2007-03-13 09:08:15
周末有空烧了几样家常菜,正好得了个新相机,便拍下来看看,还入眼吗?大蒜、胡萝卜炒肉丝 450) this.width=450\" align=baseline border=0>陈皮牛肉 450) this.width=450\" align=baseline border=0>雪菜毛豆炒鱿鱼 450) this.width=450\" align=baseline border=0>笋丝火腿煮干丝 450) this.width=450\" align=baseline border=0>莲藕排骨汤 450) this.width=450\" align=baseline border=0>
留言时间:2007-05-02 09:18:36
也常回国的,以前多在秋天,今年回去过年的,烟花爆竹,走亲访友,热闹极了。看了年的照片,决定下次阳春3,4 月一定要回去!
留言时间:2007-03-17 08:09:38
留言时间:2007-03-14 16:19:00
Hi, Really appraciate your article, life style and yourself. Keep on writing and posting. Your blog is the one I like the most. Also, just ignore someoen like "作者:[匿名]Sorry to say", who is either 不正常 or 嫉妒. Allen
留言时间:2007-03-14 09:00:36
To "Sorry to Say", You don't have to visit my "tastless" Blog. If my article about love makes you unconfortable. The simple thing to do is stopping reading my articles. I understand everyone is entitled for his or her own opinion, but not appreciate someone kept following my works and had nasty words on. Go on your own way. Thanks a lot!
Tastless, unattractive looking just like your writing, especially those on love topic.
留言时间:2007-03-13 20:39:11