抖音(TikTok)为何在美国要被禁? 根据美国科学家 Goldbloom 的统计数据,抖音上反对以色列对巴勒斯坦种族灭绝的流量,是支持以色列对巴勒斯坦种族灭绝的54倍。难怪,抖音要被美国两党联手封杀!!!! Really???? 且慢!

In less than three days, Donald Trump’s TikTok account has far outpaced the Biden campaign's — an early indication of the strength of the former president's brand on the Gen Z-tailored social media platform. Trump’s TikTok account has achieved almost 5 million followers and 5.2 million likes, compared with the Biden campaign's roughly 355,000 followers and 4.6 million likes. Trump debuted his TikTok account Saturday night with a video highlighting his attendance at the UFC 302, an MMA pay-per-view event in Newark, New Jersey. Within a day, the page had surpassed the Biden campaign’s account in followers, and by Monday morning had accumulated a following more than 10 times the size of the Biden campaign’s. Trump’s debut post notched a staggering 63 million views — six times the viewership of the Biden campaign’s debut post, which was first posted four months ago to coincide with the Super Bowl and featured President Joe Biden himself answering football-themed questions. Trump’s embrace of TikTok could aid his campaign in its efforts to win over portions of the younger, Generation Z voters who data suggests may be souring on Biden. 嚯!有流量王川普加持,抖音这下子真要抖起来了,LOL 众所周知,美国自媒体平台诸如脸书,谷歌等,全都控制在犹太权贵手里。唯一不受控的,是抖音,是抖音,是抖音,重要的话要说三遍。 犹太权贵们想要操控参众两院共和党与民主党的代言人来禁抖音? 一直对禁抖音颇有微词的老川,用行动表示:禁你大爷!