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婚外情实例一 2007-08-28 18:13:28
很多“冰雹”的读者都喜欢问我“那是你的亲身经历吗?” “婚姻辅导真的有用吗?”亲身经历当然谈不上,我的心血和理想的影子倒是有一二在里面。 美国人婚姻出了问题, 喜欢去找婚姻辅导专家,有的时候帮助很大,有的时候也难说得很,否则,也不会有那么高的离婚率了。


Jerry & Julie Hamernick:

For 32 years Jerry and Julie Hamernick had the perfect marriage - 5 loving children, 13 grandchildren, 2 successful businesses, a house in Florida and one in Minnesota, and the money and leisure to travel around the world. They were living the American dream.

\"People thought we were the ideal couple. They would tell us we were their model. I guess I kind of thought that way also. In my heart, I thought it was indestructible ...\"

At least that\'s what Julie thought until Jerry revealed the horrible truth that he was having an affair.

\"We were on vacation in the Caribbean and Jerry had been different - that\'s the only way I can describe it - he was hyper, preoccupied, so I asked him the question, I said, \'You seem so sad. You seem so preoccupied. Is there something you want to tell me?\" I never expected the answer I got.

\"I\'ll never forget the first sentence Jerry said to me. He said, \'You know, you\'ve been so busy and you had rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, and you didn\'t feel good. You didn\'t seem to feel like making love much ... I\'ve found someone else and I\'ve been seeing her for six months ...\'

\"I was totally numb when I heard those words. I was like a dead man walking. I didn\'t feel anything. I didn\'t dare to feel. It was like I was in shock. I could hardly believe my ears. I really, truly thought it was a dream and that I would wake up. Only I didn\'t ...

\"Do you love her?\" I cried.

\"I think I do. I love you, but I just don\'t think I\'m in love with you anymore.\"

\"I wanted to go home. But we had guests with us, so I put on a face and pretended like nothing had happened for two weeks. I pretty much denied it. I thought I could control it. So, I kept it secret.

\"I was too embarrassed to talk to anyone ... humiliated is the word. Everyone thought we had this perfect marriage, and I didn\'t want them to know we didn\'t. I lived those two weeks of vacation pretending I was happy ...

\"Once we got home and I was in my familiar surrounding again, I went right to the internet and typed in \"cheating husbands,\" or something like that. That\'s when I found Dr. Gunzburg\'s work ...

\"I started reading Dr. Gunzburg\'s emails. One of the most helpful things as time went on were those letters from the doctor. I would gobble up every one. I would print them and leave them lay on Jerry\'s desk. He would read them, and sometimes we would discuss them. Those letters gave me the courage to keep on keeping on, even when things were darkest. I\'ll never give those letters up, even now that we\'re comfortable and happy again.

\"So as soon as I found How to Survive an Affair, I paid the bucks and started reading the book. I began to realize as soon as I was reading it that I wasn\'t alone and that all those feelings I felt were normal.

\"For example, I\'m known in the community as a strong person, a professional woman. I\'m pretty sassy and pretty spunky and I don\'t let anybody walk on me. People would say, \'If you\'ve got a problem take it to Julie, she\'ll fight it for you.\' I was a stand up person.

\"That all went away when I learned about the affair. All of a sudden I just couldn\'t do anything.

\"Immediately I didn\'t think I had value. I started telling myself, \'If I had sex more often, if I hadn\'t worked so hard and so long in our business, if I lost weight, if I started doing more sport activities, he would love me. I just thought it was all me. I knew he was the person who had done the act. But I was trying to figure out how I had caused him to do that.

\"I didn\'t think I could ever have anyone else. I didn\'t think anyone would want me. I thought I was too fat and unattractive. I felt like I had nothing to offer. I lost all of me. I lost thinking that I was a desirable person, that I had value, that I was smart. It just went away and I got pretty depressed.

\"Dr. Gunzburg helped me realize all of those feelings were normal after learning about an affair. I took a lot from the book in self-affirmations and getting back that it wasn\'t my fault. Certainly every person contributes to problems in their marriage, but the affair wasn\'t my fault. I had to learn that, and I learned it.\"

As important as these realizations were for Julie, the work had only begun on their marriage. Just buying and reading the program didn\'t change Jerry and Julie\'s relationship automatically. It took time for that to happen. You see, Jerry didn\'t quit the affair.

For 3 years he continued to see the other woman.

\"It was a really weird time for me. During 30 years of marriage, I was never one of those guys that would go out to bars and stuff like that. Julie and I did everything together. I\'d go out with the guys on golfing or fishing trips, but I wasn\'t one of those guys that went off to the bars and the girlie shows. It was never part of my interest.

\"I still wonder today why I did what I did. I wasn\'t out there looking for it. The affair started innocently. I was in a bar (I think alcohol had something to do with it), and we were drinking. A friend introduced us. We went out and danced. We started talking. Then one thing led to another ...

\"When I first told Julie, I REALLY wanted to stop it because I could see how much I was hurting her. But for some reason I just couldn\'t. And I\'m a pretty strong person. I\'m very self-disciplined. I used to be a world-class athlete. I know what it takes to be self-disciplined. I just had no control over what I was doing or what I wanted. It was like an addiction. I couldn\'t stay away from it.

\"I think I was feeling sorry for myself. It seemed like I was taking a back seat to Julie\'s work in our business. She was doing a great job at the business, but we were drifting apart emotionally and physically.

\"I would keep saying things like, \'Why don\'t you come to bed?\' I\'m a very passionate, sexual person which had always been a part of our marriage. But over the last few years, it had gotten less and less. I kept thinking, \'Well she\'s busy, it\'s business.\' But it was wearing on me.

\"In addition, a couple years before she got hit with rheumatoid and fibro and the medication she was taking detracted even more from our sex life.

\"I wanted to talk with her about my feelings, but I was afraid she didn\'t love me anymore. I was afraid to talk.

\"It wasn\'t a good excuse, but I used it ... At the time, I was looking for excuses, and there is no justifiable excuse. Really, I was just feeling sorry for myself. I was looking for somebody that would love me. I wanted to feel loved again physically. I\'ve always felt loved emotionally by Julie, but I wanted to feel loved physically.

\"Some of my children even thought I was on cocaine. I wasn\'t. I\'ve never taken drugs, but I was acting that weird. But when you\'re there, you can\'t quite see it yourself.

\"I couldn\'t understand it. I couldn\'t understand why I didn\'t stay away from that woman. I tried many times. Over 3 years I broke it off 14 times and told her it was over...\"

\"I kept going back, I still can\'t understand it.\"

For 3 years Julie and Jerry were trapped in a vicious cycle where Jerry would leave to be with his mistress for several days at a time leaving Julie stranded on an emotional battlefield. He would even tell Julie he was going to see the other woman. Then he would call home, say he had made a mistake, and ask if he could come home again.

\"I had really mixed emotions about what was going on. Was I going to welcome this guy home when I knew where he had been? But I was unable to not take him back. So he would arrive at my door looking like a street bum - he was disheveled, his shirt was hanging out and wrinkled, his eyes were red and swollen, he was crying - and he would hold a bouquet of roses, look at me with big puppy dog eyes and say, \'Can I come home?\' I\'d let him in and soon we\'d become involved and it would lead to intimate things.

\"I hated myself for that. I would think, \'How can I be intimate with this man when I know where he was and I know he was just being intimate with someone else?\'\"

When Julie took Jerry back, he felt a kind of absolution, as though his sins were washed away. He would try to do the work necessary to repair his marriage. They would live \"normally\" for weeks, even months at a time. Julie would believe Jerry was really done with it this time. Then the whole cycle would start all over.

