1. 我擦,这是不是公权私用以权谋私的最高境界?
JFYI,犹太奸商 kushner 是川普的女婿,伊万卡的老公 。。。。 

2. 看来,川普及其家族,已经被犹太权贵集团用糖衣炮弹腐蚀。唯一能指望继续与深层政府叫板,让美国再伟大的,只有马斯克了。 老马,保重!!!!

3. 很正常,俺八年前挺川时,就写文揭露过美国军方釆购价之高(子弹,防弹衣,burger, 罐头等),离谱到了姥姥家。

4. 给马斯克点赞!这才是“drain swamp”
不过,老马这是在孤军奋战(川普家族已被swamp收买),一定要多加保重! USAID EXPOSED: The Single Largest Criminal Fraud Operation in Human History
The public’s outrage over USAID corruption is now at scale and mainstream. USAID has been fully exposed as a left-wing money laundering criminal organization. Here’s what our researchers were able to find when looking into their expenditures and why President Trump and Elon Musk must shut it down:
- Haiti: Post-2010 earthquake, $1.14 billion was spent on a port and power plant project promoted by President Bill Clinton. The project never built anything. - Cuba: A 2006 audit showed $74 million in “democracy promotion” funds vanished without oversight. - Afghanistan: Millions squandered on health scams; hospitals never built. - Nigeria: Chemonics, a major USAID contractor, was linked to a subcontractor's overbilling scandal. Hundreds of millions lost. - COVID 19 Funding: USAID sent over $40MILLION in taxpayer money to a scientist located in Wuhan to do gain of function mutations. This directly led to the creation and release of COVID-19 - $2.5 MILLION to DEI in Serbia - $70,000 onan Irish DEI musical - $47,000 on transgender operas in Colombia - $32,000 on a trans comic book in Peru - Iraq: $20M for an Iraqi version of Sesame Street to promote LGBTQ Agenda - Egypt & Tunisia: $56M for “tourism” - Jordan: $40M for “schools” - Vietnam: $11M to fight “trash burning” - Central America: $27M for deportee gift bags. - Trump Lawfare: $27M to fund left wing prosecutions of populist political opponents around the globe, including Donald Trump. Patently illegal.
And countless billions more.
Here’s the thing: The majority of this money never went to the “projects” they claim to be promoting. It’s just pure money laundering from your tax dollars into deep state left wing activists. USAID is likely the largest fraud operation in human history.
Trump and Elon are ending it. Watch who cries the hardest about it — they’re the true criminals
5. 刚查了一下,纽约1/3的电力供应来自加拿大,其中包括 Trump Tower
老川:不怕加拿大给 Trump tower 断电!叫几个小姐来,看我用爱发电!!!!

6. 老川真是撒谎不眨眼!

7. 川普:好你个土豆,敢给我戴绿帽子?俺让你吃不了兜着走! 

8. 中国谚语:搬起石头,砸自己的脚。 美国谚语:撸起鸡鸡,尿自己的脸。
