Some information on Korean War
Korea War: A showdown between expendable UN firepower and expendable Chinese man power. A sttement by Ridgeway, at 58 minute, Korean War in Color, 2001
The following are some Korean War movies. Korea: The Forgotten War, 1987 Korean War in Color, 2001 The Battle of Chosin, 2016
Korean War 1950-1953 - The Cold War DOCUMENTARY
September 09, 1950
National Security Council Report, NSC 81/1, "United
States Courses of Action with Respect to Korea"
17. The United Nations Commanders should take no ground operations north of 38 parallel in the event of the occupation of North Korea by Soviet or Chinese Communist forces, but should reoccupy Korea up to the south of the 38 parallel.(Page 5)
Comment: The decision was made before Chinese forces entered the Korean War.
The whole document can be found at the following link. 116194.pdf (
Military Units
corps, army 军 division 师 brigade 旅 regiment 团 battalion 营 company 连 platoon 排 squad 班