During the \"good\" times, they tried to rebuild their marriage. They sought counseling as a couple, but it didn\'t work. They didn\'t click with the counselor. They tried other books and programs, but none of them really stuck. Jerry kept trying to reform, but he couldn\'t give up his \"addiction.\" Julie kept hoping that she would make Jerry see the light. She saw the man she was married to wasn\'t \"her Jerry.\" He wasn\'t even \"Jerry\'s Jerry.\" He was someone else.

One of the things that held their marriage together during this difficult period was How to Survive an Affair. They both kept reading and re-reading the book and working the exercises in it. The hope Dr. Gunzburg inspired in Julie kept her going. And Jerry was slowly learning how to open up to his feelings and communicate them.

\"We would sit together in this kind of quiet, sad silence reading.

\"We would both highlight the book, him with a blue marker, me with a yellow marker, then we would talk about what we had highlighted.\"

They also did some of the journaling exercises outlined in How to Survive an Affair and, according to Julie that was the only way they could communicate for a long time.

\"I couldn\'t communicate without crying and accusing and screaming, and Jerry couldn\'t communicate because he was inward and private so we would put our feelings on paper and share with each other that way in the early phases. We read each other\'s journal entries and discussed them. It was the only way we could begin to communicate.

\"The whole time, I wanted to hear one sentence from him and that was \'I love only you.\' He would say it in a million ways, but he would never say that one sentence. He just never gave her up during those three years, and I really knew that.

\"I went through such emotional roller coasters. I cocooned. I didn\'t feel like going out and doing things. I didn\'t feel like seeing my friends. I just wanted to be by myself.\"

For 3 years, Julie rode this emotional roller coaster, hoping that it would all work out and relying on what she learned in How to Survive an Affair to help her through these difficult times.

Finally, after 3 years and taking Jerry back 13 times Julie gave up. She finally had enough of Jerry and she was ready to get a divorce and move on with her life.

\"The last straw for me was number 13. We had a very sad dinner, but warm and we had been intimate and it felt very loving and real the night before he left the 13th time.

I didn\'t think there was a possibility in the world that he could actually pack his bags and leave the next morning when we had this intimate, warm feeling night with each other. He got up in the morning brought me breakfast, then he packed his bags and suggested I don\'t watch when he leaves and he walked out the door.

\"At that point I thought, \'Whose the sick person here?

It just hit me. All this time I was thinking Jerry was sick. Then I suddenly realized I was the sick person. Enough was enough was enough! I could be happier without him than I could be with him.

\"I just thought, \'She\'s getting the best part of him and I\'m the one in pain.\'

\"That last night of intimacy and then him waking up and packing his bags the next morning was kind of a killer. It wiped the slate clean for me. It was like, \'I don\'t even feel love for this man anymore.\'

\"I was pretty done at that point. I thought it was over.\"

That was when Julie finally decided to tell someone what was happening to her. She had a conference call with her children, told them what she planned to do, and called a friend for support.

\"Obviously I tried keeping the affair a secret and didn\'t look for a support system, which is one of the first things Dr. Gunzburg recommends in How to Survive an Affair. That didn\'t work. So I decided to follow his advice. Once I had my support system I was able to make the move I made... \"

\"The move that saved our marriage.\"

Julie packed all of Jerry\'s possessions, his clothes, golf clubs, trophies, old letters, anything she could think of, and put them in the garage. She changed the locks on her doors, and went to a friend\'s house to stay.

Then she found an attorney, and started filing papers for divorce.

\"I was done. I didn\'t have much emotion for him left. I had decided he gave me a lot of good things for a long time, but I couldn\'t live this way anymore and I was better off not living this way anymore. I felt like I had to survive for myself now.\"

When Jerry came home and saw everything he owned in the garage it struck him like a punch in the stomach.

\"The very last time I was with my mistress, I had this sense - it was like a sixth sense - that I really didn\'t want to be with this woman. I also realized something drastic was changing at home with Julie.

\"When I saw all my stuff in the garage, I tried to call our kids and none of them answered my calls. Until my eldest daughter called me back. Actually, she\'s my daughter from a previous marriage. Julie is her step mom, but she calls her mom. She did a kind of intervention with me. She really laid into me and told me what I had done wrong.

\"It was then that I hit bottom.

\"When I opened that garage I knew ... I knew all the way home I didn\'t love Jackie. I knew how much I really loved Julie. I finally knew what I wanted, but when I opened that door I thought it was too late.

\"That was the turning point in my life. When I had the freedom to choose, I realized this isn\'t what I want. This isn\'t where I want to be. I don\'t even love that other woman. Then when I saw all my stuff was packed, I had the feeling that I had blown what I really wanted and I decided that if I ever got the chance I would never blow it again.\"

Even though Jerry had finally decided what he wanted, Julie didn\'t want to have anything to do with him anymore. She wouldn\'t respond to his phone calls or emails. The trust was finally shattered and she didn\'t want to take him back. She was ready for a divorce.

Jerry realized that if he had any chance of saving his marriage he had to open up to his true feelings and share them with his wife as outlined in How to Survive an Affair.

Instead of calling day after day, Jerry settled on a different tactic. He decided to write Julie a letter - something he had never done before.

\"He wrote me a letter titled \'Trying to Understand Myself\' that showed up on my fax machine. That was the turning point that made me stop and take another look and do it the 14th time. In it he recalled his first memory in childhood. He shared things in that letter I knew, but I realized there was so much more to learn about this man. He finally opened up to me.\"

Jerry had been burying his true feelings for years. When he became afraid that his wife stopped loving him he buried the feelings, terrified that he might be right and that the woman he truly cared for no longer cared for him.

It was, in part, that act of burying his emotions that perpetuated the affair. He thought he would find solace in someone else. He thought he could run from his true feelings, but what he learned was something completely the opposite.

\"I was amazed of all the different feelings that the doctor said I would have from my perspective. They are really RIGHT on target. I realized that I wasn\'t acknowledging and admitting them to myself. I think it would have been over a lot earlier if I had been able to do that.

\"Until you can be honest with yourself you can\'t be honest with your spouse. Until you learn to talk and communicate with feelings and honesty you\'re really not communicating. She\'d ask me questions and I\'d skirt around the answers because I was afraid of my own feelings. I learned to be honest with myself about my feelings by reading what Dr. Gunzburg said.\"

That act of honesty was what convinced Julie to open her heart to Jerry once more and try it one last time. And this time it worked.

\"Once he started talking and telling me, I opened up my brain and said, \'Receive anything he says. No criticism. No nothing. Just receive what he says.\' We started talking about his feelings and my feelings. When Jerry started communicating I began to appreciate him again.

\"That was when the book was REALLY remarkable. After Jerry left the other woman everything fit. We could use the tools in the book to resolve problems in our marriage.

\"I learned a lot in the book from understanding how it happened and the dangers of neglecting each other ... and ourselves ... becoming kind of passive in our passion, just assuming that a good marriage was there and that it would tolerate anything.

\"It helped me realize there were things I was responsible for. There were a lot of things we had sort of gotten blasé about in our marriage. The biggest thing was communicating our feelings. Often times I would say, \'Remember the book ... it tells you you have to answer my questions!\'

\"Once we were both able to say things honestly about our emotions like \'That makes me feel hurt or neglected or I\'m not important to you ...,\' once we began to share intimate feelings I began to understand how it happened.

\"I guess I understand it now. I\'m not without guilt in this. I didn\'t have the affair, but things in our \'perfect\' kind of marriage had broken down. I was involved in my business and didn\'t stop to look. I had this comfort zone that \'nothing would ever happen to MY marriage. It was perfect.\'

\"Now we have learned that there is no comfort zone. You have to keep working at a marriage.\"

As they began to learn how to communicate again, Jerry and Julie\'s marriage began to have a new life, but there were still more steps that needed to be taken.

