查了一下英文版资本论第三卷, 没有江核的“三个代表”, 也不可能有。 马尿研究的是十九世纪欧洲初级资本主义, 不可能有: 代表中国先进社会生产力的发展要--代表资本主义社会生产力的发展 代表中国先进文化的前进方向--代表资本主义文化发展 代表中国最广大人民的根本利益-代表工人基本利益
Das kapital volume iii: 1. Representation of the manufacturer that they could earn 4s. per week, returned to the school to be readmitted, complaining that they could not have earned 1s.--代表工人? 2. Representation of the operations of banking, and of the way in which a banking capital is created by means of deposits, notes, and bills” (p. 117)--代表资产阶级? 3. Representation in use-values--代表产品利用价值?
不过历史将证明, 三个代表, 与世界接轨(日本人发明给90年代中国人用)是江泽民推动中华民族现代化最伟大的贡献, 仅次于邓小平的“白猫核猫说, 和改革开放”! ---------------------------------------------------- a. Representative of the rent-bearing soils. b. Representative of these social needs. c. Representative of capitalist production itself. d.Representative of a certain sum of money, which be advances as a capitalist, i.e., which he wants to turn from x (its original value) into x + Δx (the original sum plus profit). e. “Representative of our uninvested capital,” and the interest rate.