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注册日期: 2015-11-09
访问总量: 3,725,175 次
· Urban sprawl without populatio
· Ginger and metabolism
· The end of last ice age and pa
· Why is Marxism so popular?
· Worldly Philosophers: Quotes a
· Watchful waiting: Role of busi
· Economics: Too hard or too eas
【Reading (7)】
· Worldly Philosophers: Quotes a
· J D Vance
· Blessing?
· Einstein diary
【Economics (9)】
· Watchful waiting: Role of busi
· Economics: Too hard or too eas
· The purpose of a theory
· 先进和落后
· The divergence of economic per
· On Inflation
· Monopoly and common sense
· On Granger causality
· A note on scarcity
· How to measure economic resear
· Astronauts then and now, Scien
· Is Einstein God
· Electromagnetism, relativity a
· Is relativity absolute truth?
· The history of aether
· On Twin Paradox
· Relativity and absolutism
· Urban sprawl without populatio
· Wealth and income distribution
· A historical and spatial compa
· Stimulating demand is no more
· The function of the economic t
· Questions about GDP, Disposabl
· On the rapid change of Keynes
· pension depresses disposal inc
· On the concept of exogeneity a
· The ending of Keynes’ General
【Language (19)】
· 朝夕和 twilight
· 地名和人名
· 复活节话东升西降
· 唯唯诺诺
· 二,选,对
· 泰语和汉语
· 万众一心和别有用心
· From War Department to Defense
【Poems (15)】
· An Old Tree
· 理想主义和唯心主义
· June
· Injustice
· Decorating words
· Cover
· Heaven and Hell
· 失意的诗意
· 收获
【Science (16)】
· Ginger and metabolism
· The end of last ice age and pa
· Are there less earthquakes now
· Empiricism and evolutionary th
· America’s mathematics in 1940
· Measuring pulses
· What is QI?
· A fun fact about red blood cel
· What determines the emissivity
· Thermal equilibrium in a gravi
【Carbon and climate (2)】
· CO2 and desertification
· Why carbon tax
· Bankrupting people: The goal o
· On the patterns of global flui
· Stefan-Boltzmann law and the e
· How atmosphere gases affect Ea
· The meanings of different epoc
· The political economy of carbo
· Geological carbon cycles and c
· On global warming
【Science (15)】
· Why is the air pressure on Ven
· Moon and mood
· 中国的历法
· Stories and science behind cal
· birth control pills increase t
· Some questions about AI
· The mechanism of eye bags
· 请教一个物理问题
· Statistics: What they attract?
· What does anti mean?
· A post from my daughter
· 右和左
· 牢
· 茶几和自己
· w = b
· 亥
· 家
· 主,住,驻,往
· 崭新的世界欣欣向荣
· The Purpose of Equity, Diversi
· 价值理论
· Withering Ecological Economics
· On the rapid change of Keynes
· Why are dominant social theori
· Pension system and fertility
· The profit potential of a soci
· Potential energy and different
· Karl Marx and the Labor Theory
· A note on labor theory of valu
· How hard is it to establish a
· How inflation enriches politic
· Finance: A New Theoretical Fou
【Virus and vaccine (2)】
· Natural vaccines and artificia
· Why was the Spanish Flu so dea
· COVID UPDATE: What is the trut
· The impacts of vaccines on hum
· Vaccine effectiveness in Canad
· 李跃华医生是怎么想到用苯酚治疗
· On statistics related to vacci
【Science (14)】
· How many people died from COVI
· On the measurement of expected
· How long is a day on Venus?
· Why is the air pressure on Ven
· Insightful writing on hydrogen
· Some questions about blood bra
· Mortality rates by month
【Language (17)】
· 柳的故事
· 兔年话兔
· 兔年为什么是卯年?