For one thing, Jerry had to work through giving a heartfelt apology for what he had done. He used the steps in How to Survive an Affair and was able to create an apology that Julie could tell came from the deepest parts of his heart.

In addition, Jerry and Julie had to learn how to start going out together and being together once more. Using the steps in the book they developed new interests they could share and began to fall in love all over again.

But probably the most important lesson Julie and Jerry learned from How to Survive an Affair was the fact that they couldn\'t go back to their old marriage, they had to move forward to a marriage that was better than it had ever been before.

\"One of the things we learned is that we couldn\'t have our old marriage back.\"

\"The other woman is in the old marriage. It\'s 32 years long, but she\'s in it and we don\'t want it back.

\"So we\'re starting over. We\'re falling in love. We\'re doing things that are different from the old marriage.

\"Yesterday is a perfect example, we woke up and Jerry said, \'Let\'s take a drive.\' We called it a Discovery Day. We stopped at a winery we didn\'t even know we had in our area and we tasted wine. Then we stopped at a cheese farm a few more miles up the road, and we had them make sandwiches. Then we took our wine and sandwiches and we went to a state park on the river and we ate lunch, laid out a blanket, and took a nap by the river.

\"This is the most unheard of thing on Jerry\'s part. He\'s a \'Type A\' personality. He speeds faster than life. For him to make the effort to do a slow, appreciative, \'smell-the-roses\' kind of thing that I\'m more into ... He did that for me. And he enjoyed it!

\"We started to take up boating. I was never into that. I\'m kind of scared of the water. So we take it slow (he does that for me), and now we\'re boaters. We go to the beach. I try to do more sporty things. We play golf a bit together now.

\"We do the things that people do when they start relationships to impress each other. We do little things we never did before.\"

To this Jerry adds, \"She\'s probably gotten more roses in the last couple months than she has in the last 30 years. I know she likes them so I try to get her some every week.\" In response Julie laughs giddily like a young woman who has fallen in love all over again.

\"We\'re never going to get in the comfort zone again. We\'re going to appreciate. We\'re going to talk and keep communicating. Now we\'re aware of the danger zone.

\"I don\'t think I ever believed there would be a danger zone. I was in the comfort zone. We don\'t believe one should get in the comfort zone anymore. You have to nurture a relationship for WAY longer than 32 years ...\"

Jerry and Julie have now made it a priority to express their appreciation for each other - which is one of the three \"A\'s\" Dr. Gunzburg says are so critical for a happy marriage.

\"Now, everyday, we let each other know that we appreciate each other. My wife is all these things, all the things I wanted and all the things she didn\'t think she was. She\'s beautiful and charming and intelligent. I almost destroyed that in her. I think that hurts me more than anything. I\'m very thankful and I tell her how thankful I am...

I thank God every day when I get up that\'s she\'s as forgiving as she is and that she loves me. Now I just try to prove to her every day that I love her more than she loves me.\"

Julie and Jerry have made it through the storm that almost shattered their marriage. And they have come out the other side happy and in love once more.

\"People ask me, \'How could you take him back 14 times\'...

I say, \'Because that\'s how long it took.\' I didn\'t want to cut off my nose to spite my face. I loved this man. I knew he was a good person that made bad decisions.

\"Now we\'ve finally crossed into a level of trust. I never thought that would happen. Of course, I\'m sometimes afraid it will happen again, so we talk about that. We talk about it, and it makes me feel better.

For women usually talking makes them feel better and for men it usually makes them want to avoid it, but I guess Jerry has decided he\'s going to give me whatever I need to feel comfortable again, because he\'s been very open and communicative.

\"You know, we just celebrated our 35th anniversary. I NEVER thought we would make it. In September we\'re flying to Hawaii for two weeks, and there\'s a special, tiny little place that has a chapel on that island. We\'re going to renew our wedding vows there and start over.

\"We keep reading and working through How to Survive an Affair. We read the book early and we continue to refer back to it. Now we\'re planning to reread it again. It helped us save our marriage.\"

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作者:海上的云1 留言时间:2007-08-30 21:07:46
无论是我的小说还是婚姻辅导专家的案例,我都希望读者们能借鉴地看,千万不要生硬地往个案上套! 每个人每份情都不一样,不能一概而论。即使别人使用成功的方案,到了你的身上不一定就有作用!重要的是不要迷失自己,自强不息;同时,有个谦卑的心,体谅他人的苦楚。人生没有一帆风顺的航程,跌倒了,没什么,当作上了一堂课,爬起来,好好走完未完的旅程。

