| Comments on Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All This book is about infighting inside the environmental group. The established ones claim the earth is in calamity in one hundred years. They achieved great power and fame through their warning about the apocalypse. To upstage the established one, the up and coming claim the earth is in great danger in ten years. Emergent actions are needed immediately. They need to get famous immediately. Some do get famous immediately. This upsets the established ones, who are supposed to be more “serious”. Predicting the calamity in one hundred years safely ensure their predictions are not negated, not in their lifetime any way. Predicting calamity in ten years takes some, but little risk. By then, many of them are already established, becoming the darling of the media. At that time, they, with ample credentials under their belt, will sound the same warning against rash predictions from another wave of up and coming players. There is a recent documentary, Planet of the Humans. It is also about the infighting inside the environmental group. It is a rare honest document from environmental groups.