· Feud and Feudal
· 機遇和覬覦
· air, hair, stair
· Fantasy and fantastic
· 熊在不同语言中的发音
· 英语词 elephant 分析
· Memory
【Quantum theory (2)】
· “Parting the Red Sea" Effect
· opposite of hidden variable: N
· Empirical verification of quan
· A playlist on quantum spin
· Great Physicists and Overhyped
· A good video touching on measu
· On Bell's Inequality
· Fine Structure Constant
· How does Lagrangian turn into
· Phase velocity and group veloc
【Economics (6)】
· On Inequality (Revised)
· Inside Job and Predator Nation
· Insights from GDI
· Economy and Society by Max Web
· On Paul Samuelson
· What is the energy return from
· The power structure of a socie
· How Economics Became a Mathema
· On the current state of econom
【Reading (6)】
· public’s distrust to authorit
· Old Testament
· Reading Karl Marx
· US bombed the Nord Stream Pipe
· The Thin Red Line by James Jon
· The Call of the Wild by Jack L
· Speakable and unspeakable in q
· When Life Nearly Died
· The Rise and Fall of American
· Cells, gels and the engines of
· A song from my son
· 儿子写给我的歌
· Video and writing by my daught
· A song from my kids as a gift
· Ace of Spades
· Mother's Day: A song to m
【Science (13)】
· A reflection on QR code
· Why water is not acidic?
· The timing of the great extinc
· The Carrying Capacity of the P
· A unified understanding of bod
· Carbon dioxide and global temp
· Seven
· Warburg effect and cancer trea
· amino acids and their genetic
【Language (16)】
· 词汇的来源:从具体到抽象
· 狐狸
· Orient rising and occident dec
· 目的和墓地
· war: ‘获‘, ’和 ‘, ’祸
· 朝夕和潮汐
· 每,梅,霉,海
· 平庸之恶,还是恶之平常?
· Easter on East
· 柳宗元
· 势力和势利
· If
· A Tourist from Heaven
· Morning after mourning
· Blank Paper
· 努力的奴隶
· Excursion and incursion
· Who want the pandemic to end?
· Left wing and right wing
· Lion king and lion
【science (12)】
· AT and CG: What are their perc
· What generates the earth’s ma
· Gilbert Ling: A Great Pioneer
· What do physical constants mea
· 民族要振兴,人口要控制?
· 十个孩子的家
· Demography, Economy, and Socie
· Demographics and government po
· Long reign of the boomers
【Language (15)】
· East is Eden
· What does Austria mean?
· Fencing and boxing
· Polis, politics and police
· Shepherd is sheepherd
· What does Harbin (哈尔滨)mea
· Leg and legal
· Chariot (車)
· 时辰和生肖
· Statistics, languages and huma
【Conservation Law】
· Zero sum game is conservation
· The long reach of the conserva
· George Gammon
· There is no liberty without sl
· The conservation law of energy
· 守恒律
· The long arm of conservation l
【Poems (13)】
· Pyramid
· Chariot and Charity
· You have to be right to have r
· Crime and Criminal
· Omnipotent and impotent
· Fort and comfort
· Secret and secretary
· Rest
· When a sunrise cause turns int
· New World Order
【Language (14)】
· River and rival
· 强有疆, 弱为肉
· 伶俐和凌厉
· Conspire
· Xiwangmu (西王母): Folklore a
· 净和静
· 什么是安宁?
· 未和末
· Animal and animosity
· Savage, salvage, save
【Science (11)】
· Why are the primary colors red
· Humans and germs: A systematic
· Why Demonize Carbon?
· Evidence in Scientific Researc
· The wisdom of the body: Immune
· Action or inaction
· Small molecules as catalysts
· A question about ivermectin (a
· Weakness in left arm and heart
【Reading (5)】
· 卡夫卡
· The fourth phase of water by G
· Critique of Hegel's Philo
· On the Jewish Question by Karl
· The Great Leveler: Violence an
· The Case Against Education by
· Some information on Korean War
· Monopoly Capital By Baran and
· Iron Law of Oligarchy
· Richard Cantillon: An Essay on
【Language (13)】
· 新和创新
· Kill and skill, laughter and s
· 平庸之恶?
· Vici, vicious and vicinity
· 敖和傲
· Double consonants
· 妇好 和 Frau
· 要,腰,west, waist
· 左右
· 山口 Yamaguchi
【science (10)】
· How to reduce noise from refri
· How do mRNA vaccines work?