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作者:QY second 留言时间:2007-08-30 12:45:42
Thanks you for raising this topic for discussion. I like your novel very much because you have described QY in such details in heart, which I have just been experienced in the past few months. That's why you are wondered if you have similar experience (hope you'll never ever be). Though I haven't taken the plan B yet, I agree with your novel's structure - QY's movement. I agree with some of the readers' opinion that the description of WY is not enough (of course, author is a woman), and I would really like to read man's writing about their heart development about this topic. Any suggestions where can I find these novels?
Two sentences triggers my attention from your case:
-I wanted to hear one sentence from him and that was 'I love only you
-we couldn't have our old marriage back - this is true!
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作者:心碎 留言时间:2007-08-30 07:18:45
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作者:海上的云1 留言时间:2007-08-29 15:44:51
贴着篇文章的目的在于给那些正在挣扎中的人们一点希望。看别人这么多痛苦也经历了,婚姻仍能得救。相信你的苦楚不一定有他们那么多。 所以,别放弃!终有一天你会为你自己骄傲!
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作者:1111 留言时间:2007-08-29 13:45:19
"but your spouse stay with you till the end of this life." Are you dreaming or am I dreaming? look at what just happenned to Zhong chuhong or Chen Xiaoxu, etc. I agree that it is nice to find a soul mate to spend life with, but remember that there's always illness, accident ready to struck any time, anywhere,you could lose your beloved one,not only spouse but also children any time basicly, not to say that everything is always changing--"you can never step into the same river twice", and this quite includes human heart.
If you solely count your happiness on a spouse till the end of your day , you will surely be dissapointed one day or the other, -- hardly any couple die exacly the same day, nor even the same year.
There is something unchanging, worth going after, in Chinese, it's called "DAO".
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作者:S.L 留言时间:2007-08-29 12:47:12
Back to marriage is quite possible. Back to love is almost impossible. In the life journey, if you happened to have someone accompany you that you love/care/understand/cherish each other, that is lucky. If not, you still could continue your journey.
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作者:无名 留言时间:2007-08-29 11:37:44
Please notice, this 无名 is not that 无名.
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作者:碧海云帆 留言时间:2007-08-29 11:36:27
1111: Totally disagree with you. Finding someone you love and can share life with is one of the most important things, if not the most important one, in people's life. Other things come and go but your spouse stay with you till the end of this life. Problems arise in marriage but things can be resolved in most cases. If even such a severe case can have a happy ending, others have better hopes.
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作者:1111 留言时间:2007-08-29 10:13:23
What a waste of time?! For all those time they wasted on this whole nonsense, they could have done something better, something more meaningful, like reading books or helping needy people, life is not as shallow as finding or keeping a mate.
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作者:517 留言时间:2007-08-29 06:13:17
Does it really worthwhile to work that hard on something broken that bad? Is this the only way out? probably not. Life is good, and treat yourself right whatever way you choose to.
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作者:无名 留言时间:2007-08-28 20:55:10
What's the feeling of his mistress, nobody care about her
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作者:海棠 留言时间:2007-08-28 20:22:10
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· 回娘家三次落泪的经历
· 洛城媒体相会(亨利宋救场)
· 也谈Jeremy Lin林书豪
· 谈谈中年职业女性
· 欧文和他的美国妻 发表连接
· 欧文和他的美国妻 小说 六
· 欧文和他的美国妻 小说 五
· 欧文和他的美国妻 小说 四
· 欧文和他的美国妻 小说 三
· 欧文和他的美国妻 小说 二
· 欧文和他的美国妻 小说 一
【小说:天堂和地域间 1-4】
· 天堂和地域间 小说 四
· 天堂和地域间 小说 三
· 天堂和地域间 小说 二
· 天堂和地狱间 小说 一
