文章评论 |
作者:hare |
留言时间:2015-07-17 06:31:10 |
"孤家寡人很享受是吧?" - 这不是共产党吗?随便删贴,封网,你说共产党舒服吗?共产党是不屑于计较你们这些无知网民,否则,都斯拉斯拉了。 |
作者:老几 |
留言时间:2015-07-17 03:18:48 |
还是pia厉害,逼着慕容把看家本领使出来,总算是挤出了点一家之言。 我按慕容老师的教导,不看哲评:-) 老黑的自我意识我大概有点印象,需要等我把慕容说的原文看一遍再说。 不过我汇报起来有点困难:说的不对是垃圾,自不待言;如果有道理的话,一定也是哲评。慕容到时候不看,我该怎么办:-)
兔子臭毛病之一是张冠李戴。让人家揪住尾巴很舒服吧?中军夸你几句,尾巴就翘到天上去了。胡乱删贴,孤家寡人很享受是吧? |
作者:慕容青草 |
留言时间:2015-07-17 02:49:29 |
再纠正我前面跟帖的一个错:最早用独立意识体来描述自我思维活动的是柏拉图不是黑格尔。。。而且柏拉图的更文学化,形象化,相对而言黑格尔的要抽象得多。。。。。所以如果有影视作品采用相关的手法,更可能是受到柏拉图而不是黑格尔的影响。。。。。有时匆忙回帖时容易急不择词。。。。:) |
作者:pia |
留言时间:2015-07-17 02:08:22 |
作者:慕容青草 |
留言时间:2015-07-16 16:45:00 |
另外,上面跟帖的最后几个字是忘记删掉的无用的字。。。。 |
作者:慕容青草 |
留言时间:2015-07-16 16:33:25 |
西方近代哲学对于自我意识的讨论起源于笛卡尔那句名言“我思故我在”。。。而黑格尔对之进行非常详细的讨论。。。他在讨论中采用的是一种文学性的拟人的手法,把自我意识按照两个独立的意识主体来叙述。。。现代很多影视往往会采用这种手法来表达一个人有两个自我,且相互对话(尼古拉。凯奇好象就演过这样一个电影),不知这种手法是否受到过黑格尔对自我意识的论述的手法的影响。。。。。针对黑格尔的这种特殊的手法,我还曾专门写了一篇题为“ 文科生的特质--黑格尔哲学带来的困惑 ”的文章(http://blog.creaders.net/murongqingcao/user_blog_diary.php?did=218254)。。。。
我曾专门针对 |
作者:pia |
留言时间:2015-07-16 13:41:45 |
说这些空话废话俏皮话没意义。不是精通老黑吗,那就说一说你对老黑自我意识的理解与心得。没这个能力还是不敢? |
作者:hare |
留言时间:2015-07-16 13:32:21 |
谢谢 |
作者:pia |
留言时间:2015-07-16 13:29:59 |
这个问题也是海格尔的核心,在对老海的讨论中,发现两位其实都没弄懂老海的本意。所以不能确定,两位是否理解了老黑的本意。 |
作者:慕容青草 |
留言时间:2015-07-16 13:12:42 |
要弄清這里的討論只要做兩件事: 1)強迫你自已去读兔子的那兩篇東西 2)啃一下黑格爾關于自我意識的討論。。大概有上萬字。。。 |
作者:pia |
留言时间:2015-07-16 13:05:51 |
懂老黑的话,就用自己的话说点内容出来。两位也吹了半天,谁能用自己的话谈一谈老黑的自我意识,都没这个能力? |
作者:慕容青草 |
留言时间:2015-07-16 12:39:48 |
兔子, 你想說什幺?想說明你前面的話都錯了? 不要老東抄一段哲評西抄一段哲評來衚弄人。。。好々去读々原著看々你那兩篇文章无聊在什幺地方。。。。 |
作者:hare |
留言时间:2015-07-16 11:40:25 |
Phenomenology of Spirit, Chapter 4: “Self-consciousness” → Summary
Hegel moves from the discussion of consciousness in general to a discussion of self-consciousness. Like the idealist philosophers before him, Hegel believes that consciousness of objects necessarily implies some awareness of self, as a subject, which is separate from the perceived object. But Hegel takes this idea of self-consciousness a step further and asserts that subjects are also objects to other subjects. Self-consciousness is thus the awareness of another’s awareness of oneself. To put it another way, one becomes aware of oneself by seeing oneself through the eyes of another. Hegel speaks of the “struggle for recognition” implied in self-consciousness. This struggle is between two opposing tendencies arising in self-consciousness—between, on one hand, the moment when the self and the other come together, which makes self-consciousness possible, and, on the other hand, the moment of difference arising when one is conscious of the “otherness” of other selves vis-à-vis oneself, and vice versa. Otherness and pure self-consciousness are mutually opposed moments in a “life and death struggle” for recognition. This tension between selves and others, between mutual identification and estrangement, plays out in the fields of social relations.
