1. 千呼万唤屎出来!川粉们终于爪到美国大选舞弊的证据了!!!!
2. 俺不扶墙,揍服王叫兽。
3. 川粉们还可以再舔一条(对,是舔,不是添):
援乌是个无底洞,乌克兰政府极其腐败,绝大多数援助款项都进了各级贪官的腰包 。怜其不幸,恨其不争。
4. 把斯大林换成川普,丝毫没有违和感。
5. 自古以来,古今中外,所有的邪教,都是换汤不换药。
6. 富人就是富人!
老川吃的,是麦当劳的 business meal package, 一份儿需要 $29.99。
7. 最后的疯狂!
Putin declared in September that strikes with long-range weapons against the Russian Federation would mean the participation of NATO countries in the conflict with Russia。 川普胜选后,拜登开始最后的疯狂:
JUST IN - Biden has authorized the use of U.S.-supplied long-range missiles by Ukraine for strikes inside Russia in fresh escalation. This marks a significant change in U.S. war policy just two months before Donald Trump takes office. 川普的马仔小川普,马大姐,马斯克,塔克卡尔森等,开始纷纷发飙了: