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为什么那么多人恨美国?(中英文) 2013-05-14 16:13:41






In the recently international poll, America was at the bottom of popularity nations list (“A Year After Iraq War”). Most US citizens can not believe this and wonder why it is. In spite of doing many good things, America is still hated because Americans impose their values on others, do many immoral things against other nations, maintain its monopoly status, and are the most self serving and arrogant.

First of all, Americans impose their values on others. Americans believe their country is the best of the world. It is the most democratic country. They think others nations are bad such as communism and Muslim. Nobody care about what Americans think until they tried to impose that on other countries. Americans want to interfere in other’s affairs. Americans do it by using their military, economy and media. America has the most powerful army of the world. They spend approximately 50% of global military spending , 626 billions dollars (Shah). They use their army not only to protect themselves but also protect the “freedom” of other countries. They thought communism did not have freedom, so they wanted to stop it from spreading. Particularly in the Viet Nam War, they protected “freedom” in South Viet Nam by invading two countries, Laos and Cambodia, and bombing another country, North Viet Nam.

Moreover, American government can use economic to control other countries. America is the richest country. Its GDP in 2007 was $13.543 trillion (Report for Selected Countries and Subjects.) American government uses its economic strength to put an embargo on other countries. An embargo is the prohibition of commerce and trade with a certain country, in order to isolate it and to put its government into a difficult internal situation. To overcome that problem, these countries have to follow American such as “freedom of speech” or “freedom of religion.” Actually, most leaders of these countries never change their way. America embargoed many countries such as Viet Nam, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Sudan, and Syria (U.S. Treasury). People of these countries live very hard because of this, so they hate America.

America also uses media to spread their ideal. Many Hollywood films were used for political purposes. These films are not true especially for the Vietnam War. In these movies, American soldiers are always heroes, superior, freedom protectors, weak-woman and little-kid protectors. One American can kill one hundred Viet Cong easily like Rambo. That is impossible. When watching them, Vietnamese feel angry. The world feels horrible about what America did in My Lai Massacre. The world knows how bitter when America withdrew from Vietnam. However, Americans are still annoyingly insistent about “freedom” and “democracy.” In brief, people hate America because Americans try to change them into American way.

America is hated not only because Americans impose its value on others but also they act violently against other nations. USA has invaded 67 countries from 1945 to 2004 and has killed some tens of millions of people in military conflicts in that time (Kennington). Americans always say they love peace. They always say the war crimes involved America are only the government’s failures. Actually they are using their own government as a scapegoat. They voted for that government and that government represents themselves. A government cannot oppose its voters’ ideas. For example, a USA Today/Gallup Poll indicated that 75% of US citizens felt the US did not make a mistake in sending troops to Iraq in March 2003 ("PollingReport.com Iraq Polls"). However, according to the same poll retaken in April 2007, 58% of the participants stated that the initial attack was a mistake. In May, 2007, the New York Times and CBS News released similar results of a poll in which 61% of participants believed the U.S. "should have stayed out" of Iraq (Sussman). Many Americans now are putting responsibility on Bush and his government. Bush is just a poor goat for millions of immoral Americans.

American military did many immoral things in the Vietnam War. 3,500,000 people died in this war (“Second Indochina War”). The most evil thing were My Lai massacre and bombing on Christmas days. The My Lai massacre was the mass murder of 347 to 504 unarmed citizens of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), almost entirely civilians and the majority of them women and children, conducted by U.S. Army forces on March 16, 1968. Some of the victims were sexually abused, beaten, tortured, or maimed, and some of the dead bodies were mutilated. The massacre took place in the hamlets of My Lai and My Khe of Son My village. In the article “Murder in the name of war - My Lai”, the BBC described the scene:

Soldiers went berserk, gunning down unarmed men, women, children and babies. Families which huddled together for safety in huts or bunkers were shown no mercy. Those who emerged with hands held high were murdered. ... Elsewhere in the village, other atrocities were in progress. Women were gang raped; Vietnamese who had bowed to greet the Americans were beaten with fists and tortured, clubbed with rifle butts and stabbed with bayonets. Some victims were mutilated with the signature "C Company" carved into the chest. By late morning word had got back to higher authorities and a cease-fire was ordered. My Lai was in a state of carnage. Bodies were strewn through the village.

On Christmas in 1972, President Richard Nixon mobilized 200 B52 bombers to bomb many North Vietnamese cities where millions of civilians were living. American pilots dropped 20,000 tons bombs in twelve days (Tilford, p. 263). Many buildings were destroyed such as schools, hospitals and residential areas; thousands of civilians died. The biggest newspaper in England, the Daily Mirror, commented, “The American resumption of bombing of North Vietnam has made the world recoil in revulsion.”

