Snail Boy
They call me snail boy slow minded I am not quick to work I am a procrastinator, I've been told my tactics lack tact It's bad, procrastination won't hack it in the real world. I can hear their mocking words loudest when the hands of the clock open doors to sleepless hours those nights I taste defeat because I'm salty bitter and sour, but I know that this is no time to cower, so I retreat into my shell and bring out my superpower The Bam! when my mind is in the throes of woes it's a showdown smackdown I'mma crack down on these packages til the time that it takes to make them know I'm no lightweight and they back down I'm a math whiz, I practice Efficient tactics fact is I love crackin books I’m a fact addict when a month's work is due I don't panic, get back at it faster than Danny and his white vans vines vanished and as surely as finish work with proficiency, what they call a last minute rush is merely efficiency People preach procrastination as sin and I don't call them out on false Doctrine so when people point me out and mocking my sins I low key tiptoe on leather toe moccasins I don’t fight with them because they’re right. Getting work done early is respectable but it doesn’t make me any less of an intellectual, Being slow simply means I have to find the shortcuts in straight lines and tread the fine line between dead of night and dead lines, I never dreaded getting metaphorically beheaded over getting better grades or having x- marked red lines, I never let a letter get the better of me only part of me that’s missing is a better bed time. And they say that procrastination is appalling But it’s more of a mollusc workaholic rest calling Me warning myself when I’m not in tip top shape When I’m tired of life I’m okay with sleeping half of it away When my first world problems don’t make me feel like trying and studying falls apart and turns into student dying When my emotional roller coasters are engineered to keep on falling And I’m no Lebron but I still feel like bawling Those are days when I’m most grateful to be a snail boy Days when I’m glad priority one is napping Or letting my mind meditate over whatever’s been happening Cuz procrastination means that I put myself first And productivity isn’t problem free, so for better or for worse, I’ll let my problems free I’ll probably regret it in the morning But not as much as I’ll regret not listening to snail boy’s warning.
First world problems!!!!
This is a part of me that I don’t share with others much Cuz I like to have my problems hide inside me but I trust That through writing these word I can open myself up And I think I’ve suffered in silence for long enough
Mental health is hard to talk about already It gets harder when people call me petty Or whiny or weak, or to man up and fight It hurts me when they say that cuz they’re absolutely right
First world probuhlems I got a lot of them I don’t complain enough And so I go and bottle them Up in my body when I really oughta be Vomiting them out like it’s spaghetti that mama eats
I’m so white washed my mando is limited And my accent makes me sound primitive I tell my relatives ever since I’ve known them Dui bu qi, wo bu zhi dao zhongwen (对不起,我不知道中文)
It’s so stressful when I’m posing for a photo If I don’t got sunglasses then my eyes go Wider til they fit the white standards cuz I don’t Want to be the joke because my egos only so-so
Punctuality is not in my reality today It’s a fallacy that I would rather be awake Rest in peace to all my goals of never being late By morning I’ll be mourning my ability to motivate
First world probuhlems, I got a lot of them I don’t complain enough And so I go and bottle them Up in my body when I really oughta be Vomiting them out like it’s spaghetti that mama eats
I’m a little terrified of what the future holds Cuz I’m lazy when it comes to planning future goals So when people ask me what do you want to do I tell them engineer because they tell me they approve
Homework turns me into the illest of all my villains I lie to me despising me, I say that I’ll be filling All my worksheets out it never ends up working out The only thing I’m fulfilling is filling my infinite will too be chilling
My internet, you can bet, is out to get me Contrary to Telus, the future isn’t friendly It’s so slow my teamates think I’m going AFK If we are treated equally, why does my wifi lag?
