了储物柜门锁的组合代码表。然后那个学生开了很多 这些储物柜,偷走了学生的个人财产。我的手表也在那次的系列盗窃案中失窃。我报告给你。一个星期后,你发现盗窃犯罪嫌疑人是某某,一个学生。您私下向我 说,你知道,事实上是他偷走了我的财产。当我试图向犯罪嫌疑人要回我的财产时。校警被叫来,你撒了谎说,你从来没有向我表示,你知道他偷了我的手表。你坐 在那里,当着我的面。向他们当面撒了谎。你说的时候,一脸正经,严肃的表情。我永远不会忘记。所以当13年后在BOR,当某某对我撒谎时,我一点也不感到 惊讶。也许至少是在你自己的家中,私下里你可以向你的家人承认。在那之后,请联系我母亲,为1996年骗她的事情向她道歉。

If possible, I want my brain preserved for science/research to study the effects of severe depression on an individual’s brain. Since 6/26/08 when I was relieved of duty and 1/2/09 when I was terminated I have been afflicted with severe depression. I’ve had two CT scans during my lifetime that are in my medical record at Kaiser Permanente. Both are from concussions resulting from playing football. The first one was in high school, 10/96. The second was in college and occurred in 10/99. Both were conducted at Kaiser Permanente hospitals in LA/Orange county. These two CT scans should give a good baseline for my brain activity before severe depression began in late 2008.

如果可能的话,我希望我的被大脑保存用于科学研究,研究严重的抑郁症对一个人的大脑的影响。自从08年06月26号,我被解除职 务,09年1月2号被开除,我一直患有严重的抑郁症。在我生之年,我在Kaiser Permanente做过两次CT扫描。两次都是因为踢足球导致的脑震荡。第一次是96年10月在高中的时候。第二次是99年10月在大学。两次都是在洛 杉矶和橙县的Kaiser Permanente医院进行的治疗。这两个CT扫描应该为我始于2008年年底患上严重抑郁症之前的大脑活动提供一个良好的基线。

Sure, many of you “law enforcement experts and specialist” will state, “in all my years this is the worst……..”, Stop!!! That’s not important. Ask yourselves what would cause somebody to take these drastic measures like I did. That’s what is important.


To my friends listed below, I wish we could have grown old together and spent more time together. When you reminisce of our friendship and experiences, think of that and that only. Do not dwell on my recent actions the last few days. This was a necessary evil that had to be executed in order for me to obtain my NAME back. The only thing that changes policy and garners attention is death.

下面列出的这些朋友们,我本希望我们可以一起活到老,在一起度过更多的时间。当你回忆起我们的友谊和经验,想到我说的这一点,仅仅 这一点就够了。不要太在意我最近这最后几天的行动。这是一种必要的恶,必须得要执行,为了恢复我的令名。能够使政策发生改变,引起关注的唯一办法就是死 亡。

—–, greatest friend, Marine officer, aviator, and an even better father and husband. I Couldn’t have had a better big brother than you. Your spoken wisdom was always retained by me, you old salty Mustang. You sternly told me that no matter what I accomplish I will always be a ni#%er in many individuals eyes. At the time, I did not comprehend your words. I do now. I never forgot the quote you state below. I love you bro.

某某,我最好的朋友,海军陆战队军官,飞行员,和一个好丈夫和好父亲。你是我最好的兄长。你说过的智慧的话语总在我的耳边,你这个 老的咸味的野马车。您曾经严肃地告诉我,不管我成就有多高,在许多人眼里,我将永远是一个黑鬼。当时,我还不理解你的话。现在我理解了。我永远不会忘记你 下面的原话: 我爱你,兄弟。

I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever feeling sorry for itself. -D.H. Lawrence

我从来没有见过野生的东西为自己感到难过。一只小鸟可能会冻死从树枝上掉下来,而从来没有为自己感到难过。 -D.H.劳伦斯

It’s kind of sad I won’t be around to view and enjoy The Hangover III. What an awesome trilogy.