In that raid on Kham Thien quarter, Hanoi, the house at 51st Kham Thien street was totally destroyed. There were eight people in that family, and nobody survived. On this land, people built a memorial with a plate which was written “Kham Thien khac sau cam thu giac My (Kham Thien people hate American invaders very much).” Since then, annually, people from this quarter and other places come there to memorize the killed victims and American crimes. Vietnamese can forgive but never forget what America did on their country.

Americans not only kill people directly but also kill people indirectly. They supported Khmer Rouge, Taliban, Irish terrorism and trained terrorists in Latin America.

American government backed Pol Pot with arms, training, finance and full diplomatic support for over a decade. This was one of the worst regimes in history, which killed over one third of the population of the country. But the USACambodia with land mines. The rise of Pol Pot started when American airplanes were illegally bombing huge areas of Cambodia and Laos, intentionally killing vast numbers of innocent civilians (Kiernan, Ben, p. 16). supported Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge as they continued to commit atrocities and destroy the country of

America supported for Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan to kill Russians and other Soviet citizens. In the early 1980s, the CIA and the ISI (Pakistan's Interservices Intelligence Agency) provided arms to Afghans resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and the ISI assisted the process of gathering radical Muslims from around the world to fight against the Soviets. The U.S. poured funds and arms into Afghanistan, and by 1987, 65,000 tons of U.S.-made weapons and ammunition a year were entering the war (Rashid). As a result of US actions in Afghanistan, huge numbers of Russian people were killed. The country's political system collapsed and Taliban took control of Afghanistan. Taliban was a product of CIA, and Taliban later killed Americans.

American government also uses an embargo to punish other countries. American government said that they did that because they wanted those governments would change the policies to be more democracy; their people would have more freedom and be better. However, the consequence is that those people’s living standards worse because of lack of goods and drugs. Looking at North Korea, Americans think Kim Jong-il and the dictatorship are the reasons millions of North Koreans are living in hunger. It is not right. The real reason is because of America, the freedom protector. Because America blocks every way for North Korea to trade, North Korea can not develop its economic to feed their people. Also, because of American threat, it has to spend most of such little revenue on military to protect itself ("Research Library: Korea, South"). In short, America is hated because of its violence against others.

Thirdly, people dislike the US because American government and corporations try to maintain its monopoly power in military and economy. Nobody likes seeing someone sitting over their heads. Nobody like being kept from stronger.

For instances, American government tries to maintain the monopoly of GPS (Global Positioning System) systems for world military dominance (Sample). If the US goes to war with any country, American can ban those countries from using GPS. This makes it more difficult for non-US countries to aim cruise missiles, but it also cripples air travel and sea travel within the region. This power over the whole world is awesome, and the US cannot be trusted with this power. And now they are trying to stop Europe from having their own GPS or taking away the US monopoly. The USA is always against any other country having any sort of monopoly, but fiercely defends its own monopolies.

One of the many clear examples of the USA creating or maintaining world monopolies is Boeing. In the last year or so, the European competitor Airbus Industry announced they would build a very large passenger plane, and the USUSA gives huge tax advantages to its own capitalists so that they can compete unfairly with other countries. Boeing does not have the same burden to contribute to the social welfare that Airbus does in Europe. The Europeans believe that capitalists should pay tax to support the general social good, whereas the USA thinks that the ordinary taxpayers should support their industries. This gives the USA a strong edge in overseas markets because their taxpayers are subsidizing their companies. Therefore it is fully justified for European governments to give a little money back to Airbus to partially compensate for the larger tax burden in Europe (Kennington). government said it was not fair competition because there was some government loan involved. But the

In addition, America does not allow any more country to own nuclear power while it has 4075 active warheads (Norris and Kristensen, 50-53). America can use nuclear weapons to threaten any countries when being afraid of owning nuclear power weapons of others. America is embargoing North Korean and Iran because of this reason. So the third reason is because American government and corporations are trying maintaining its monopoly power.

The next reason people hate America because Americans are the most self serving and greedy. People do thing because of benefit, Americans do too. In the World War One, American corporations sold goods to both sides to earn as much as possible. Near the end of the war, President Wilson and the American government jumped in the Allies side when seeing the Allies would win. Americans were also more callous when calculating delaying participation in the World War Two. Kennington wrote in his site:

During the Second World War, the USA was originally planning to send about 215 army divisions to Europe in 1943 to remove the Nazis. But they worked out that this would negatively impact their economy. So they changed their plans and sent only 90 divisions in 1944. As a result, the US economy improved during the World War II, while the economy of Europe contracted by about 25%.

