文章评论 |
Philharmonic, 对不起,从“冰雹”逛到这儿,随手挖了个坑。看看没有人往里跳,就给忘了。没想到把您给逮住了。嘿嘿。
你说:“It sounds like you would agree the idea for exchange sex partners (exchange husband/wife), according to your following sentence: "For XBL, I would think most man/women would like to try others if the spouse approve." It would be much harder than you think. At least for most normal people, the spouse will not approve unless he or she is crazy.”
我对夫妻交友的人士,以“一枝独秀”为代表的一少数人,和对宗教人士的看法很类似。他(她)们都真心的认为自己做的事是正确的。我对这些有信仰的人是很佩服的,可是又很难说服自己象他们一样。我不认为她们Crazy,只是Different。Agree to disagree。
“Moreover, for the following statement: "If, for example, your husband hired a professional on your 40th birthday, will woman accept it?" I do not think so too. For most woman, they are not willing to have sex with others unless there is "qing" in it. Professional sex worker will not provide that. Therefore, on your wife's 40th birthday party, one should not consider to hire a professional for the purpose.”
这可能是一个Bad Example。平心而论,除非性冷淡,每个人都有性fantasy。男人希望实现他们的fantasy,女人想象一下可能就够了(我不太清楚)。我们又不象外国人和现在的年轻人,曾经沧海难为水,大部分人从一而终,怎么能不Curious About其他性伴侣呢。如果你没有这样想过,Congratulations。你或者是圣人,或者是伪君子,再可能是从未享受过真正的性爱高潮。大部分人没有乱来的理由可能有以下几条: 1.找不到合适的。认为Professional不安全,其他人又很难挑起话题。没有女人会随便和你上床。情,爱,钱,权,貌等等都可以用来交换性,但Nothing is free。 2.怕spouse知道后不依不饶。从此在家里再也抬不起头。 3. 怕别人知道。影响社会地位。 4. 怕性病。 5. 怕上帝不同意。
总而言之,如果不是性冷淡,伪君子,圣人,对这个问题的回答是:不是不想,而是不敢。下辈子一定先玩够了再结婚。 |
Passing by the cloud: It sounds like you would agree the idea for exchange sex partners (exchange husband/wife), according to your following sentence: "For XBL, I would think most man/women would like to try others if the spouse approve." It would be much harder than you think. At least for most normal people, the spouse will not approve unless he or she is crazy.
Moreover, for the following statement: "If, for example, your husband hired a professional on your 40th birthday, will woman accept it?" I do not think so too. For most woman, they are not willing to have sex with others unless there is "qing" in it. Professional sex worker will not provide that. Therefore, on your wife's 40th birthday party, one should not consider to hire a professional for the purpose. |
The question should be "一生一个爱人,遗憾吗? " . Most people will say no. "一生一个爱人, 足以。”。 For XBL, I would think most man/women would like to try others if the spouse approve. If, for example, your husband hired a professional on your 40th birthday, will woman accept it? |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-01-27 13:28:44 |
作者:可怜你 |
留言时间:2007-01-27 10:26:21 |
作者:[匿名]不遗憾 留言时间:2007-01-26 14:05:23 我将自己婚后给了老公,现在幸福无比,再看那些婚前干事的都无法弄好婚姻,一个个水深火热,庆幸自己做对了件大事.上帝创造女人是用男人身上一根肋膀,夫妻应是性的统一才是真正的夫妻,除外,上帝润许:死掉对方的可再取;一方不信神走掉的,另方可再取/除这两点外,都会有大问题.
-- 只能说可怜你! 你以为处女就可以换来男人的对婚姻的忠诚?你以为男人因为你婚前是处女而真的在乎你,不会被判你?傻死吧!?? 什么年代了还在维护愚蠢的男人的"处女情节"--为你感到耻辱和悲哀! |
作者:老秃笔 |
留言时间:2007-01-26 19:45:50 |
嘿嘿,想了半天决定不说了。 说假的,违背自己的良心。 说真的,也会被人误解。 明知是个坑,就不跳了 |
作者:海上的云 |
留言时间:2007-01-26 17:52:51 |
各位的评论比我的原文精彩多了,我这不是抛砖引玉吗! |
作者:才不遗憾 |
留言时间:2007-01-26 15:44:05 |
上帝创造女人是用男人身上一根肋骨,可是一个人身上有好几条肋骨,所以从宗教的角度,应该是多妻制,而且肋骨有大有小,所以妻子应该有年龄大的年龄小的 |
作者:zzyzx |
留言时间:2007-01-26 14:36:55 |
嗨,有心者千万别当真,回去搞逼供。再没用的男人这时候也经得起考验,撒谎绝不打草稿。睡多睡少并不重要,重要的是要确保家庭的安定团结。 |
作者:不遗憾 |
留言时间:2007-01-26 14:05:23 |
我将自己婚后给了老公,现在幸福无比,再看那些婚前干事的都无法弄好婚姻,一个个水深火热,庆幸自己做对了件大事.上帝创造女人是用男人身上一根肋膀,夫妻应是性的统一才是真正的夫妻,除外,上帝润许:死掉对方的可再取;一方不信神走掉的,另方可再取/除这两点外,都会有大问题. |
作者:狐狸精 |
留言时间:2007-01-26 14:04:01 |
认为一生一个性伴侣不遗憾的人,继续你的不遗憾.认为一生一个性伴侣遗憾的人,就不要让今生再有遗憾...... |
作者:风云 |
留言时间:2007-01-26 13:44:19 |
男人要多几个。女人最好一个,不然得不到男人的真爱。 |
作者:不信教 |
留言时间:2007-01-26 12:43:47 |
昨晚给你评了好多,不小心按了“重新填写”前功尽弃,十分沮丧。 今天还是补上几句。 为什么最后拔高的结论要和教联系上?信教使人高尚如此?我看未必。美国中产家庭稳定也和教有关吗? 说事就说事,和教挂上钩,夹带“教”货,让不信教的人反感。 |
作者:yuxiang |
留言时间:2007-01-26 12:36:58 |
作者:遗憾 |
留言时间:2007-01-26 12:10:23 |
作者:123 |
留言时间:2007-01-26 11:49:22 |