BOOK The First HYMN XXVII. Agni.第一卷曲27、火神[1] 1】 With worship will I glorify thee, Agni, like a long-tailed steed, Imperial Lord of sacred rites. 以崇拜我将献给你荣耀,火神,你像一匹长尾的骏马,是神圣仪式的帝王。 2】 May the far-striding Son of Strength, bringer of great felicity, Who pours his gifts[2] like rain, be ours. 愿这昂首阔步的力量之子带来极大的幸福,把他的祝福像大雨一样降临给我们。 3】 Lord of all life, from near; from far[3], do thou, O Agni evermore Protect us from the sinful man. 无处不在的万物之主,ㄚ!火神,愿你永远保佑我们远离恶人。 4】 O Agni, graciously announce this our oblation to the Gods, And this our newest song of praise. ㄚ!火神,优雅地向诸神宣布这个我们的奉献和这个我们最新的颂赞吧。 5】 Give us a share of strength most high, a share of strength that is below, A share of strength that is between. 赐予我们一份来自天堂、一份来自地上和一份来自天空的财富吧[4]! 6】 Thou dealest gifts, resplendent One; nigh, as with waves of Sindhu, thou Swift streamest to the worshipper[5]. 你,辉煌者,分派礼物。就像随着印度河的水波,你快捷地分流到崇拜者。 7】 That man is lord of endless strength whom thou protectest in the fight, Agni, or urgest to the fray. 火神,你在战斗中保护的人是力大无穷的主人,渴望奔赴战场。 8】 Him, whosoever he may be, no man may vanquish, mighty One: Nay, very glorious power is his. 万能者,不管他是谁,都不会被任何人征服,绝不。他的力量非常光荣。 9】 May he who dwells with all mankind bear us with war-steeds through the fight, And with the singers win the spoil. 他与人类同住,愿他在战斗中骑着战马承担我们的命运,与祭祀的歌咏者们赢得战利品。 10】 Help, thou who knowest lauds, this work, this eulogy to Rudra, him Adorable in every house. 你懂得颂赞,请帮助把这个奉献、这个悼念献给受家家户户爱戴的ㄖㄨㄉㄜ[6]。 11】 May this our God, great, limitless, smoke-bannered[7] excellently bright, Urge us to strength and holy thought. 愿这个我们的神伟大、无边、像彗星般的出奇明亮,促使我们获得力量和神圣信念。 12】 Like some rich Lord of men may he, Agni the banner of the Gods, Refulgent, hear us through our lauds. 愿他像富裕的主人们,辉煌的火神,诸神的旗手,从我们的赞颂听到我们。 13】 Glory to Gods, the mighty and the lesser, glory to Gods the younger and the elder! Let us, if we have power, pay the God worship: no better prayer than this, ye Gods, acknowledge. 荣耀归于诸神!无论神力大小;荣耀归于诸神!不管年老年少。让我们有能力者都来敬拜神,诸神都承认,这是最好的祈求。 [赵京,中日美比较政策研究所,2016年8月9日初稿]
[1] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992.用这个英译文朗诵,还配有简略的中日韩等多种语言翻译字面。. [2] blessings祝福。H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977. [3] who goest everywhere无处不在。H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977. [4] H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977. “the food that is in heaven and mid-air,” “the wealth that is on earth.” [5] H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977.没有出现难解的nigh(近)。 [6] 怒吼者,火神的另一个名字,形容火焰的势头高涨。 [7] 这个难懂的词来自H.H. Wilson trans. Rig-Veda Sanhita, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1977,专门形容火神像彗星那样明亮。 |