—–, greatest friend, Naval officer, aviator, Great Father, husband, doctor, and even better human being. I always strived to live my life parallel to your similar values and personal disciplines. —– is lucky to have found a man like yourself, and you are fortunate to have married an irrefutable imperfect woman. Always focus on your IMMEDIATE family as they are the ones who have loved you unconditionally and always been their to support you in difficult times. I always lived my life as WW—–D (what would —– do). —–, take care of this guy. —–, I’m sorry I missed your wedding and you had to find another best man. I’m sorry my predicament with the department stopped me from watching you and —– get married and arguing with you about issues that were insignificant when I was really angry at the LAPD for what they did to me. I’m deeply sorry and I love you guys.


某某是我最好的朋友,海军军官,飞行员,一位好父亲,好丈夫,好医生,更是一个好人。我一直努力,让我的生活平行类似于你的价值观 和个人专业。 某某很幸运找到了自己喜欢的男人,而你,幸运地娶到了了一个不可抗拒的并非完美的女人。时刻关注您的直系亲属,因为他们无条件地爱你,一直在困难的时候支 持你。我一直像WW某某D一样过我的生活(某某也就是这样生活的)。 某某,请照顾这伙计。 某某,对不起,我错过了你的婚礼。害你不得不另找一个伴郎。对不起,我与警局的困境使我不能继续照顾你。某某结婚了。当我对LAPD对我所做的真的很生气 的时候,他却跟你说的问题微不足道。我很抱歉,我爱你们。

—–, great friend, attorney, father, husband, and the most cynical/blatant/politically incorrect friend a man can have. Best quality about you in college and now is that you never sugar coated the truth. I will miss our political discussions that always turned argumentative. Thanks for introducing me to outdoor sports like fishing, hunting, mudding, and also respect for the land and resources. Us city boys don’t get out much like you Alaskans. You even introduced me to PBR. A beer, that when you’re a poor college student is completely acceptable to get buzzed off of. I’m sorry I’ll never get to go on that moose and bear hunt with you. I love you bro.

某某是个好朋友,好律师,好父亲,和好丈夫,而且也是一位你可以找到的最愤世嫉俗的、明目张胆的、而且政治不正确的朋友。你最大的 优点,无论是在上学时,还是现在,是你从不掩盖真相。我会怀念我们那些有关政治的讨论,虽然它们往往总是变成激烈的争论。谢谢你引导我进入如钓鱼,狩猎, 泥地行车等户外运动,同时也尊重土地和自然资源。我们这些城市男孩不像你这样的阿拉斯加男孩参加很多户外活动。你甚至让我喝上了PBR(Pabst Blue Ribbon)啤酒,当你是一个贫困大学生时,有时候来上几杯是完全可以接受的。对不起,我永远也不会有机会跟你去狩猎驼鹿和熊了。 我爱你,兄弟。

—–, greatest friend, accountant, entrepreneur, and even better Human being. You are probably the most well balanced person I’ve ever met and the most driven for success. In college, and after graduation, I was inspired by your personal drive. Never settle. When you make your first million, promise me you won’t forget to enjoy it a bit. I know your first reaction will be to invest it somewhere else. Spend a little, just a little. I love you bro.

某某,一位好朋友,好会计师,企业家,更是一位好人。你是我见过的最为平衡的人,一位为了成功而最为努力的人。无论是在大学,还是 在大学毕业后,从不停止的的个人奋斗给我莫大的激励。当你挣够你的你的第一个一百万,答应我,不要忘记享受一点点。我知道你的第一反应将是把它们投资到其 他地方。自己花一点点吧,只是一点点。我爱你,兄弟。

—–, great friend, entrepeneur, husband and father. You showed me the importance of fatherhood and friendship. Love you bro.


—–.You guys were all important and very special to me. Don’t be angry with me. I missed some of your weddings and unfortunately, some of your funerals. This was a necessary evil.


Gov. Chris Christie. What can I say? You’re the only person I would like to see in the White House in 2016 other than Hillary.

州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)。我能说什么?你是希拉里以外在2016年我唯一希望进入白宫的人。

Some say it is my fault that I was terminated. Yes, —–, I remember you stating this to me in an angry fit. You said that I should have kept my mouth shut about another officer’s misconduct. Maybe you were right. But I’m not built like others, it’s not in my DNA and my history has always shown that. When you view the video of the suspect stating he was kicked by —–, maybe you will see that I was a decent person after all. I told the truth. It still hurt that you abandoned me in my time of need. I hope you’re happy, that’s all I ever wanted for you.