【情感随笔 1】
· 我的花衣年华...呼应雨林
· 浦东机场做的心理测验
· 从蔡琴的无性的婚姻谈起 下
· 从蔡琴的无性的婚姻谈起 上
· 相约赏月
· 触目惊心
· 中年危机 (和作者声明)
【小说故事:放手 49-52】
· 放手 (原创小说 五十二)
· 放手 (原创小说 五十一)
· 放手 (原创小说 五十)
· 放手 (原创小说 四十九)
【小说故事:放手 53-结束】
· 海云的长篇小说《放手》出版订购
· 小说《放手》出版和新州书展
· 《放手》发表在《红杉林》
· 小说《放手》后序
· 放手 (原创小说 尾声)
· 放手 (原创小说 五十五)
· 放手 (原创小说 五十四)
· 放手 (原创小说 五十三)
【小说故事:放手 45-48】
· 放手 (原创小说 四十八)
· 放手 (原创小说 四十七)
· 放手 (原创小说 四十六)
· 放手 (原创小说 四十五)
【小说故事:放手 41-44】
· 放手 (原创小说 四十四)
· 放手 (原创小说 四十三)
· 放手 (原创小说 四十二)
· 放手 (原创小说 四十一)
【小说故事:放手 37-40】
· 放手 (原创小说 四十)
· 放手 (原创小说 三十九)
· 放手 (原创小说 三十八)
· 放手 (原创小说 三十七)
【小说故事:放手 33-36】
· 放手 (原创小说 三十六)
· 放手 (原创小说 三十五)
· 放手 (原创小说 三十四)
· 放手 (原创小说 三十三)
【小说故事:放手 29-32】
· 放手 (原创小说 三十二)
· 放手 (原创小说 三十一)
· 放手 (原创小说 三十)
· 放手 (原创小说 二十九)
【小说故事:放手 21-24】
· 放手 (原创小说 二十四)
· 放手 (原创小说 二十三)
· 放手 (原创小说 二十二)
· 放手 (原创小说 二十一)
【小说故事:放手 17-20】
· 放手 (原创小说 二十)
· 放手 (原创小说 十九)
· 放手 (原创小说 十八)
· 放手 (原创小说 十七)
【小说故事:放手 13-16】
· 放手 (原创小说 十六)
· 放手 (原创小说 十五)
· 放手 (原创小说 十四)
· 放手 (原创小说 十三)
【小说故事:放手 9-12】
· 放手 (原创小说 十二)
· 放手 (原创小说 十一)
· 放手 (原创小说 十)
· 放手 (原创小说 九)
【小说故事:放手 5-8】
· 放手 (原创小说 八)
· 放手 (原创小说 七)
· 放手 (原创小说 六)
· 放手 (原创小说 五)
【小说故事:放手 1-4】
· 放手 (原创小说 四)
· 放手 (原创小说 三)
· 放手 (原创小说二)
· 放手 (原创小说一)
【小说故事:放手 25-28】
· 放手 (原创小说 二十八)
· 放手 (原创小说 二十七)
· 放手 (原创小说 二十六)
· 放手 (原创小说 二十五)
【2008 中国之行】
· 关心(芯)一点…星岛中文电台访谈
· 2008年中国之行。五。再见了,北
· 2008年中国之行 四。北京感谢你
· 2008年中国之行 三。北京你早!
· 2008年中国之行 三。家。南京篇
· 2008年中国之行 二。北京你好
· 2008年中国之行 一。 缘起
· 话说南京女人
· 留住的清爽
· 四种香料的爱情
· 女孩和画 一
· 999朵玫瑰
· 心碎的我 Broken Hearted Me
· 冰雹出版的连接
· 暂别两周
【酸甜苦辣 八】
· 这个鬼汽车
· 爱你太浓…蔡琴纽约演唱会
· 擂人的美东美西人的对话
· 与领事夫人共庆母亲节
· 不能免俗谈“色戒”
· 传奇的爱情
· Lynn 和她的美发沙龙
· 如果我成了千万富翁
【酸甜苦辣 七】
· 万圣节的起源和历史 海云译
· 生活在美国最底层的墨西哥人 二
· 生活在美国最底层的墨西哥人 一
· 从周立波“博克门”说起 二
· 从周立波海派清口说开去 一
【酸甜苦辣 六】
· 天堂的眼泪 Tears in Heaven
· 该死的温柔
· 读你、懂你、欣赏你。。。。成熟
· 轻叹
【酸甜苦辣 五】
· 硅谷血案追踪
· 硅谷又见枪杀
· 藏住秋天的美丽
· 可怕的狭小空间经历
【酸甜苦辣 四】
· 镜花水月的人生
· 热情在硅谷…第三次圈子聚会 (摄
· 与我探戈
· 只有香如故。。。。悼陈晓旭
【酸甜苦辣 三】
· 经济危机,危害到家
· 露营车的风波
· 我的心在哭泣
· 今天我报警了
【酸甜苦辣 二】
· 我们站岗在铁道线上
· 又一个自杀的高中生!上帝!请帮
· 网上交友
· 爬格子、码字者、稿费及其它
· 明星阿诺,州长阿诺
· 美国偶像……又一年
· 忏悔吧,李连杰
· American Idol 美国偶像
【酸甜苦辣 一】
· 麦克杰克逊…吹进中国第一缕西方
· Happy New Year
· 节日问候
· 季候血拚 ……感恩节实录二
· 有没有人告诉你
· 今夜有雨
· “听我韶韶”....金陵寻梦 八
· The Pledge of Allegiance
· 新春快乐!笑口常开!
· 冬日情怀也是诗
【红男绿女 三】
· 为什么有外遇的男人都曾是好好男
· We love because he first loved
· 将我放在你的心上如印记…任芯的
【红男绿女 二】
· 她该不该去见老公的情人?
· 挽留变心的伴侣
· 受伤后失智的女人:胡紫薇
· 对这样的男人怎么办?
【红男绿女 一】
· 玉女和Cheap女
· 中年丧偶
· 八卦陈冠希事件中的张柏芝和谢霆
· 只要你过得比我好
· 心太软,害己害人!
· 婚外情实例一
· 男人的爱好 二
· 男人的爱好 一
· 从将军到奴隶 (短篇小说 八)
· 从将军到奴隶 (短篇小说 七)
· 从将军到奴隶 (短篇小说 六)
· 从将军到奴隶 (短篇小说 五)
· 从将军到奴隶 (短篇小说 四)
· 从将军到奴隶 (短篇小说 三)
· 从将军到奴隶 (短篇小说 二)
· 从将军到奴隶 (短篇小说 一)
【小说:出轨的中年女人 13-14】
· 海云的文字制成有声的,请听《出
· 书终于出版了
· 写《出轨的中年女人》的缘由
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 十四
· 出轨的中年女人 (原创小说 十三
【小说:出轨的中年女人 9-12】
· 出轨的中年女人 (原创小说 十二
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 十一
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 十)
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 九)
【小说:出轨的中年女人 5-8】
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 八)
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 七)
· 出轨的中年女人 (原创小说 六)
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 五)
【小说:出轨的中年女人 1-4】
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 四)
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 三)
· 出轨的中年女人(原创小说 二)
· 出轨的中年女人 (原创小说 一)
· 品尝葡萄酒....法国篇 (五)
· 品尝葡萄酒 四...美酒与食物的搭
· 品尝葡萄酒 三
· 品尝葡萄酒 二
· 品尝葡萄酒 一
· 云吧鸡尾酒 三…Whisky Zinger威
· 云吧鸡尾酒二…Screwdriver 螺丝
· 云吧鸡尾酒 一…白色俄罗斯
· 工作得像牛还是像狗?
· 重返职场 三…Job Search Team 
· 股市翻腾记 二
· 股市翻腾记 一
· 今天我不想回家
· 何去何从....第二波裁员潮后
· 第一波裁员潮
· 硅谷的免费午餐Free Lunch
【亲情友情 6】
· 二十年庆 下
· 二十年庆 中
· 二十年庆 上
· 白色圣诞和圣诞礼物
· 长子如父
· 有亲来访
· 上海见学弟
· 一张老照片
· 波士顿老友相见记 上
· 琥珀兄弟情
【亲情友情 5】
· 毛遂自荐
· 情人节看牙医
· 地震了
· 你举起我 。。。。。。仅以此文
【亲情友情 3】
· 老爸广州签证记
· 我的新疆亲戚们
· 我的忠实粉丝
· Daddy's Little Girl 爸爸
【亲情友情 2】
· 海归的表哥 (四)
· 海归的表哥 (三)
· 海归的表哥 (二)
· 海归的表哥 (一)
【亲情友情 1】
· 给编辑好友的一封信
· 与网上乡亲姐姐见面记
· 那一年我们年纪小 (二)
· 那一年我们年纪小 (一)
【亲情友情 4】
· 网上重逢
· 波士顿的贝蒂…三下新泽西 外一章
· 人间四月天
· 骑乐无穷
· 再过二十年,我们来相会
· 童年踪影....金陵寻梦 六
· Baby Love
· 回国购房记--从九十年代到今天
【小说故事:结四次婚的女人 25-28】
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 尾声
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二十八
