转:Crowther's body was found on March 19, 2002, alongside several firefighters and emergency workers bunched in a suspected command post in the South Tower lobby. The New York medical examiner's office said his body was found intact, with no signs of burns, and that authorities speculated that he was aiding the rescue effort as a civilian usher when the building collapsed. Crowther's family was unaware of the details of Crowther's activities between his last phone call to his mother and his death, until Allison Crowther read Judy Wein's firsthand account in The New York Times of being saved by a man in a red bandana, which led to Allison meeting with the people Welles had saved, including Wein and Young; they confirmed from photographs the identity of the man who aided them. According to survivor accounts, Crowther saved as many as 18 people following the attacks.
On September 11, 2001, minutes after United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower between floors 78 and 85 at 9:03 a.m., Crowther called his mother from his office at 9:12 a.m., leaving the message, "Mom, this is Welles. I wanted you to know that I'm OK." Crowther made his way to the 78th floor sky lobby, where he encountered a group of survivors, including a badly burned Ling Young, who worked on the 86th floor in New York's Department of Taxation and Finance. Young had been one of approximately 200 people waiting at a bank of elevators to evacuate when the plane hit the tower, and one of the few survivors. Crowther, carrying a young woman on his back, directed them to the one working stairway. The survivors followed him 17 floors down, where he dropped off the woman he was carrying before heading back upstairs to assist others. By the time he returned to the 78th floor, he had a bandana around his nose and mouth to protect him from smoke and haze. He found another group of survivors, which included AON Corp. Employee Judy Wein, who worked on the 103rd floor and was in pain from a broken arm, cracked ribs and a punctured lung. According to Wein, Crowther assisted in putting out fires and administering first aid. He then announced to that group, "Everyone who can stand, stand now. If you can help others, do so." He directed this group downstairs as well. As occupants of the Tower headed for the street, Crowther returned up the stairs to help others. He was last seen doing so with members of the FDNY before the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m.
灾难中到处闪烁着人性的光辉...还有一个神奇的故事;六个消防员在大楼摇摇欲坠时抬着个老奶奶费力往下走。走到一个拐角处时,老奶奶死活不肯再耽误六位消防员,再也不肯走了,让六名消防员逃命去。六名消防员苦口婆心劝说老奶奶,坚决守候在老奶奶身边,老奶奶不走,他们也不走。说时迟 那时快,天崩地裂中,大楼轰然倒塌!但奇迹就这么诞生了:千万块砖瓦钢筋水泥从六位消防员与老奶奶身前身后呼啸而过,他们所在的拐角处竟然毫发无损!六位消防员与老奶奶竟然在坍塌的大楼中生还。匪夷所思,匪夷所思!如果六位消防员当时放弃老奶奶,赶紧去逃命,就会被砸在坍塌的大楼里。他们不惜牺牲自己去拯救老奶奶...end up 被老奶奶拯救。这个真实故事几乎不能用科学来解释...