Hegel explains that the realization of self-consciousness is really a struggle for recognition between two individuals bound to one another as unequals in a relationship of dependence. One person is the bondsman and one is the servant. The bondsman, or servant, is dependent on the lord. Because he is aware that the lord sees him as an object rather than as a subject (i.e., as a thing, rather than as a thinking, self-aware being), the lord frustrates his desire to assert his pure self-consciousness. He is stuck in a position of reflecting on his otherness. The independent lord, on the other end, is able to negate the otherness that he finds reflected through the subordinate bondsman, since the bondsman does not appear as a conscious subject to him. As the independent and superior partner in this relationship, his otherness does not bear down on him. The lord occupies the position of enjoying his dominant status, whereas the bondsmen must continuously reflect on his status as a subordinate “other” for the lord. At the same time, the lord does not find his position completely satisfying. In negating his own otherness in the consciousness of the bondsman, in turning the bondsman into an object unessential to his own self-consciousness, he has also to deny a fundamental impulse toward recognizing the bondsman as a consciousness equal to himself. At the same time, the bondsman is able to derive satisfaction in labor, a process of working on and transforming objects through which he rediscovers himself and can claim a “mind of his own.” Analysis
This section of the Phenomenology, and for that matter the rest of the book, is difficult because of its abstractness. Hegel writes about lords and bondsmen (or masters and slaves, as it is sometimes translated), and it is hard at first to see whom he is talking about and whether this is meant to describe social relations today or at some period in the past when slavery was more widespread. Precisely because it is so abstract, the section has been interpreted in many different ways. It is possible to view the lord and bondsmen relationship as an early stage of history, since the Phenomenology describes the evolution of Spirit throughout the course of human civilization, culminating in modern society. However, the dialectical evolution of Spirit throughout history may also be seen as a metaphor for the process through which each individual develops psychologically. Thus, the images of the lord and bondsman may be interpreted not literally, but as metaphors for positions in which we all find ourselves throughout life—sometimes as the objectified bondsman, sometimes as the objectifying lord.
The Lordship and Bondage section is among the most widely cited in all of Hegel’s writings. The struggle for recognition between lord and bondsman inspired Marx’s account of how class struggle naturally arises from the exploitation of one social class by another. A diverse array of twentieth-century thinkers, including psychoanalysts and existentialists, have drawn on Hegel’s ideas here. Earlier idealists, such as Kant, pointed out the difference between subject and object, but Hegel believed that the subject, or the self, is aware of its self only as a distinct entity through the eyes of another self. The radical idea inherent in this view is that consciousnesses are inextricably interwoven and that one cannot have any concept of oneself without having actually experienced a moment of identification with the other. Many readers have found his notion of self-consciousness easier to grasp intuitively than many of Hegel’s other concepts. His account seems to ring true with everyday experience. People come to know themselves through the image they suppose others hold of them. This image is positive or negative depending on who that person is, where he or she stands in society, and so forth, and gives rise to familiar stresses as individuals strive to assert their free individuality against the objectifying images that others have of them. |
作者:慕容青草 |
留言时间:2015-07-16 11:24:27 |
兔子, 不要再用文字遊戲来闹笑话。。。還是給自己留點面子吧。。。再鬧下子我把黑格爾現象學中討論自我意識的上万字的段落的鏈接拿來你就太沒面子了。。。提醒你一點:我是不读哲評的。。。。 |
作者:hare |
留言时间:2015-07-16 11:20:04 |
黑关于意识的讨论值得研究,我听邓晓芒谈过,知道大概,但自己没有仔细读过,但我相信不会跟我的想法巧合。 |
作者:hare |
留言时间:2015-07-16 11:11:26 |
--- 黑根本就没有什么第一哲学,黑是“哲学百科全书”。
--- 黑哥的“精神现象学”是其“哲学百科全书的基础”,不是什么”第一哲学的基础”。(老几,大博士欺负你没读"精神现象学”)
--- 黑的“现象学”跟后来的胡的和心理学创始人Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt 所讲的意识现象完全不沾边。
“你的那兩篇文章的議題根本屬于自我意識的最簡單的內容" --- 也许。但没有这样谈过。
Google一下也不错,再往深问,一定卡壳。 |
作者:慕容青草 |
留言时间:2015-07-16 10:44:05 |
兔子: 你用不著來激將法。。原本就是因為不想幫你在你那個光桿司令的什幺哲學家學会幫你炒作,才把你釣到這里來的。。。只不過同時也觸到了老幾沒懂恩黑格爾的那根筋所以惹得他不爽才來了他這一出。。。不過他不來這出也撓不着你的癢。。。
說了這幺多你不會還需要我給你提供黑格爾文章的鏈接吧?。。。。。。 |
作者:hare |
留言时间:2015-07-16 08:43:26 |
说不定老几还真会弄懂的?其他人大概没戏。 |
作者:慕容青草 |
留言时间:2015-07-16 07:17:15 |
文革式的方式,文革式的撒潑,這的看家本領?唉,比想象的還要墮落:)。。。不好意思,措詞重了些,因為沒有想象到老幾把好心的勸告當壞意,唉。。。 到是兔子冷暖自知,要從被他罵作xx也不是的那里套出答案來。。。不過學問不是用來斗嘴寫大字報嘀。。。嘿嘿。。。祝老幾冬暖兔孑夏涼。。。。回見了您。。。。:) |
作者:hare |
留言时间:2015-07-16 05:31:37 |
不信咱们听听(说错了我道歉) |