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二十七
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二十六
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二十五
【小说故事:结四次婚的女人 21-24】
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二十四
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二十三
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二十二
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二十一
【小说故事:结四次婚的女人 17-20】
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二十
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十九
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十八
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十七
【小说故事:结四次婚的女人 13-16】
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十六
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十五
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十四
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十三
【小说故事:结四次婚的女人 9-12】
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十二
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十一
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 十
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 九
【小说故事:结四次婚的女人 5-8】
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 八
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 七
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 六
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 五
【小说故事:结四次婚的女人 1-4】
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 四
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 三
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 二
· 结四次婚的女人 小说 一
【诗情画意 2】
· 前世的情人
· 清明清明
· 冬眠
· 秦淮河的温柔
· 一剪梅 夏荷
· 乡愁
· 错过
· 海边的青草
· 一年 一天
· 一首让我眼泪飘飞的歌曲
【信仰家园 四】
· 我和蔡琴以及蔡琴五月纽约义演
· 跨越时空的爱…一个真实的故事
· 想念你,生命河
· 从破碎到自由……永恒的生命
· 五十块钱送爱心
· 变危机为转机
· 寻找美丽瞬间…记第二次圈子聚会
· 为四川震灾区祈祷!为我们的中国
【信仰家园 三】
· 跨越时空的爱…一个真实的故事 下
· 跨越时空的爱…一个真实的故事 上
· 科学和信仰、宇宙和人生…从我喜
· 科学和信仰、宇宙和人生…从我喜
· 《一代人的见证》二….感悟
· 《一代人的见证》一…花絮
【信仰家园 二】
· 别对我提你的那个上帝
· Over the Rainbow 彩虹之上
· 我惭愧,我是一个这样的基督徒
· 祈祷。。。。于受洗日
· 配乐诗朗诵:露从今夜白
· 缠绵的爱情
· 用一朵花开的时间
· 金黄的记忆…感恩节聚会
· Kiss me goodbye 吻别
· 我想一个人去流浪
· 爱如梦 Love Is Just A Dream
· 情殇
· Memory - 如歌的记忆
· 一个难忘的除夕夜
【信仰家园 一】
· 静夜听歌
· 当我说我是基督徒时
· John Lennon的理想世界
· 读书心得:四度空间。。。。赵镛
【游山玩水 八】
· 春游首府华盛顿
· 又见奥兰多...圣诞假期 三
· 那一年,去日本
· 共此一帘幽梦…春访新泽西
· 飞之畅…阿拉斯加游轮之旅 五
· 今年的第一次露营
· 金碧辉煌泰皇宫……云游东南亚 十
· 安娜与国王…云游东南亚 外一章
· 享受孤寂…美丽的太阳河
· 雪山瀑布历险记Benham Waterfall
【游山玩水 七】
· 我的江南 七…金陵老城南
· 我的江南 六…莫愁莫愁
· 我的江南 五...性情之旅
· 我的江南 四 ...丁蜀镇淘壶
· 我的江南 三…宜兴紫砂
· 我的江南 二 老街记忆
· 我的江南 一 高淳老街
· 喜欢的大学城:Providence 上
· 加拿大的冰酒庄:云岭酒庄…夏季
· 美东的大峡谷…夏季度假 三
【游山玩水 六】
· 夏日亲子美西游 四……大提顿公园
· 夏日亲子美西游 三……黄石公园
· 夏日亲子美西游 二 ……疯马雕像、
· 夏日亲子美西游 一 ……犹大州盐湖
【游山玩水 五】
· 兰桂坊的圣诞夜 云游东南亚 七
· 购物天堂:香港 云游东南亚 六
· 浮光掠影濠江情
· 濠江对岸一瞥珠海 五 云游东南亚
· 云游三周,明年再见!
【游山玩水 四】
· 吃在澳门 云游东南亚 四
· 赌在澳门 云游东南亚 三
· 玩在澳门 云游东南亚 二
· 云游东南亚 一 序
【游山玩水 三】
· 东行记 (四) …危机中的思索
· 东行记 (三) …新泽西看房子
· 东行记 (二)…夜幕下的曼哈顿
· 东行记 (一) …搬去新泽西?
【游山玩水 二】
· 优山美地美景集
· 优山美地 Yosemite度假乐 三
· 优山美地 Yosemite度假乐 二
· 优山美地 Yosemite度假乐 一
【游山玩水 一】
· Follow me:金山一日骑
· 周末进城
· 母子作文:太浩湖的白色圣诞节
· 海之灯塔
· 神庙遐想
· 塔斯砍尼,我梦中的家园
· 爱丁堡,我的英伦情人
· 朋友的文章
· 烟花三月下扬州…金陵寻梦外一章(
· 古城今朝(影集)。。。。金陵寻梦
【养儿育女 一】
· 天下父母心...为文轩子女教育集
· 贴身小棉袄
· 环保的典范…加州科学博物馆
· 狗儿子就医记 下
· 我的狗儿狗女之二 - 狗儿子就医
· 所需是爱
· 体验单身妈妈
· 我的狗儿狗女之一:狗女儿
· 木屋和拼图。。。。感恩节实录一
· 少女的祈祷
【美味佳肴 一】
· 上年菜,新年好!
· 荠菜和有关荠菜的回味
· 野趣
· 千里共婵娟:中秋词歌食
· 夏令家常菜
· 周末下厨房
· 家常菜
· 洗手做汤羹
【心灵园丁 二】
· 一念之间。。。。有感美加双博士
· 将爱情进行到底-爱是一种选择(
· 将爱情进行到底–爱的五种语言(
· 将爱情进行到底–从春晚的一小品
【心灵园丁 一】
· 做老师真好!
· 近距离看于丹
· 天使的翅膀—给四川震灾中逝去的
· 不能承受之沉重--说故事写小说的
· 人生之不归路
· 感恩的心。。。。写于去年感恩节
· 无题......一篇旧作
· 花园之州编织美丽人生…冬日的新
· 我是否该靠近你…冬日的新泽西 三
· 夜半“闹鬼”…冬日的新泽西 二
· 没有女人的日子…冬日的新泽西
【新泽西行记 二】
· 缘来缘去…三下新泽西 四 
· 藤的魅力…三下新泽西 三 
· 一声叹息…三下新泽西 二
· 湿漉漉的夏季…三下新泽西 一
【新泽西行记 一】
· 近纽约情怯…再访新泽西 后续
· 近纽约情怯…再访新泽西 下
· 近纽约情怯…再访新泽西 中
· 近纽约情怯…再访新泽西 上
【小说接龙:爱情覆水难收 11-14】
· 告读者:《爱情覆水难收》暂停一
· 爱情覆水难收 十七 民鸣海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 十六 民鸣海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 十五 民鸣海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 十四 民鸣海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 十三 民鸣海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 十二 民鸣海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 十一 民鸣海云小说
