红河谷歌词的变迁 一块有棱有角的石头,扔到河里,时间长了,就变成圆润光滑的卵石。一首有棱有角的民歌,在时间的长河里,往往变成圆润光滑的流行曲。《红河谷》可能是很多人最熟悉的一首加拿大民歌,它现在的中文歌词是这样的: 人们说,你就要离开村庄,我们将怀念你的微笑。 你的眼睛比太阳更明亮,照耀在我们的心上。 走过来坐在我的身旁,不要离别的这样匆忙; 要记住红河谷你的故乡,还有那热爱你的姑娘。 这样的歌词老少咸宜,但并不是最初的歌词。《红河谷》这首歌产生于1870年红河谷叛乱之后,加拿大立国不久,不断向西扩张。当时红河谷流域住着很多法国人和当地土著通婚的美第斯人(Metis)。加拿大政府的扩张损害到当地美第斯人和土著的利益,当地人于是反叛政府,史称红河谷叛乱。联邦政府派兵镇压,平叛结束后,政府军撤回。巜红河谷》描述的是一位混血的美第斯姑娘(歌中的 half-breed)爱上即将离开的政府军士兵。歌中姑娘所迷恋的,并不是现在中文版中,离开故乡的小伙子,而是远方前来镇压她父兄的纯种白人。 关于红河谷叛乱,我们不能不提一下叛乱的领导人李尔,他后来被处以绞刑。但一百多年后的今天,随着土著人和美第斯人的地位日益提高,他成为美第斯人的殉难者。如果大家看到美第斯人的活动广告,上面经常有个留八字胡的年青人,他就是李尔。 和很多流传久远的民歌一样,《红河谷》也是社会大动荡时期的产物,下面是这首歌早期的歌词: O consider awhile ere you leave me, Do not hasten to bid me adieu, But remember the Red River Valley, And the half-breed that loved you so true.
It's a long time, you know, I've been waiting For the words that you never did say, But alas! all my fond hopes have vanished, For they say you are going away.
From this valley they say you are going, I shall miss your blue eyes and sweet smile, And you take with you all of the sunshine That has brightened my pathway awhile.
So remember the valley you're leaving, How lonely and dreary 'twill be; Remember the heart you are breaking And be true to your promise to me.
As you go to your home by the ocean May you never forget those sweet hours That we spent in the Red River valley And the love we exchanged 'mid its bowers.
There could never be such a longing In the heart of a pale maiden's breast As dwells in the heart you are breaking With love for the boy who came west.
And the dark maiden's prayer for her love To the Spirit that rules all this world Is that sunshine his pathway may cover And the grief of the Red River Girl.