· On Norbert Wiener
· What is the goal of scientific
· Oxy is acid
· New developments on the origin
· Shall we immunize for every di
· Prime Numbers and the Riemann
· 爆发力和耐力
· Measured and actual expected l
【Language (12)】
· 几个关于疆土的词
· 汉字传播时一个有趣的现象
· 禾
· 双和对
· 豪杰和浩劫
· Bear, ours and ursus
· 隋朝的杨家
· East, Easter, yeast
· Why Indo-European languages sp
· Poplar, popular, populus, popu
· The wonder of the promised lan
· Alexander the Great
· Easter on East
· Authority and Authoritarian Ru
· Seima-Turbino and ancient Chin
· 麦与来:小麦的传播
· 远古简史
· Why is the pincer formation so
· 春秋时代的几个人名
· 神话:神秘的史话
【Reading (4)】
· Dark Matter, a movie
· Politician or scientist: Who l
· The Bit Player: A Documentary
· One flew over the cuckoo'
· The Trial by Franz Kafka
· Ulysses by James Joyce
· The Economic Consequence of th
· The Philosophy of Nietzsche by
· The Philosophy of Schopenhauer
· The Philosophy of David Hume b
· Hedge: The best hedging
· On the Theoretical Foundation
· John Williams and The Theory o
· What is finance?
· MM Theory:A Societal Perspecti
· Organisations as organisms
· To invest is to vest in
· On the Broad Impacts of Pensio
· Diversification and concentrat
· On equity owners and debt owne
【Health (4)】
· Acupuncture points and meridia
· On depression
· Notes on physiology and health
· Omicron spreading in nations w
· Humans and germs: An ecosystem
· What is Qi
· Salt
【Poems (12)】
· 努力的奴隶
· Public and publican
· Like and dislike
· Strive and strife
· Story and history
· The rulers and the ruled
· Swamp and wetland
· Old and cold
· Impotent and Important
· Pretend and pretender
【Reading (3)】
· The Problem of China by Bertra
· This side of paradise
· The Unbearable Lightness of Be
· One Hundred Years of Solitude
· Wolyn: The best movie about Wo
· The Unbearable Lightness of Be
· On the origin of species by Ch
· Descent of Man, by Charles Dar
· We and Zamyatin
· Comments on Apocalypse Never
· Entropy: In intuitive Introduc
· A reflection on the theories o
· 新能源的社会成本
· 守恒定律在社会科学中的应用
· 有趣的化学
· 当代没有科学大师吗?
【Quantum theory】
· 关于量子理论
· A generalization of quantum th
· Quantum mechanics and Riemann
· What is quantum mechanics
· Where does hope come from
· How solar cells work?
· Why LED lights are more effici
· An Introduction to Quantum Mec
· Fourier transform and uncertai
· 一些物理和数学中基本概念的直观
【Carbon and climate】
· Carbon Dioxide and Carrying Ca
· Noah’s ark and global warming
· Carbon: The Foundation of Life
· George Orwell: The Road to Wig
· Carbon dioxide and vegetation
· Cap and trade
· Ivar Giaever:
· Carbon: The backbone of life
【The Crown (a fiction)】
· The Crown (edited and combined
· The crown (End)
· The Crown (4)
· The Crown (3)
· The Crown (2)
· The Crown (1)
【杂谈 (四)】
· 阿房宫赋和地产业
· Competition
· Young Marx (青年马克思)
· The philosophy of Wittgenstein
· Panama Canal and Darien Gap
· From No Human Is Illegal to No
· Why all belief systems (except
· A message from my daughter
· On the philosophy of Kant
· Is this true
【Virus and vaccine】
· Is it healthy to sterilize our
· Natural vaccines
· Consensus is not equal to trut
· New York City and coronaviruse
· Human beings as part of the ec
· A re-examination of models of
· Demographics and Pandemics
· The economy of RNA life
· Broad spectrum medicines
· 苯酚用于预防和治疗新冠肺炎
· 词语和方言
· Who is a radical
· Lee and leeway
· Wisdom of the language
· Maked or made: When to break r
· How to take a rest?
· 汉语和英语:读音的相似,可能的原
· 到来和稻麦
· 关于李丹的语言学研究
· 天才是什么?
· Power is money
· 薛定谔的猫
· Red and yellow flowers: Which
· The economy of RNA and DNA
· My World View
· How kidneys get rid of acids f
· 李跃华医生注射液中苯酚的含量
· How our bodies maintain PH bal
· Why atomic groups usually are
· Only the powerful can proclaim
· Looting and ruling
· embryo and embroil
· scold, cold, old
· Gain and lose
· Rest
· Your pleasure is my pressure
· Are we getting more honest ove
· Understand and overlook
· A homage to our home
· Crying wolf
· Trees and grasses
· When the sun rises
· Observe and serve
· Sorrow
· Drift
· 对错和是非
· Illusion and disillusion
· V is for Valley
· Dead stove
· Word and sword
· Yes is for yesterday
· Koreshan State Park
· How Arizona can sustain such a
· Redwood, Eureka and Klamath (A
· A Short Trip to US
· Two different worlds
· Granville Island
· Why is Marxism so popular?
