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快讯:川普把竞选资金偷偷用于家族企业与个人消费 2024-08-23 16:16:32




一个背地里嘲笑自己的支持者是 basement drellers 的人, 

一个对 ICU 濒死的新冠病人没有丝毫同情心的人,


一个嚎叫当选不了就让美国有 “bloodbath” 的人,


一个看到丰乳肥臀的女人就要 “grab by the pussy” 的人,





一个被纽约大陪审团定罪的 criminal!!!!



(ZT)Late last year, former President Donald Trump announced his endorsement of car dealership owner Bernie Moreno for Ohio’s Senate seat – elevating an untested candidate who’d never held public office over several other more prominent Republicans.

Two days later, Moreno’s campaign spent about $17,000 at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, and then followed up by spending an additional $79,000 the next month – making him one of the Florida club’s top political spenders.

He wasn’t alone. With glitzy Mar-a-Lago fundraisers, stays at Trump’s hotels, and flights on the former president’s private jet, Republican candidates and political groups are on track to spend more on Trump’s businesses this year than any year since 2016, according to a CNN analysis of federal campaign finance data.

Trump himself has been the biggest spender, both this year and over the last decade. Between his three presidential campaigns, Trump and associated political groups have funneled more than $28 million in campaign donations to his businesses – helping convert the enthusiasm of his political supporters into personal profit.

Other Republicans have followed suit, spending millions at Trump’s properties in an apparent attempt to curry favor with the former president and signal their allegiance to him to GOP voters.

Some of the candidates who’ve spent the most money on Trump businesses in recent years have been new politicians who won the former president’s endorsement despite a lack of past electoral experience or success, including Moreno, former Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker and Arizona Senate hopeful Kari Lake.

In the first half of 2024, federal campaigns and PACs have spent nearly $3.2 million on Trump businesses, more than 80% of which came from Trump’s own campaign and associated groups. The biggest chunk – about $1.9 million – was spent by Trump’s campaign and fundraising committees on a Trump-owned company that operates his jet.

In total, campaigns and committees have spent more than $1 million at Mar-a-Lago so far this year, and about $200,000 at other Trump hotels and resorts.

Karoline Leavitt, a spokesperson for Trump’s campaign, said that “committees are paying the fair market rate for all venues and services” provided by Trump businesses.

The dynamic of candidates shelling out thousands on Trump’s businesses while vying for his endorsement – which can make or break Republican campaigns – is an example of how politics has boosted his businesses’ bottom line. And the former president’s influence helps explain why some candidates are traveling hundreds or thousands of miles to show up at a Trump hotel or resort, campaign finance experts said.

“He’s clearly now in complete control of the Republican Party,” said Daniel Weiner, director of the Brennan Center’s Elections and Government Program. “Patronizing his businesses has become one of the accepted ways that candidates and public officials express their loyalty to the party’s leader.”

Endorsees spending big
CNN analyzed Federal Election Commission data on more than 12 million campaign expenditures since 2011, and identified those that went to a variety of Trump-associated businesses, including Mar-a-Lago, his hotels and resorts, and the company tied to his jet.

About 150 congressional candidates have reported spending campaign funds at Trump businesses, including some Democrats in the years before his first presidential bid. New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez’s campaign spent several thousand dollars at the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia in 2012, and the campaign of Delaware Sen. Chris Coons, a close ally of President Joe Biden, spent about $700 at the Trump International Resort in Florida in 2014.

But since Trump famously descended his golden escalator in 2015, every congressional candidate whose campaign has reported spending money at his businesses has been a Republican, the FEC data shows.

Most of them have received an endorsement from Trump at some point in their political careers. And some of the biggest spenders are politicians who have never held elected office but received key early endorsements from the former president that helped their campaigns win or avoid competitive primaries.

FILE - Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump, left, listens as Senate candidate Bernie Moreno speaks at a campaign rally March 16, 2024, in Vandalia, Ohio. Five states will hold presidential primaries on Tuesday, March 19, as President Joe Biden and Trump continue to lock up support around the country after becoming their parties' presumptive nominees. Ohio's Republican Senate primary pits Trump-backed Moreno against two challengers, Ohio Secretary of State Frank Frank LaRose and Matt Dolan, whose family owns the Cleveland Guardians baseball team. (AP Photo/Jeff Dean, File)
Senate candidate Bernie Moreno speaks at a campaign rally in March in Vandalia, Ohio, as Former President Donald Trump looks on. Jeff Dean/AP
Moreno, the Ohio Senate candidate, is a clear example. A businessman who owns a host of car dealerships in the Cleveland area, Moreno originally ran for Senate in 2022, before dropping out after a conversation with Trump and eventually supporting now-vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance.

