早听说 Holleywood 大片儿“The Martian” 拍得很棒,错过了在影院欣赏的机会... 昨晚全家一起在地下室的 home theatre 看了 blue ray 的版本, 哇噻,果然特精彩,特正能量,整个儿一世界人民大团结万岁的节奏. 男主角大鲜肉 Matt Damon 不负重望,倾情演出当代鲁滨逊漂流记. 当看到 Matt Damon 被从火星救回来时,我热血沸腾,张牙舞爪地感叹道:Matt Damon 绝对是美国有史以来最有价值的人物啦! 四嫂好奇地问:为啥?难道比林肯,华盛顿还重要不成? 我特肯定地说:当然!记得奥斯卡大片儿 《Saving Private Ryan》吗?美国当年花了九牛二虎之力把 Matt Damon(片中演 private Ryan)从枪林弹雨中救回来. 这次美国政府更邪乎,在地球上救还不够,都救到火星上去了!没有价值的话,能这么不惜血本儿去救吗?!
后记:后来俺上网一查,找到了确凿证据来支持俺的观点: 影迷中有好事者 calculated the cost required to bring Damon home in each of his movies, breaking it down by real time budget, as well as the estimated fictional costs using 2015 currency. 知道美国政府为了救他总共要花掉纳税人多少钱吗?吓傻你没商量!自己看吧... Courage Under Fire (Gulf War 1 helicopter rescue): $300,000 Saving Private Ryan (WW2 Europe search party): $100,000 Titan A.E. (Earth evacuation spaceship): $200 billion
Syriana (Middle East private security return flight): $50,000 Green Zone (US Army transport from Middle East): $50,000
Elysium (Space station security deployment and damages): $100 million Interstellar (Interstellar spaceship): $500 billion The Martian (Mars mission): $200 billion
Total: $900 billion 乖乖隆地咚,这可是美元,不是津巴布韦帀!您瞅瞅,就冲这个,美国自打建国以来有比 Matt Damon 还值钱的人吗?! 数据来自网络