· How much money is in politics?
· The biological impact of the p
· The purpose of government mand
· Why are criminals pampered by
· Why democracy is so fragile?
· 疫情时代的人口
· Difference between US and Cana
· On being conservative
· On Churchill
· Why acid can break down molecu
· Blood types, immune systems an
· 实验室制造的新型病毒: 对人类的
· 从侏罗纪公园说起
· How to make revolutionary idea
· On clean energy industries
· Measurement of fertility rate
· Winter sun
· Old tree
· Victor or victim
· Lie, belie, believe
· 心
· Fall
· fine
· Going
· Love
· The most healthy food
· Fall of civilizations podcast
· 1984
· 读《夏商新考》
· East wind: Perspectives from t
· Elizabeth Barrett Browning: He
· Congo by Michael Crichton
· Kipling as a parent
· Some books about economics and
· How good were Charles Pearson
· Brave New World
· 驾驭
· 慕容和 moron
· Religion
· Pastor: The lord of pasture
· 打 call 的英语是什么?
· What is knowledge? What is fat
· Now and yesterday
· 桑干河和 sungei
· Heyday
· Farsi, Parsi and Persian
· A fancy meal
· Kayaking in Ucluelet
· Where is the exit?
· Your fear is smarter than you
· Be a tourist in our own city
· How many red rivers are there?
· Dams
· Differential impacts of slow a
· Getting bored?
· On the road
· The story of civilization (Com
· Hillbilly Elegy
· Bernhard Riemann: Turning poin
· Galbraith on new ideas
· Psychology of finance (Some q
· Timeline by Michael Crichton
· Reading Money: Whence it came,
· Capitalism, socialism and demo
· Music: a mathematical offering
· A book about Riemann hypothesi
· To maximize utility is to maxi
· Pareto optimal: Whose optimal?
· comment on Nobel Prize in Econ
· 关于阿罗-德布理论
· Is gold standard viable in tod
· Beyond Growth: Toward a New Ec
· On creating wealth
· Renaissance and Reformation
· 贸易不平衡的起因和解决方法
· On universal basic income
· Ex and in
· Apprehend and apprehensive
· Poems about old age
· Host
· Insulate
· The default choice is to defau
· Traps and trappings
· No comfort without fort
· Sword and word
· Quest
· Nostalgia
· 徐江伟的历史理论
· 楚和梦
· Advice and vice
· Principle, principal and inter
· 狼
· Tribute
· Illusion and disillusion
· The gorges are gorgeous
· When June met August
· Passive investment strategy an
· The size of your generation an
· Why it is optimal to be optimi
· Debt is an added risk
· Should arithmetic or geometric
· What constitute risk free asse
· A brief introduction to the se
· How to measure return
· The Big Short
· What is the meaning of life ex
· 一个不会摄影的人的感悟
· What we need, big data or big
· 进化理论的数学模型
· On inequality
· Grass from the old world and t
· 人类的平均寿命能到一百岁吗?
· 中国目前的人口状况
· 一个社会人口中位年龄的趋势
· 鼓励生育的政策能提高生育率吗?
· 政府,家庭,和人口结构
· 从无籽西瓜说起
· 从炒股谈起
· The meaning of life
· Edge
· Remember
· The power
· Truth in science and religion
· Happy in the backyard
· 野心
· Gene
· Intend
· Nagging from an old man
· H, 日和 Helio
· Duo and double means two
· Good, gooder; bad, better
· 相似的形状,相似的读音,相关的
· 家
· 新年话创新
· Language, languish, anguish
· 钟表
· How to learn English effective
· 不通则痛,通则不痛
· 请教一个统计学的问题
· 数学及其应用
· On amateur and academic resear
· How much we need to save for r
· How pension system destroys ou
· Shall we buy insurance?