【小说接龙:爱情覆水难收 6-10】
· 爱情覆水难收 十 (民鸣 海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 九 (民鸣 海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 八 (民鸣 海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 七 (民鸣 海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 六 (民鸣 海云小说
【小说接龙:爱情覆水难收 1-5】
· 爱情覆水难收 五 (民鸣 海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 四 (民鸣 海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 三 (民鸣 海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 二 (民鸣 海云小说
· 爱情覆水难收 (一)
· 长篇小说《爱情覆水难收》预告和
【天堂鸟 小说 9-16】
· 天堂鸟 小说 十五
· 天堂鸟 小说 十四
· 天堂鸟 小说 十三
· 天堂鸟 小说 十二
· 天堂鸟 小说 十
· 天堂鸟 小说 九
【长篇小说 天堂鸟 1-8】
· 天堂鸟 小说 八
· 天堂鸟 小说 七
· 天堂鸟 小说 六
· 天堂鸟 小说 五
· 天堂鸟 小说 四
· 天堂鸟 小说 三
· 天堂鸟 小说 二
· 天堂鸟 小说 一
· 海云最新长篇小说《天堂鸟》 预
【小说故事:归去来兮 51-55】
【小说故事:归去来兮 46-50】
【小说故事:归去来兮 41-45】
【小说故事:归去来兮 35-40】
· 一个人的旅行 九…相见时难别亦难
· 一个人的旅行 八…三个女人的莱茵
· 一个人的旅行 七…海涅的德国和德
· 一个人的旅行 六…柔情阿姆斯特丹
· 一个人的旅行 五…两个人的火车和
· 一个人的旅行 四…荷兰小镇和中国
· 一个人的旅行 三…荷兰的蛋:海牙
· 一个人的旅行 二 …荷兰的中式晚
· 一个人的旅行 一 …荷兰的贝多芬
· 2011中国之行 十三 回家的感觉真
· 2011中国之行 十二 中华的源头和
· 2011中国之行 十一 少林少林
· 2011中国之行 十 龙门石窟
· 2011中国之行 九 郑州和河南博物
· 2011中国之行 八 西安兵马俑等景
· 2011中国之行 七 从捉蒋亭到兵谏
· 2011中国之行 六 西安鼓楼和回民
· 2011中国之行 五 大雁塔和大唐不
· 有关馒头的笑话
【养儿育女 十五】
· 再访布朗 后语
· 再访布朗 前言
· 竞争惨烈的美国大学的本医连读
· 第一志愿录取美梦成真(孩子考大
· 放榜日不淡定
· 等放榜的心焦
· 手足压力
· 与所罗门小姐两次谈
· 海外华人的身份认同...青少年和
· 申请大学的高中毕业生注意社交网
【养儿育女 十四】
· 竞争惨烈的美国大学的本医连读
· 周末,与史提夫的咖啡约 下
· 也谈名校情结
· 转身和祝福
· 暴风雪来了
· 家有毕业生兼谈写作的重要性
· 儿子学做的炒饭
· 暑假里的儿子和教儿子做菜
· 儿子荷兰游学一周 下
· 儿子荷兰游学一周 上
【养儿育女 十三】
· 竞争惨烈的美国大学的本医连读
· 周末,与史提夫的咖啡约 上
· 儿子拿了三个奖项
· 陪伴孩子成长…升大学准备 二 考
· 陪伴孩子成长…升大学准备 一 时
· 父母和孩子如何应对孩子间的挑衅
· 和少年人谈“爱情”
【养儿育女 十二】
· 共同成长 …演讲会 下
· 共同成长...孩子和家长团队 上
· 父母跟孩子说英文还是说中文
· 儿子的文章发表在浙江《少年作家
· 辅导儿子中文AP的几点体会
· 儿子的中文学习和中文SAT的考试
【养儿育女 十一】
· 新州小镇高中的大学录取数据浅析
· 美国大学的轰炸式宣传
· 美国中文学校的藤校
· 名牌大学vs.将来职业(唱一曲爬
【吃在纽约 一】
· 一家独特的面包店...吃在纽约之
· 意大利甜点...吃在纽约之三
· 长岛葡萄酒乡…吃在纽约之二
· 纽约奶酪蛋糕...吃在纽约之一
【小说故事:归去来兮 29-34】
【小说故事:归去来兮 25-28】
· 春天的宾州 四 … 幽情古战场葛底
· 春天的宾州 三 …印第安溶洞
· 春天的宾州 二 …世界上最甜蜜的
· 春天的宾州 一 …过时光隧道见识
· 金陵旧事 十一…玄武菊花怯残阳
· 金陵旧事 十 …童年的宠物
· 金陵旧事 九…慈悲社
· 金陵旧事 八… 金陵郊外栖霞龙潭
· 金陵旧事 七… 金陵郊外江宁铜井
· 金陵旧事 六… 石磊老师
· 金陵旧事 五… 老屋后院众生相
· 金陵旧事 四… 老屋前院众生相
· 金陵旧事 三… 不是初恋的初恋
· 金陵旧事 二… 四太太孙奶奶
· 短篇小说《花开花落》
· 男人的副总梦 (短篇小说)
· 美国式私奔
· 海归小说《海鸥》和 序
· 迟到的“初恋”
· 兔子吃了窝边草 下
· 兔子吃了窝边草 上
· “母亲节快乐!” (小小说)
【网上风云 1】
· 感谢万维网管驱除网虫!
· 海云暂停万维博克!严重抗议!请
· 《放手》十一集在新浪被删
· 祝福!惜缘!
【美味佳肴 十】
· 咖喱咖喱三 日本咖喱
· 咖喱咖喱 二 泰国咖喱
· 咖喱咖喱 一印度咖喱
· 摩洛哥风情
· 中西合璧面皮汤
· 手把手教你做年菜…发财就手
· 年年高(糕)
· 手把手教你做年菜 之三 八宝鸭
· 手把手教你做年菜之二 健康美味
· 手把手教你做年菜 之一 黄金蛋饺
【美味佳肴 九】
· 弗吉利亚的海鲜大餐
· 健康好吃的凉拌海草
· 端午节包粽子
· 上海人的生煎情节
· 忙里偷闲烧桌菜
· 江南小吃 - 桂花莲藕
【美味佳肴 八】
· 蒋宋美龄最爱的赤豆松糕
· 香喷喷的咖喱角和豆沙酥
· 月牙形核桃饼…初下厨房
· 曼德林-体验法式意识流
【美味佳肴 七】
· 荷香糯米排骨
· 西餐美食: 烤三汶鱼
· 土豆色拉中的上海人味道
· 简易西餐--For Working Mother
【美东生活 八】
· 狗儿的春天
· 相思枫叶丹
· 飓风的伤痕
· 一年好景…与女儿一起赏艳秋
· 科大趣闻
· 经济危机的尾风终于扫到我家
· 龙年家宴
· 2011第三届美国新泽西新书发布会
· 快乐的秋日午后
· 耶鲁和哈佛参观记 下
【美东生活 七】
· 一处赏心悦目的东方世界
· 搬去新泽西 (笑话)
· 做一回纽约城里人
· 螺旋之美…古根汉美术馆Guggenhei
· 菲律宾风情:Adobo
【亲情友情 8】
· “六月”的红辣椒
· 给我的金陵乡亲
· 周末有约
· Gordon ……悼念我的一位同事
【亲情友情 7】
· 学历史的姑妈
· 生命的回旋
· 没有男人的日子
· “老资”的公公、“小资”的婆婆 (
【酸甜苦辣 九】
· 天灾人祸和难以预测的灾难
· 我的软肋
· 朵拉…美丽创作者
· 近距离见蔡琴…写在蔡琴演唱会之
【来时的路 4】
· 孔雀背带裙 下
· 孔雀背带裙 上 (海云童年的故事
· 阳春白雪和下泥巴人 下
· 阳春白雪和下泥巴人 上
· 放飞梦想 二…演艺之梦
· 放飞梦想 一 … 医生之梦
【来时的路 3】
· 情人的关怀
· 交换舞伴 Changing Partner
· 昨日重现
· 上海微风
【来时的路 2】
· 短暂的生命 激越的诗情…纪念曾经
· 总角之交 (三)
· 总角之交 (二)
· 总角之交 (一)
【来时的路 1】
· 户枢不蠹…怀念中学语文老师曼诺
· 流水不腐…怀念我的中学语文老师
· 早谢的花朵 下
· 早谢的花朵 上
· 给网管的信:请注名
· 金陵寻梦 (新浪《你我的南京》征
【情感随笔 7】
· 织毛衣沉淀思绪
· “老资”的公公、“小资”的婆婆 (
· 十二岁女儿写的《我的三位艺术老
· 三言两语谈薄熙来事件的感受
· 属于乔布斯的秋日咏叹调
· 女人,请为你自己而活
· 男人!你不能这样!
· 多少的容忍乃是够…婚外恋中的容
· 享受寂寞
【情感随笔 6】
· 我所知道的冰上仙子们及有关故事
· 五月的野花
· 忆卧龙山水,哭四川乡亲
· “经营丈夫”? 还是“经营婚姻和家
· 情绪管理和美满家庭
· 文轩手拉手助学的第一批学生
· “2012年度世界华文成就奖、科发
· 纽约泽西文人节日聚
· 新年伊始
· ZT: 2013年第一期《读者》有海云
· 参观中国现代文学馆
· 文轩小说集和小说「冰雹」成为中
· 世界华人文库第二辑在北京推出
· 海外文轩有奖征文赛
· 有奖征字:文轩网站题字
· 冰雪梦幻行 四 冰雪酝酿出的美酒
· 冰雪梦幻行 三 魁北克冰雪嘉年华
· 冰雪梦幻行 二 晶莹剔透冰酒店(
· 冰雪梦幻行 一 前往加拿大
【小说故事:归去来兮 21-24】
【小说故事:归去来兮 17-20】
【小说故事:归去来兮 13-16】
【小说故事:归去来兮 9-12】
【小说故事:归去来兮 4-8】
【海云影评 1】
· 人生之末 真情永存...电影《桃姐
· 母亲的抉择
· 剩女的童话
· 同性恋电影《孩子们不是问题》观
· 梦、梦中梦和现实…Leo主演的两部
· 梦、幻境和精神病…Leo主演的两部
· 白骨精的典范…两部美国轻喜剧片
· 白骨精的典范…两部美国轻喜剧片
【海云书评 1】
· 我喜爱的台湾作家白先勇
· 爱情和人生的不归路…介绍我喜欢
· 母子心灵对话…读龙应台《亲爱的
