奴隶的心 我们大多数人都象奴隶一样,年复一年,日复一日,不停地劳作。我们的思想被压制,我们的声音被消失。我们的心情怎样?古人早已经帮我们总结出来,奴的心:怒,愤怒。 但是心理学大师,国学大师们告诉我们,不应该感到愤怒,而是应该感到幸福。什么是幸福?君王临幸,幸福是君王的感觉。这些大师告诉我们,过着奴隶的日子,但是应该有着君王的心情。 看到不少国学大师,心理学大师的作品,总结成一句话,就是:幸福地做奴隶。但既然我是一个奴隶,就让我有一颗奴隶的心。
P.S. 马克思说过,宗教是人民的鸦片。同样的意思。下面是他更完整的表述
Religion is the sigh of the exhausted creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. The call to abandon illusions about their condition is the call to abandon a condition that requires illusions.