· An Entropy Theory of Value
· Total value of gold and some
· Suo Gan
· Mainstream rappers
· A Candle in the Wind
· 缺憾之美
· Swing low
· Going home
· River of no return
· Raw and refined: Two versions
· Own something small wholly or
· Money as a performance enhance
· How much we pay for retirement
· How to reduce anxiety over fi
· How to trim a tree or an econo
· A critique of economic theory
· The most depressing (exciting)
· On the concepts of earning, in
· 数学:应用和乐趣 (修订版)
· Spring up and fall down
· Press
· Within and Without
· Verse
· Front
· Heroine and Heroin
· Sterilize
· Win
· Low
· Port
· Pet and Pest
· Ease
· 忘,妄,望
· Seasons
· Envelope and develop
· Sorrow
· Home
· Haze
· Ex and Re
· Edge
· Why highly educated women and
· On the concept of perfectness
· Reflection from a riddle
· On averaging denominators
· Integrating mathematical finan
· 苦难是最好的学校
· Read The need for a new public
· The earth is a gigantic batter
· 想象和相象
· 汉语和英语读音的相似
· 双字词的来源
· 标致和婊子
· Credible and Incredible
· 英语和汉语类似的构词法
· Lect
· Excite and Incite
· Forget and For Get
· Lax and relax
· 经纬和泾渭
· Heretics are true believers
· Faith or good deeds
· 养儿还是育女?
· Should adult children stay wit
· 女儿制作的录像
· 儿子唱的rap
· 女儿带着女儿来看我们,写的一段
· Frills
· 腿脚和退却
· Copulate, copy, populate
· Emergence and emergency
· I am, I love
· Invent
· Prevent
· Repair
· Tart and top, start and stop
· S is about
· 同样的世界,不同的视角
· On the wisdom of wisdom teeth
· Stalin Rap to Hitler and Mao
· 夕阳
· Sunshine
· Temp
· Longing
· Part
· Omen
· Winter night in the north
· An Old Car
· Snow
· My Dear Sun
· When
· Cut Bank
· When you try
· Winter in the deep north
· 你家的月亮
· Good bye, my friends
· 当生命之火慢慢熄灭
· 公猫
· 兴趣,利益和利息
· Over 和 Overture
· Ruler
· Inspire and Expire
· 哥哥的歌
· Rest
· Decadence and decay
· 阀:大人物是干什么的?
· 奴隶的心
· 为什么我们喜欢压韵?
【语言 (四)】
· Screw and screwed
· 黄
· Kind
· Sun and moon
· Free
· Norm, normal and Normans
· Bella and bellum
· Two meanings of like
· What is a theory?
· What is man?
【经济 (二)】
· Reading James Galbraith’s The
· 为他人作嫁衣裳:贸易强国的共同
· 什么是内需不足?
· 关于持续的贸易不平衡
· A long tradition to connect th
· On persistent trade imbalance
· On green economy
· What are rights: Some reflecti
· On Risk Management
· 怎样计算股票的融资成本和预期回
【杂谈 (二)】
· There is more brainwashing in
· 看女儿
· 女儿初为人母
· Weather and climate
· 老三的一篇短文
· When defects become an advanta
· Service of necessities and ser
· 女儿的帖子
· 荷花和塘泥
· Predictions in social sciences
· 数学的现状和未来
· Social structures: A perspecti
· 温度和情绪 (temperature and t
· Learning, memory and decision
· The Least Action Principle: It
· When an electron falls to a pr
· 为什么鱼比肉更容易煮熟?
· 一篇关于The Unity of Science a
· I’d rather
· 日暮
· 池塘里的污泥
· Over and under
· Bond and bondage
· 夕阳
· Dandelion
· 早点睡觉
· 在我慢慢褪色的世界里
· 狮的低吟,诗的回声
· 相似的单词,不同的意思
· 小米和 millet
· AM is love
· 什么是不够
· Easter: 词的来源
· 论所谓的正能量 (On being posit
· Terr 是土地
· Radical 的意思是什么?
· 努力的奴隶
· Tri 是三
· 风筝:孩子离家
· 篝火
· 落日:致老去的人们
· 杜达尔和玛丽亚
· Deep North
· Driving crazy
· 燃烧和发烧
· 满月的冬夜
· 献给空巢的父母
· Burning and burn out
· Mentally stimulating
· On obsessive compulsive disord
· 吃盐和生育
· Ginger and gingerly
· Principle Based Medicine
· Why we need pain?
