奥运会开幕前跪舔法国,嘲骂中国,无脑吹嘘塞纳河河水清澈透明可比矿泉水的反华中黑们,出来走两步。 Olympics pre-race triathlon event in Seine River canceled over water quality concerns Concerns over the water quality of Paris’ Seine River have continued into the 2024 Olympics, with a pre-race triathlon event there canceled Sunday.
Organizers said they nixed the swimming leg of the triathlon familiarization scheduled for Sunday morning after a meeting about water quality among authorities tasked with carrying out water quality tests.
That included representatives of World Triathlon, as well as city and regional authorities. 4
Swimming in the Seine has been banned for over a century in big part due to poor water quality. 黑子们不是说法国是民主国家,民主国家办奥运会,不会像独裁国家中国那样,随意挥霍民脂民膏吗? 睁开您的屁眼儿看看,光一条塞纳河,就花了法国老百姓多少民脂民膏?! Organizers have invested $1.5 billion to prepare the Seine for these Games, and the government has said the river would be clean enough to hold events, including the swimming portion of the triathlon and the marathon swimming event. Daily water quality tests in early June indicated unsafe levels of E. coli bacteria, followed by recent improvements. Parisian Mayor Anne Hidalgo took a famous dip in the river less than two weeks before Olympic events were set to start, fulfilling a promise to show that the long-polluted waterway was clean enough to host swimming competitions. 我擦,法国政府为了这次奥运会,花了15亿整治塞纳河,看来全都打水漂了,LOL 黑子们不是还舔着脸夸赞法国奥运村采用高科技绿色环保材料,不需要空调吗?对中国队自带空调,极尽冷嘲热讽挖苦之能事吗? 瞧,这可是来自美国主流媒体的报道: 
我擦,再瞧瞧下面这个美国主流媒体的报道。。。。 American tennis star Coco Gauff revealed a dire bathroom situation while she and her teammates were at the Olympic Village in Paris at the start of the Summer Games on Saturday. Gauff posted a TikTok video showing the cramped situation with her teammates. "10 girls, two bathrooms," she screen-capped the video, which showed several women doing their hair and makeup and trying to get ready in several rooms. Gauff wrote in a separate comment, "all the tennis girls moved to a hotel except me. so now just 5 girls two bathrooms." The tennis star said she borrowed a mattress topper from the archery team to help her sleep on the cardboard beds. The Olympic Village has been a hot topic ahead of the Paris Olympics. The apparently cramped conditions were one thing, but the no air conditioning rule sparked another problem. Paris 2024 organizers didn’t put air conditioning units inside rooms in the village. A cooling system was put together, using naturally cold water from 70 meters deep that will be circulated in the flooring of the buildings to reduce the temperature in the apartments. The decision is part of the organizing committee’s goal to cut the carbon footprint of the Paris Games by half and stage the most sustainable Olympics to date by installing a special technology to use natural sources to keep everyone cool even during a potential heat wave. The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee allowed its athletes to bring personal cooling units. 这么“优雅舒适绿色环保”的奥运村,美国运动员居然瘦不鸟,居然还要搬出去住旅馆?! 黑子们,打脸不?赶紧找一块儿臭豆腐,一头撞死算了。