有人说我被解雇是我的错。是的,某某,我记得你在一次暴怒中对我说过这样的话。你说我应该让我的嘴吧闭上,不要讲另一名官员的不当 行为。也许你是对的。但我生来就与其他人不一样。我的历史一直表明,我没有这样的基因。当您查看的犯罪嫌疑人说明他被某某踢的视频,你会知道,我才是一个 正派的人。我说了实 话。你在我需要你的时候抛弃了我,它仍然使我感到很受伤。我希望你幸福,这是我一直的希望。

Sgt. —–, you meant well but you should have known with your time on the job that the department would attempt to protect someone like —– because of her time on the job, personal friendships, and ethicity. I’m not angry with you, but you should have known as an IA investigator.


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· 米蘭印象(一)
· 關於行萬里路的隨想
· 月弯儿:旅英生活体验(二)
· 月弯儿:旅英生活体验(一)
· 西方看中国之四: 中国将会成为怎
· 月弯儿西方看中国之三:中国与多
· 就马丁杰奎斯的文章答阿妞不牛
· 月弯儿:西方看东方之二: 了解中
· 中国比西方更民主和合乎理法吗?
· 4. 也谈是谁在真正统治美国(三
· 3. 美国的左派传统、全球化、和
· 2. 也谈是谁在真正统治美国(二
· 1. 也谈是谁在真正统治美国(一
· 4. 公司化的美国: 一人一票后面
· 3. 金钱来自何处,又去向何方?
· 2. 党派政治与金钱资本:从“劫位
· 5. 杰瑞布朗对麦格魏特曼:工会
· 4. 工会:美国政坛的大玩家
· 3. 公共事业工会影响下的美国人
· 2. 美国工运的衰落与公共事业工
· 1. 工会作为公司化美国的大股东
· 4. 美国经济的真实现状与一种可
· 3. “班克”:它是取代美元的下一
· 2. 从欧洲的前车之鉴看美元的衰
· 1. 盛世危言:美国的末日来到了
· 重读《悼杨铨》
· 故土情怀与梅花精神
· 胡天游的《晓行》诗:骈文名家的
· 古诗声律简要
· 江山无恙时的兴亡之叹
· 离形得似,刻画入神的诗中逸品
· 江波流尽千年事,明月白鸥都不知
· 岁晚江湖同是客,莫辞伴我更南飞
· “無理而妙”與“化實為虛”–晚唐羅
· 万古至今同此恨,谁来翻新唱暮春
· 软摇滚:麦克学摇滚与他们翻唱的
· 蓦然回首思“更雨”- Mt. Rainier
· 和半江红《桂花暗渡忍冬香》一首
· 月夜庭中抒怀(七律一首)
· 论诗诗(七律一首)
· 艺园诗(外二首)
· 棕榈泉游记兼和沙之舟
· 软摇滚:麦克学摇滚与他们翻唱的
· 软摇滚:麦克学摇滚与他们翻唱的
· 读冬儿《剑门关怀古》有和 (七
· 远行归来有感(七律一首)
· 落叶(七律)
· 意态楚楚的假隐士
· 李西涯专在虚字上用功夫,如何当
· 中秋夜赏月游网题叶子贝克山行(
· 民主的西瓜
· 书评:亨利基辛格《论中国》
· 政府拯救房市的钱是怎样花出去的
· 人在西方,勿犯政治路线错误
· 奥巴马国情咨文中文全译(二)
· 奥巴马国情咨文中文全译(一)
· 也談海外華人愛看國內電視劇
· 由江海松博士机场吻别說到中美、
· 關于手紙、廁所以及抽水馬桶的故
· 阶级斗争,真的一抓就灵吗?
· 亲历南加州全境大停电
· 奥萨马之死:另一只潘多拉的盒子
· 君子群而不党,乡原德之贼也——兼
· 美国是强奸犯的天堂吗?
· 在2010年的选举中,投下你的神圣
· 有感于不是中国人的中国人答舒林
· 由填写人口普查问卷所想到的
· 好莱坞电影《惊爆内幕》故事情节
· 温馨提示:假日幸存十二法
· 小儿要我投奥巴马一票
· 我与死神擦肩而过(后续)
· 破产的政府与零票当选的议员
· 分享一件生活中的真实美国法制故
· 美国国会研究报告:理解中国的政
· 我与死神擦肩而过
· 快讯:奥萨马本拉丁死掉了
· 他为何放弃美国国籍?
· 媒体的言论自由等于公民的言论自
· 转基因巨擘孟山都与美国政治