First world probuhlems I got a lot of them I don’t complain enough And so I go and bottle them Up in my body when I really oughta be Vomiting them out like it’s spaghetti that mama eats
First world probuhlems I got a lot of them But I also got a lot a people I can vomit on Thanks for hearing me puke out all my probuhlems Rhyming rants is therapeutic those are words I promise on
The future generation has come. 未来的一代已经来临
It is up to the common people to overthrow the past and live anew 这是普通人弃旧迎新的一刻 I have seen South America’s corruption through the defeated eyes of the poor, and the suffering and oppression caused by the capitalist regimes of the US. 从穷人哀弱的眼裡映射的是南美的腐化官僚和被美国资本主义的痛苦压榨 Through my journeys across the continent, I have been changed. 南美大陆的穿越改变了我。 I used to think that the best way to heal wounds was through medicine. 我过去以为药可以疗伤, To fix people’s sickness through care, to help the poor through kindness 细心照顾可以治疗病人,善心善行可以帮助穷人。 I was wrong. 可我错了。 I hopped aboard a motorcycle with my friend Alberto, wanting to simply explore, and see the world for what it was. 我和我的朋友阿伯托跃上摩托车只为探索和看一眼世界的本来面目。 There, I saw the strength of the human spirit, loyalty and solidarity beyond anything I could’ve imagined but what I also saw, was the shivering flesh and blood victims of capitalist exploitation. 在那儿,我看到了人类的精神力量,难以想象的忠诚和团结,但也看到了颤抖的身躯和被资本家剥削,受害者渗出的血液。 The inescapable poverty of the common people and the disgusting wealth of the landlords. 普通人无法逃脱的贫穷和令人憎恶地主的财富。 I couldn’t treat a child because of a lack of money. 我无奈不治疗无钱看病的孩子。 I couldn’t accept his death as an unimportant accident. 我无法接受他的死亡象轻描淡写的一个事件。 I can’t heal a dying nation because no amount of medicine can cure corruption 我回春无力,没有足够的药能治疗腐败~一个正在死亡的国家 This is why I fight. 这就是为什么我抗争 Why I let bullets fly into the nation I am so determined to save 为什么让子弹横飞在我决意要拯救的国家 As a guerrilla, some call me a cold blooded killer. I would agree with them. 作为一个游击队员,有人称我“冷血杀手"我同意。 But to stand by as eyewitness to oppression is worse. 但袖手旁观欺压更可恶。 I will not back down when the revolution is ripe for the picking 当革命之果成熟待采,我绝不会后退 So stand up, let your voice be heard as gunfire and raise the red flag of rebellion. 起来,高举红旗,让枪代言,革命。 After all, it is better to die standing than to live on your knees 毕竟,站着死好过屈膝活。
Dear Alfred J Gross
When you invented the walkie- talkie, the US military asked you to improve their communication systems. Personally, I would've preferred if they asked you to improve the English Language. Because forks would be called stabby grabbies, burgers would be krabby patties so I would grab a stabby grabby to nub a krabby patty, and the krusty krabby always has these yumy seafood dishes. Instead of jelly fish you could eat the delishy squishy fishy, and when you're having a moment and your body feels so sloppy the tissue for any issue is here, but now it's called snotty scotties and you probably named zangy tangys and laffy taffies but why not call tic-tacs ticky tackies and if you got cool pants I'd say you got slicky slackies even slicker is the cats and kit kats would be kitty katties and obviously backpacks would be backy packies hackysacks would be hacky sackies sharpies would be finey lineys 21 pilots would be finey rhymey Shakespeare would be saddity tragedy trains would be rickety rackety thing on a trackety and a rich man from Iraq riding a train with a cool black pants and tic tacs and kit kats and hackysacks in his backpack would be a kitty katty, ticky tacky, hacky sacky, backy packy, rickety rackety thing on a trackety, slick black slacky, fat stack Iraqi.
Dear Alfred J. Gross, Personally I would've preferred if they asked you to improve the English Language. What a shame that they never saw the potential. Because if you're into the Mario Kart, bananas wuld be slippy trippies If you prefere elevators over stairs you would ride the niffy lifty. Microwave informercials would say you likely like these eaty heaties. Money would be needy greedy. weeping willows would be griefy leafies. wool pajammas would be lamby jammies or softy sheepy sleepies. Night light would be nighty lighties Park benches would be city sitties. Finals would be exammy cammy Slam jam would be slammy jammy. And if you're crying more than a weeping willow because you're in your pajamas and want to go to sleep but you are burning the midnight oil to study for finals so you can get a job and make money so you won't have to sleep on a park bench, which is why slam jam exists, you would be more weepy than a griefy leafy half asleepy in your lamby jammies or your sheepy sleepies cramming for exammy crammies so you get the needy greedy and not have to fall asleepy on a city sitty pretty much the reason that we have a slammy jammy that's so savvy.