During the extra year, many million more people died, including 17,000,000 people in Holocaust such as the European Jews (Niewyk). This shows that the USA values its own economy much more than the lives of millions of innocent people in other countries. The US entry into the World War Two was in the US interests, not an altruistic act. Americans only decided to take the side of democracy in Europe when it was clearly in the USA's self-interest to do so. The Russians still bitterly resent the fact that the USA and the UK took several years to open the Western front against Germany in the World War Two. During this time, the Soviet Union lost 23,000,000 lives, mostly civilians (Ellman). President Roosevelt and his government delayed the Western front because they wanted to save thousands of American soldiers and weaken Soviet power even though America and Soviet were in the same side. Americans sold their Allies down the river. The USA finally invaded Europe after it was clear that the Soviet Union was winning against Germany.

In addition, Americans government imposes unfair conditions of trade.US has done, and every country must accept anything that Americans want to export, no matter how much this harms the economies of non-US countries. This often means that even valid health objections are rejected by the USA. When other countries succeed in exporting to the USA, for example farm goods, the USA puts on heavy tariffs and gives substantial support to US farmers. Current estimates are that 50% of US farm income comes from the government (Riedl). Americans can do this but do not permit any other country to do. The globalization makes poor countries poorer and the USA richer. For other example, in March 2002, the USA put up to 30% tariffs on steel imports to protect the inefficient US steel industry and get votes for the next election (“US tariffs cloud steel talks”). If a rich country like the USA needs to protect its industries, then surely the poor countries have even more need. Globalization and free trade is just the way for American corporations get the most benefit from others. So people hate America because it is so greedy and self-interest. Throughout the 1990s, Americans have been imposing globalization and free trade on the whole world. All countries are forced to cut back on all public services and social welfare as the

Finally, people hate America because Americans do not care about international laws. America thinks little of the others. They invaded Iraq without UN acceptance. This event means that the US can invade and occupy any country in the world, and the rest of the world is powerless to stop them.

Americans can justify others, but others cannot justify Americans. After the World War Two, Americans gave Nazis in courts which were for crimes against human being. Nazis killed many people in holocausts. In the same time, America also killed a lot of Axis civilians by bombing cities such as Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. Americans explained they did it to free the world. That is not right. Dropping two atomic bombs in Japan was useless. At that time, Germany was defeated, Japan was tired, Japanese many times negotiate with Americans, but American refused Japanese surrender (Freeman). Japanese wanted to surrender with the safety of Japanese emperor, and Americans wanted Japanese to surrender without any condition. Japanese wanted to stop the war, but because of the duty with their emperor, they were willing to scarify their lives to protect him. Americans insisted of refusing because of wanting to trying atomic bombs and showing the power to Soviet. Dropping atomic bombs was useless in against Axis and shows the terrible crime of Americans. That crime was against human being. However, no American was taken to the court. The right always belongs to the stronger.

Americans also do abuse of the IMF (International Monetary Funding) as a tool of international blackmail. We have been seeing in early 2003 how the USAUS uses the IMF as a tool to bribe and threaten poor countries. The original purpose of the IMF was not to provide a tool for bribing and bullying, and yet the government uses the IMF in this way. Kennington wrote:

All of the poor countries on the UN security council are shaking in their boots because of US threats to cut IMF aid if they vote against the unjust war of the USA against Iraq. If it's a question of morality, then why does the USA have to use threats and bribes.

This kind of misuse of the IMF happened many times. The USA misuses also many other international organizations in the same way to bribe and bully other countries. It shows the arrogant behavior of Americans to international laws, and makes people hate America the most.

In conclusion, people still hate America and will hate America. Americans imposes American values on others, does many immoral things against other countries, maintain its monopoly status, and are the most self seeking and arrogant. These can explain why 9/11 event happened. There will be more and more this kind of event if America does not change its behavior.




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作者:老几 留言时间:2013-05-14 19:33:27
吾丁大概也看不出原文的逻辑问题吧?这个作者不管是谁?都跟吾丁一样。 分不清美国(政府)与美国人民的区别:-)
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作者:老几 留言时间:2013-05-14 19:15:28








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作者:俺是吾丁 留言时间:2013-05-14 19:11:37
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作者:老几 留言时间:2013-05-14 16:35:32
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作者:老几 留言时间:2013-05-14 16:21:48
Dave 3 years ago
after reading this article I need to say that as a person born here in America I like my country and will do whatever it takes to defend it, but what upsets me and i am sure millions of Americans who are good people would agree, its out government and all the substandard politicians who make we the people look like the badguys when the finger needs to be on them. If your from somewhere else in the world reading this I want you to know I or we have nothing against you , personally you have every right to be here as I do. I just wish could get rid of nuclear weapons and open all the borders as one people and lets get to know one another, I know i am not alone and about the North Korea missle issue. I dont know where to began but would someone get those matches out of the hands of there leader. he wants to go down in history , ya and kill not only some of us inocent Americans but his own country. somebody spank his bottom and get him out of the house.

Vivian 3 years ago
I'm an American, and I love everyone. Peace.

Mohamed 3 years ago
I hate the idea that an American can travel the world freely, and I can't(Egyptian!) one american girl told me before that this is sooooooooo gay

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