· 2010/04/24 BOOK CLUB 《大江大
· 读书会后再谈龙应台
· 目送龙应台
· 涓涓细流 感人动心…读龙应台《大
· 读雪莱的诗《哀歌》有感
【养儿育女 十】
· 普林斯顿的Open House(开放校园)
· Why Chinese Mothers Are Superi
· Why Chinese Mothers Are Superi
· 夏日之舞
· 繁忙的周末…首场考试和末场音乐
【美东生活 六】
· 迎春花
· 飓风中的感受
· 飓风过后…美东小镇实录
· 飓风来了
· 家里来了小客人
· 中秋诗会
· 海边的寂寞和忙碌
· 海边的野趣
· Whole Foods Market
【美东生活 五】
· 美国朋友安想帮中国朋友们安家
· 笨笨暖暖的丑雪靴
· 小镇上的三位美国女性
· 女儿和我的第一场足球赛
· 两山间的溪水…Delaware Water Ga
【美东生活 四】
· UN Weekend 联合国周末
· 秋色
· 做FBI的Secret Agent秘密探员
· 致命情人
【小说故事:归去来兮 1-4】
【美东生活 三】
· 美东小镇上的户外运动 上
· 重返职场 二…Marketing Plan
· 重返职场 一 …Lee Harrison
· 随我去看羊...我的美东乡村生活
· 介绍三家我家附近的特色咖啡馆
【美东生活 二】
· 夏*秋
· 我家后院邂逅黑熊宝宝
· 新州的第一次家宴和加州的第一家
· 哥伦比亚大学和西点军校一瞥
【灵性小说:信 Believe 9-end】
【灵性小说:信 Believe 5-8】
【灵性小说:信 Believe 1-4】
【美东生活 一】
· 雪上加霜…飓风过后的第十天
· 感恩的心...适应新生活
· 美东文化冲击 三…乘公车进纽约城
· 美东文化冲击 二…淹没在老印的海
· 美东文化冲击 一 开车道路
· 新州房产律师的Easy Life…新“房
· 待嫁“新娘”...新“房事”系列 一
· 十一年前的夏威夷之行 四
· 十一年前的夏威夷之行 三
· 十一年前的夏威夷之行 二
· 十一年前的夏威夷之行 一
· 钻石头、威岌岌和珍珠港…夏威夷
· 玻璃里西亚文化…夏威夷之旅 二
· 洋插队旧地重游…夏威夷之旅 一
【养儿育女 九】
· 狗儿首次乘飞机记
· 传奇
· 倾听青少年和父母的心声…海云硅
· 我的新汤戈舞伴
· ZT:中国父母最容易犯的十大错误
· 倾听心声…Teens Speak Out 四
· 倾听心声…Teens Speak Out 三
· 倾听心声…Teens Speak Out 二
· 倾听心声…Teens Speak Out 一
· 如何面对青少年间的挑衅(Bully
【养儿育女 八】
· 女儿的家庭观念
· 欲飞的梨子…女孩和画 四
· 女孩和画 三
· 女孩和画 二
【养儿育女 七】
· 家有Teenager“挺爱绞” 后续
· 家有Teenager“挺爱绞”,深夜寻儿
· 家有Teenager“挺爱绞”,深夜寻儿
· 家有Teenager“挺爱绞”,深夜寻儿
【养儿育女 六】
· 与儿子约会 (四)
· 与儿子约会 (三)
· 与儿子约会 (二)
· 与儿子约会 (一)
· “老资”的公公、“小资”的婆婆 (
· Family Value 家庭价值
· 云儿飘进天空的胸怀
· 在美国再话中医
· 冰上的爱情童话
· 拔火罐引起的误会
· 铁轨上的颤音
· 叶倩文、羽毛球和绯闻
· 从奥普拉的体重谈起
· 匈牙利男人
· 附带条件的爱情
· 伟哥和男人的心理
· 一生一个性伴侣,遗憾吗?
· 也谈婚外情
· 体验美国学生的科学营 四
· 体验美国学生的科学营 三
· 体验美国学生的科学营 二
· 体验美国学生的科学营 一
· 天使城中精点集…圣诞度假 五
· 繁华浮世影城喧…圣诞度假 四
· 荒山野岭木屋静…圣诞度假 三
· 伴君双双醉酒乡…圣诞度假 二
· 陪我一起看夕阳…圣诞度假 一
· 郝思嘉、费雯丽、爱情和人生...
· 电影《证人》与阿米氏
· 孤身之旅…电影Eat Pray Love
· 人生如戏 ....点评电影《梅兰芳
· 我最喜欢的好莱坞男影星- 汤姆·
· 从三部经典的爱情电影谈真爱
· 告别金山,一瞥丹妮尔.斯蒂尔
· 梦里开出血红的花朵
· 巨流河上的塔坦尼号
· The Accidental Asian 偶然生为
· The Accidental Asian 偶然生为
· 沉默的恥辱
【红男绿女 五】
· ZT: 南京男人
· 你的婚姻经得起婚外恋的冲击吗?
· 你的婚姻经得起婚外恋的冲击吗?
· 你的婚姻经得起婚外恋的冲击吗?
· 你的婚姻经得起婚外恋的冲击吗?
· 让我欢喜让我乐 by 林玫
· 文轩素描 四 真妮
· 文轩素描 三 桑妮
· 《海外文轩》写手介绍
· 海外文轩素描 一 虔谦
【游山玩水 十】
· 卡特和可乐的故乡...圣诞假期 二
· 乡村之路带我去远方…圣诞假期 一
· 鸟枪换炮
· 俄罗斯河谷露营记
· 让我们露营去
· 陪公子读书。。。。自然桥之蝴蝶
【红男绿女 四】
· 一双绣花鞋 (二)
· 一双绣花鞋 (一)
· Beautiful dreamer 美丽的梦神
· 爱在昨日,爱在今朝。。。。夫妻
【职场生涯 2】
· 我遇到的几位意大利后裔
· 股市翻腾记 三
· 经济触底的迹象 下
· 经济触底的迹象 上
· 加州经济是风暴?海啸?还是雪崩
· CEO的博克:金融危机
【职场生涯 1】
· 危机深重
· 国际同事
· 选择……何去何从之二
· 转换工作。。。。在硅谷
【游山玩水 九】
· 大学城匹茨堡Pittsburgh 上
· 独立日纽约城及哈德逊河岸观烟花
· 不一样的温哥华...阿拉斯加游轮
· 佩琳的办公地…阿拉斯加游轮之旅
· 冰之魅…阿拉斯加游轮之旅 三
· 俄罗斯风小镇-喜特加Sitka…阿拉
· 爱之船…阿拉斯加游轮之旅 一
· 腾讯燕山大讲坛海云的讲演
· 海云相约北京:腾讯网燕山大讲堂
· 摩门教徒的总统? 上
· 美国父母也不都那样
· 文学清谈:传统文学与网络文学的
· 海云答网友朋友疑问
· 海外网路作家六六和她的《劳工的
· 从加大学费上涨说开去
· Go Green 节能环保车
· 经济恢复不是梦
【美味佳肴 六】
· 傻瓜也会做的秋刀鱼
· 美味茶叶蛋和卤蛋
· 健康美味:清蒸鱼
· 春天的美味
· 上海传统年菜…水笋烧肉
· 意大利甜点...吃在纽约之三
· 美食篇: 彩虹天堂
· 紫色精灵-我的新欢
· 在家养细菌…DIY酸奶
· 白糖糕呀白糖糕
【美味佳肴 五】
· New Year Eve欢度除夕
· 周末的咖啡因
· 大馄饨……江南小吃 二
· 吃在金陵。。。。金陵寻梦 七
· 越南牛肉粉
【美味佳肴 四】
· 紫菜鱼肉卷
· 银鱼蛋饼
· 周末中式早餐
· 我的好帮厨:面包机
【美味佳肴 三】
· 柠檬方块
· 中式甜点
· 健康西点:全麦香蕉核桃面包
· 红楼一梦话燕窝....燕窝洋参汤
【美味佳肴 二】
· 农家菜
· 芒果虾。。。。一款东南亚美食
· 乌衣巷口鸭儿香---金陵盐水鸭
· 二泉映月 和 无锡排骨
【养儿育女 五】
· 挺爱搅的问题…酗酒和毒品
· 周末的阳春白雪
· 美国高中的“精神振奋周”
· 看不见的阵线…和儿子一起箍牙
· 开学了...孩子长大 父母变老
· 毕业了…初中篇
· 毕业了…小学篇
· 孩子,我为你心痛!(十六岁的高
【养儿育女 四】
· 与儿子约会 父亲篇(六)
· 与儿子约会 父亲篇(五)
· 小雨中的回忆
【养儿育女 三】
· 远去的友情
· 在水中央
· 儿子的零用钱
· 作文之难易
【养儿育女 二】
· 女儿和爸爸的问题 二
· 女儿和爸爸的问题 一
· 女兒的心願
· 懒洋洋的周末
· 与女儿一起梦想
· 个性十足的女儿
· “房事”的终结
· 从大到小…“房事”的苦恼
· “房事”的苦与乐 …“房事”系列二
· 这烦人的“房事” 一
· 故乡的云
· 再回首 八 夏威夷之恋
· 再回首 七 在美国大学上性心理课
· 再回首 六 在美国上大学之二
· 再回首 五 在美国上大学之一
· 再回首 四 文化震动(culture sh
· 再回首 三 陪伴传奇人物
· 再回首 二 初去檀香山奶牛场
· 再回首 一 初到夏威夷
· 成熟....青涩岁月的诗句
· 春寒。。。。十七岁诗选 四
· 怀念。。。。十七岁诗选 三
· 十七岁诗选 二
· 十七岁诗选 一
· 爱的更新,一生一世…恩爱夫妇营
· 爱里合一…恩爱夫妇营 六
· 爱与性…恩爱夫妇营 五
· 冲突与沟通...恩爱夫妇营 四
· 再一次相爱…恩爱夫妇营 三
· 再一次相爱…恩爱夫妇营 二
· 再一次相爱…恩爱夫妇营 一
· 民鸣姐为我的小说《冰雹》单行本
· 电视文艺沙龙:热议海云的小说《
· 小说<冰雹>后序
· Connie 评《冰雹》:我看《冰雹
· 桑妮的评论:我读《冰雹》
· 小说《冰雹》中提到的挽救婚姻的
【小说故事:冰雹 57-60】
· 特地为读者出的《冰雹》的单行本
【小说故事:冰雹 53-56】
【小说故事:冰雹 49-52】
【小说故事:冰雹 45-48】
【小说故事:冰雹 41-44】
【小说故事:冰雹 37-40】
【小说故事:冰雹 33-36】
【小说故事:冰雹 29-32】
【小说故事:冰雹 25-28】
【小说故事:冰雹 21-24】
【小说故事:冰雹 17-20】
【小说故事:冰雹 13-16】
【小说故事:冰雹 9-12】
【小说故事:冰雹 5-8】
【小说故事:冰雹 1-4】
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