Dear Alfred J. Gross, It's a shame you only named the walkie-talkie.
awkward anatomy
Sorry. This is something that's wrong with me. I don't know what to say , it's quite frightful honestly. I'm looking in the mirror thinking what is the matter with me. welcome, to my world of awkward anatomy.
My fingers, they just don't seem to fit in with the rest of me I don't mind high fives, it's the hair slicks that get the best of me. To my hands, I wish I was a bacteria, is what I'd tell em. No more fist bump or handshake, I'd just have flagellum. When it comes to lifting, I'm just not the keenest. I've foreseen it, I'll lift too much and injure my tricep. And speaking of lifting, my pick up lines are cold. I told her dang girl to be fair, that really is a fine shoulder. My compact compounds combine chemically. My nerdiness is stamped on my forehead quite legibly. Like helium, I just don't bond quite readily, which probably explains why I don't have have any chemistry. I put the bored in board walk it gets me down cuz it's on top of me. If my mind crashes was cold cash, I'd have an awkward monopoly. I understand my awkwardness down to an awkward science. Like my vocal cords, they exhibit exquisite forms of awkward silence. The reason I excommunicate, the very thoughts that you would make. I don't want to be a rude dirt bag, I hide in the dirt like a rutabaga. Gotta deal with my feelings sooner or later. But as a chronic procrastinator, I choose later. These feelings I fight with are always within. Even walking up here, I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. But when I started flowing, I know that no showing is a no no. the show is ago I ain't settling for so so. It's time for my solo. Soliloquy of lonely teen poetry only it'll end on a nice note. So go hoist the lines cuz fire lines are my life boat.
I'm rowing it's showing no sign of land. But I'm willing to take the chance and leave it all to dice roll. And when they stop rolling, what remain to be seen is a picture perfect moment like the ending of a Disney scene. I feel invincible, it's like I'm in a dream. And when I mess up, I still got my boys KRISPY KREME. Unconquerable, can't curb this courage. Celebrate like Daniel Sturridge. All the things that were too scary to say are released on stage and washed away. And I become the awkward person the next day. There are times when I wish I could handle the social insanity, that I was someone without an awkward anatomy. An awkward person is not what I want to be. But for moments like this, I'm glad that awkward person is me.
给我的诗 Hey dad,
Did you know that your mind is like a black hole? Sucking in knowledge like there's no tomorrow, And through the matter pulled in, you use it to raise as bright a light as you can. The intense friction created by the immense gravity is the brightest light known to man. But the black hole itself remains invisible. Undoubtedly, you could've risen to fame as a brilliant mind. But you threw it all away to raise us up to be the stars that you saw in us, when The rest of the world only saw space dust. With the trust that we could be big enough to hold up your hopes and dreams, like the beams that support us There's this stigma about black holes that they bring destruction. But you bring out life. Like none other, you raised a family. And that's a courageous deed to say the least when you bring up twice the life at half the peace. You could've had an easy life. You could've had a big house and a nice car. But you chose us. You didn't want fake bling, you wanted real stars. And although I may not be as bright as the sun, I'd say you raised a pretty bright son. And with this light, I'll show the world, that the black holes are the brightest.
