1. 人走茶不凉?这是预测川普要输掉大选吗?
2. 色情网站最新广告:只要支持贺锦丽,可获小姐免费服务一次。 据说老色棍川普闻讯后,偷偷地投票给了贺锦丽 。。。。
3. 敲黑板!宾州发现虚假选票的选区 Lancaster, 是共和党的红区。
Conservative activist Scott Pressler, founder of the group Early Vote Action, which seeks to register Republicans in swing states like Pennsylvania, denied involvement in the scheme。嗯,此地无银三百两。 坚决支持一查到底!!!!
4. Extreme Republican leaders are openly advocating that North Carolina's Electoral votes be given to Donald Trump without an election. For the first time in North Carolina's history, voters could be denied their right to choose the President. This blood-chilling scheme, suggested by the Chair of the so-called House Freedom Caucus, is anti-American”。 我擦,取消公民选举权?极右派 MAGA 政客,这是要向土共看起啊!
5. 哈!让这姓唐的川粉一吹牛逼,就成特大好消息了。
The fifth circuit court ruling:
1. Friday's ruling was careful to specify that it's not commenting about the actual counting of ballots after Election Day, only those received.
2. The 5th Circuit's ruling is only binding on the three Southern states covered by the circuit, and for now, the panel is not ordering that the policy be blocked in Mississippi for the current election, instead sending the case down for more proceedings. 美国是民主自由的社会,法庭裁决的原始文本是公开的,在网上很容易搜到。但自愿把自己关入信息茧房的川粉,无药可救。