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(续完)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(七)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(六)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(五)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(四)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(三)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(二)
· “美国杨佳”致美国宣言书(一)
· 所谓“言论自由”在中国的困境
· ZT:中国向何处去?
· 也从司马南事件看中国的希望又及
· 亿元善款在台湾:陈光标的行为艺
· 刘晓波上位的一个可能
· 南海东海黄海:以战止战,才有持
· 中国炮击钓鱼岛又如何?
· 我的关于富士康员工跳楼的tow ce
· 袁腾飞:大众俗文化中的怪胎
· Loser之歌及国人对海归的误读
· 两全其美贴图法
· 兔年的祝福
· 唱了豺狼来了有猎枪,So What?
· 解禁的照片--变态而残暴的日本人
· 周末愉快:带色儿的绝对
· 众议院议长佩洛西是一个圣人
· 《鹰隼大队》:歼十看上去帅呆了
· 转贴:一位台湾学校校长在中国内
· 欣闻五星红旗、青天白日旗插上了
· 响应丹奇,请签署这个呼吁书
· 中国的政治制度比美国的民主更灵
· 穆沙抬杠录
· 我与两分钱和德孤的有限交流
· 媒体的品格
· 日本东电公司澄清所谓“五十死士”
· 白凡致万维的紧急再声明
· 中國人,說一個“愛”字太沉重
· 一则悄悄话引起的公案
· 悄悄话致春夏无名,瀛洲大蟹,丹
· 社交网络和个人隐私
· 怎样打破汽车玻璃?童子军教的办
· 这位大佬究竟是谁?(微博)
· (微博)希拉里怎么了?
· 四川人看医生;品位虽然不太高,
· 回收站 (Recycle Bin)
· 吹毛求疵谈温家宝的“美女翻译”
· 为董卿说错别字找个借口:都是繁
· “incapacity to do something”在
· 也来秀一秀我的夫人(标题党。慎
· 等闲花鸟莫相疑
· 人狗之间
· 真正的釣魚島島主找到了,有慈禧
· 祝各位,掐的和不掐的,都节日快
· 万维恶意软件警告!
· 中国好人
· 万维博客病毒警告
· 夕阳之歌(图)
· 答欧阳锋再谈决战高法
· 紧急动员,决战最高法院!
· 美国高法将重审大学招生中的种族
· 从The Insider的故事看美国传媒
· 且看好莱坞怎样戏说历史:汤姆库
· 蓦然回首思“更雨”- Mt. Rainier
· 贾西瓦树国家公园
· 棕榈泉游记兼和沙之舟
· 再论中国炮击钓鱼岛
· 辛子陵在沪讲话(全文转贴)
· 我为何对温总感到失望?
· 从耳食之言得来的“学问”
· 基督教与西方国家的文化涂鸦与种
· 我们为何研究中国文化?
· 臣妾意识与女性人格 ——古代士大
· 从评论看我所知道的花见草
· 发生过的历史难以轻易抹杀
· 答翅膀先生和白凡谈政教分离
· 就网上交友与美国言论自由答“运
· 出入万维谈“左”“右”
· 明星博主与网管互动--也向万维网
· 为儿童还是为海狮?动物活动家们
· 绿警察,哥本哈根会议与中庸之道
· 世博三日记(3)
· 世博三日记(2)
· 世博三日记(1)
· 明初排名第三文人之死
· 陆机《文赋》三题
· 从“养气”说看苏辙的文艺思想
· 楊基家世考
· 【四杰年譜】 1357:元至正十七
· 【四杰年譜】 1356:元至正十六
· 【四杰年譜】 1352: 元至正十二
· 【四杰年譜】 1351: 元至正十一
· 【四杰年譜】 1347: 元至正七年
· 【四杰年譜】 1326: 元泰定三年
· 【四杰年譜】 1301: 元成宗大徳
· 明初四杰年譜說明
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