· 关于自闭症
· 健康的定义
· 针灸的原理
· 情感的守恒定律
· 数学及其在社会科学中的应用
· 为什么光线弱的地方会觉得浪漫?
· 美是平均,美是不变的性质
· 颜色和温度
· 简洁就是美
· 栖息之地:健康的树和濒死的树
· 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花
· 为什么肥沃的土地上很难找到先锋
· 不平等,效率和系统维护成本
· 生物学的统一理论
· 论精美
· 铁 (fer)
· 家
· 我,倭,和,we
· 鹪鹩,娇娆,wren, 人,文
· 牡丹,Botan, Botany
· 人多则移
· 英语中的几个象形词
· 他和它
· 趣味英语:一个不引人注意的前缀
· 基因突变不是完全偶然的
· 生物学和生态学的结合
· Energy consumption and cost
· 人类的平均寿命能到一百岁吗?
· 蝴蝶效应并不存在 (兼论偏微分
· 科学与经济学的统一
· 意识: 一个经济学和物理学的理论
· 诺奖得主年龄的变迁
· 学科细分: 社会停滞和衰退的表征
· On cortisol and other drugs
· 为什么负氧离子有益健康
· 吃冰和减肥
· 实用生理学
· 为什么晒太阳有好处?
· 为什么练功经常用圆型姿式?
· 脉搏中包含多少信息?
· 外科手术不伤身体吗?
· 头痛医脚
· 怎样才能改善内脏的功能
· 政府的法律和自然的法律
· 出生率,平均寿命,生活水平和社
· Holmes stories: The number of
· 个体年龄和社会年龄
· 多子多福
· 人口塌陷: 真正的悲剧
· 华人的高智商和低生育率
· 走出非洲
· 生命就是竞争
· 什么是文化
· 聪明的代价:亚当和夏娃的故事
· 为什么大道至简
· 论移民
· 人口问题文章的一个汇总
· 人口警报?
· 人口红利和人口投资
· 多生孩子: 靠政策,还是靠自己?
· 华而不实和春华秋实
· 劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君惜取少年时
· 政府越大,出生率越低
· 关于全民基本收入
· 六四还是六三?
· Iron and blood
· 华人参政不够踊跃吗?
· 谁得益于大政府?兼论美国大选
· 印一百元假钞是犯罪,印一万亿真
· 量化宽松和猪肉注水
· 百年大势和英国脱欧
· 搭错车
· 龙图腾的含义
· 个体的肥胖和社会的肥胖
· 在什么年纪,做什么事情
· 早晨出行和下午出行
· 男学生在哪里?
· 贱和基本
· 少数的重要性
· 效用函数是什么样子的?
· 经济学理论不应该建立在拓扑学基
· 谁是二十世纪最伟大的经济学家?
· 谁是十九世纪最伟大的经济学家?
· 非平衡态经济学理论简介
· 凯恩斯主义适用的环境
· 从日本的负利率谈起
· 关于利率
· 生产过程各要素之间的关系
· 平衡态和非平衡态经济学
· 一个登山爱好者的历险 (附视频
· 回归
· 海达圭游记
· 天尽头
· 红河谷歌词的变迁
· 洄游的三文鱼
· 碧西(BC)的风景和阿省的风景
· 中加教育比较
· 决定和 decide
· 仇的两种读法
· 小儿子教我读书
· 汉语单词的起源
· 舒服和束缚
· 姓张的人为什么这么多?
· 纽,妞,丑,new, 牛
· 姜太公的故事
· 语言的产生和演变
· 科学研究:缺的是钱吗?
· 数学:应用和乐趣
· 汉字和科学研究
· 社会生物学与社会
· 有趣的化学
· 蒲公英和科学研究
· 当代没有科学大师吗?
· 数学,美和现实
· 现实世界:理解数学的金钥匙
· 按摩脚底为什么这么重要?
· 中医的疗效(续)
· 从蛋白质的不同分解途径看痛风的
· 中医的疗效
· 从哮喘的治疗谈预防
· 实用生理学
· 什么是酸性食物?
· 肥胖和内脏功能
· 呼吸的方法
· 关于抑郁
· 阅读The Unity of Science and E
· 信息和熵的等价性
· 知觉的简单和数学的简单
· 一流的研究: 真那么难吗?
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