Dear Mom You are granite Bedrock that l plop problems onto like a marble counter top You've never stopped stopping whatever for me And I admire how you stand solidly When others are falling to pieces, geology Runs through my veins so I already Know that the granite you're made of is top quality I learned that continents drift on oceans of molten rock Separating heat from the delicate life on earth. They bear the heat and provide a place for life to grow, The same way you make this house a home The same way you bear so much for us, I now know why they call the land, Mother Earth How only mothers can support so many others And adorn us with diamonds of hope that they found Digging through dirt, I will always see worth in Granite Because granite is this planet's support And fragile minerals like me clearly need help of quartz So thank you for growing life on this planet I promise I won't take you for granite
It aint easy
Tell me if you need me Whenever it aint easy Ill be there by your side Wherever it leads me Cuz baby it aint easy To keep you off my mind I remember the moment I fell it felt like a robbery You took my breath away and my heart was stolen off of me. And honestly speaking, just the thought of it boggled me Cuz to keep my heart protected I kept it under lock and key But somehow destiny went and dead ass finessed the key And now my broken open emotions intend to mess with me. I’m hoping you know I know I’m pretty blessed to be Someone you see the best in so I keep flexing the bestest me. Life is a play, they say you are the highlights I’m your biggest fan, yeah I don’t mind the sidelines Cuz the glow from your halo it lights me up like the limelight I’ll do anything to have you by my side So Tell me if you need me Whenever it aint easy Ill be there by your side Wherever it leads me Cuz baby it aint easy To keep you off my mind Talk about anything, doesn’t matter what your choice I would swim across the seas, hopin just to hear your voice I would drown, tossed around, like a rubber ducky toy. Find me floatin in the open ocean. Here’s your buoy Look at the mess I’m in better not mess with it letting my head or my heart be the head organ I be depressive and I keep on stressin it I be confessin that you are my everything Anything prevalent stepping down getting a staircase for second place You taking presidence over the president, reppin it Better than anyone ever since Jefferson. Like the sun and the stars I think of you day and nightly. I try to be chill, but youre so enticing That I keep my cool like a puddle of ice cream Melting in your arms when you hold me so tightly So Tell me if you need me Whenever it aint easy Ill be there by your side Wherever it leads me Cuz baby it aint easy To keep you off my mind 太太的翻译 告诉我 是否需要我 的你 无论如何不易 愿和你一起 不论走向何地 你在我脑海的痕迹 是徒劳地 挥之难弃 记得那一秒里 你俘虏我的呼吸 偷走了心意 让我坦言 一想你 会忐忑情迷 暗暗悄锁起 以防这失控的心 失离 命运手握一把奇巧 精致 无往而不胜的钥匙 开心 无畏无惧无需道理 奔涌出挤碎的情感浓浓滴滴 试图搅我成一团乱思绪 望你能知 我会明白并珍惜 这所有的福气 曲合适意 只为让你 看到最好的我自己 告诉我 是否需要我 的你 无论如何不易 愿和你一起 不论走向何地 你在我脑海的痕迹 是徒劳地 挥之难弃 生活是本 剧 你是台上的那束 最耀眼的光聚 而我却是你 最深情 強大的戏迷 是的 做你的旁白 我会毫不介意 你的光环 闪亮我一如聚光灯下的明丽 愿做一切 只为你在身旁相依 不管怎样的话语 亦或选择 我愿纵身跃下 泅渡大海 只为在涛声中 寻你起伏心情的声音 亦或 我溺水 沉浮 像只玩具鸭的翻立 只为让你 在广际无边的海域 觅我做你的浮标 脑海里闪现的唯一急需 我已心乱如麻 不该让脑再失于心 这份失落和紧张 坦白 你是我一切的意 任何光彩 都降下 退到下一级 你是我的王中王 强过杰福逊以来的所有统领 就像太阳和这繁星 我的思念升起 在每个白天与黑夜里 我想冷静 但诱人的魅力 无法抗抵 我冻成冰淇淋 在被握紧的手心里 禁不住 成为落在你手臂上的滴 告诉我 是否需要我 的你 无论如何不易 愿和你一起 不论走向何地 你在我脑海的痕迹 是徒劳地 挥之难弃
Stalin Rap to Hitler and Mao
Hey Hitler I got some words for ya
You thought that I wouldn't get along with Britain But we splittin up your regiments like long division I hate to say it, but you made the wrong decision Stepping up to the eminem of communism
I put the lit in politburo, all my boys are in there so -After Lenin died, I took out every foe -I be acting like the kids on their insta post Start a fight with me and I’ll delete you from my pictures bro
war in the winter? You a dumb nazi Or maybe you're just blind, maybe you can not see Maybe you're just jealous cuz All the hotties want me Pickin up the chicks like I picked up Trotsky
