我很早出发赶往公司总部去参加股东年会宣读我的提案。在公司附近的咖啡店等候期间,读完了今天的Wall Street Journal关于巴西可能赢得总统大选的社会党黑人妇女候选人Marina
and Communists inBrazil,
Shareholders recommend that NetApp establish
a Public Policy Committee to assist the Board of Directors in overseeing the
Company's policies and practice that relate to public policy including human
rights, corporate social responsibility, vendor chain management, charitable
giving, political activities and expenditures, government relations activities,
international relations, and other public issues that may affect the Company's
operations, performance or reputation, and shareholders’ value.
The Company has four committees, but there
is no committee to deal with the increasingly complicated public policy
issues. In the dynamic Pacific Asia
region where the Company has heavy business, the Japanese government has
utilized the Tiananmen Tragedy of China in 1989 to abandon its own peace
constitution, which is the cornerstone of Asia’s peace after WWII, towards
rearmament, militarization and fascism to mislead the U.S. under the U.S.-Japan
Security Treaties to crash with the rising power of a nationalistic China. Although the Japanese government signed the
G-7 Summit declaration in 1989 to protect Chinese students, I, as a graduate
student in Osaka University organizing Chinese democratic and human rights
activities in Japan, was persecuted because I refused to collaborate with the Japanese
government to betray my fellow Chinese students. On the other hand, the public is concerned of
recent media coverage of many U.S. companies bribing Chinese high officials to
obtain business deals in China. Furthermore,
human rights groups have expressed grave concerns of our Company’s business in
Syria. Without a public policy committee, it is very difficult for the Company
to legitimately and ethically deal with today’s complicated international
affairs affecting our business. For this
reason, and partly to respond to my proposal, Microsoft established such a
committee in 2012. 在公司具有繁多业务的亚太地区,日本政府利用1989年天安门悲剧,抛弃作为战后亚太和平基石的宪法,一步步向军国主义和法西斯主义倒退,在美日安保条约下把美国也误导入与崛起中的民族主义中国的冲突。《朝日新闻》1990年2月10日、1992年10月20日和2009年6月8日对我的采访和我2004年发表在西班牙历史协会刊物Historia Actual的长文“The Betrayal of Democracy: Tiananmen's Shadow over
公司董事会列举了一页篇幅的理由反对,最后还心虚地声明:第6号提案只具有advisory in nature顾问性质、即使通过了也只constitute
a recommendation构成一份推荐;凡是没有明确赞成的投票都会被算成“反对”。当场初步统计结果显示我的提案没有通过,会议3:48结束。