--Your army is a marching disaster Are those your soldiers they look more like dancers I'll show no mercy though you broke our pact first when I send them back, they'll look more like bratwurst
--I got Russia to it’s first A bomb US ain’t the only with nukes now, game on Running with an iron fist call me man of steel son -Funny how I own the banks I used to steal from
Tryna take Stalingrad, you must be delirious Get your soldiers home before I send you to Siberia I was just playing scorched earth, now I’m serious Call yourselves Germany you're nothing but bacteria
Hey Mao I got some words for ya as well
My power don’t stop at the soviet bloc now. I’ll hold onto Asia I won’t let them opt out -No more vodka but I'm still taking shots now This Georgian in Moscow makes Georgie say wocao
--yall are looking at the man who carved a superpower outta nothing but a land of farmers --You promised land to your peasant partners But you gave them peanuts, Yeah call you Carter
-your great leap forward was probably The greatest leap backward in all of your policies Copying my five year plan, well honestly Mao, you’re nothin but a little Stalin wannabe
中学毕业 Valedictorian rap
I’m supposed to tell you to vote for me I’ve been told that I’m supposed to be The representative of Glen but I see A kid who kinda represents pinetree
I’m shy as far as speaking goes Yall know I’m no public speaker so Bingbing got that beat bouncing whoa Like there’s speakers on my sneakers yo
There’s a little bit of cynicism in me Gotta be a bit critical analytical of the Situation, lets face it Why would I want to speak at our graduation
-I'm running cuz I wanna rap in front of you To me it's never been about the L or the w High minded ideals yeah I don't have that I just wanna say some things to my grad class.
-I’m grateful people like me would like me despite me being icy -Each time we grew a connection With a little less judgment a little more acceptance
You be you and Ill be me so Be my bento I’ll be your miso Even if you don’t like miso Ill be by your side cuz youre my amigo
And the people I meet give me memories And I know it’s super cheesy but I think that’s the best gift anyone could give me. Because I’ll hold onto the memories long after the grades and the awards fade. So thank you
Morphett roasting im gonna miss that But I gotta hit back with a little diss track -I’ll go vegetarian for you Cut the beef lets go toe to tofu
You’re a protein I’m a kinase hit you with that ATP Did you shave your head for charity it looks the same to me. Youre in the stone age with that over head noone can read Ramogida got the notes that don’t look like 240 p
Acid base was pretty stressful Procrastinated cuz good wood said so Running out of time, I guess I gotta guess this I should have been reviewing this instead of watching Netflix
- didn’t finish cuz I was busy But I dont think we covered this in class did we? Normally, I’m the one doing the test But this time, its the test that did me
-these pants are hype I know this Call it street wear cuz I look homeless Rockin cloth, on the soft side Flexing hard like a fob in offwhite
- I struggle finding slope lines Of the graphs of sin and cosin Graphing tanx oh well thats fine Why cuz i know about tan lines
Ni hao ni hao zhong guo xiexie Jiao wo ba ba? Nah I’m too grand for that, jiao wo yeye
you dress so nicely stussy hoody and the yeezys Are you over compensating Like Ni mei you jiji
So in all seriousness I wanted to express my gratitude to friends family and teachers. I know that the four plus years I spent with you has made me a better person and I hope I’ve been able to do the same for you.
Our time in high schools running low We can see the end at last So I want to say before I go Thank you for being my grad class
优酷 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcwMjkwOTA4MA==.html?x
YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SK3ShhUdsiA
不需要金子,因为我有丰富的心灵 儿时的梦想从没有变老 不需要名声,因为你知道我的名字 我们一起照的照片多漂亮啊
珍惜眼前的时光,享受流逝的岁月 悄悄地走过,让脚印消失 珍惜眼前的时光,享受流逝的岁月 追赶不上那美好的旋律,让它留下来