In April 2023, as Moreno prepared to run for the Senate again, he reported two payments at Mar-a-Lago totaling about $13,000 for “event catering.” The same day one of those payments was made, Trump posted on Truth Social that he had heard Moreno, who he called a “highly respected businessman,” was “thinking of running for the Senate,” and that he “would not be easy to be beat.” Moreno posted a screenshot of the missive on Twitter with a “Thank you sir!” and announced his campaign days later.

Trump endorsed Moreno on December 19. On December 21, Moreno reported spending nearly $17,000 more at Mar-a-Lago. He spent another $80,000 there in January, when his campaign held a fundraiser at the resort that raised about $350,000 in donations. At the event, Kimberly Guilfoyle, the fiancée of Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., declared that “God has chosen” Moreno, and called him “an unbelievable patriot who has achieved so much,” social media video shows.

Moreno won a competitive primary election in March, defeating the sitting Republican secretary of state and a state legislator. Before the Trump endorsement, it was a close race, said David B. Cohen, a professor of political science at the University of Akron.

“The Trump endorsement meant everything,” Cohen said. “It was the whole ball game.”

Now, Moreno is the GOP nominee in one of the nation’s closest Senate races. Reagan McCarthy, a Moreno spokesperson, said in an email that “Mar-a-Lago is a beautiful property and we held two of our most successful fundraisers of the cycle there.”

The congressional candidate whose campaign spent the most at Trump businesses over the last decade is Herschel Walker, the former football star who lost a close race for a Georgia Senate seat in 2022. Walker’s campaign spent a total of nearly $215,000 at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s West Palm Beach golf club and his Las Vegas hotel.

An early endorsement from Trump helped Walker, who had never before run for office, coast to victory in the GOP primary. But his campaign was plagued by scandals, including allegations of domestic abuse as well as claims that Walker had paid for abortions for previous girlfriends, which he denied.

Scott Paradise, Walker’s campaign manager, said in an email that events his team held at Trump properties raised more than a million dollars, and were “by far our two biggest fundraisers of the entire campaign.”

“It was a great return on investment,” he said.

More recently, one of Mar-a-Lago’s top political spenders has been Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake, whose campaign dropped more than $100,000 there so far this year. Most of that spending came in April, when Lake held a fundraiser at the resort that raised $1 million, according to Axios.

While Lake’s campaign reported spending about $71,000 at Mar-a-Lago for “facility rental/catering services,” it also reported $32,000 for “lodging” at the resort on the day of the fundraiser and the two days after – suggesting that the campaign shelled out tens of thousands of dollars so Lake or her staffers could stay at Trump’s resort.

Arizona campaign finance data shows that during her 2022 race for governor, Lake’s campaign spent an additional $118,000 at Mar-a-Lago, making her one of the top political spenders that year as well.

Late last month, Lake won her Senate primary with about 55% of the vote after scoring Trump’s endorsement – which came despite concerns among some Republicans that her election denial rhetoric could alienate swing voters in another of this year’s marquee Senate races.

But her frequent appearances at Mar-a-Lago didn’t necessarily endear her to Trump: The Washington Post reported that Trump was annoyed that Lake was showing up at his Florida resort too often, and encouraged her to get back to the campaign trail across the country in Arizona.

A Lake campaign spokesperson did not respond to requests for comment.

Several of the other federal candidates who spent the most at Mar-a-Lago over the last decade were right-wing congressional hopefuls who won Trump’s endorsement but lost at the ballot box in 2022: J.R. Majewski of Ohio, John Gibbs of Michigan and Vernon Jones of Georgia.

There’s no evidence that Trump is specifically choosing to endorse candidates because they’re spending money at his businesses. But some experts say the overlap between Mar-a-Lago money and Trump backing should raise eyebrows.

“It’s problematic if he’s giving endorsements because of people spending money at his properties,” said Kathleen Clark, a government ethics expert and law professor at Washington University in St. Louis. “We don’t know whether he’s doing that because he has an agreement – an explicit quid pro quo – or he’s just been influenced to give an endorsement because of their spending money.”

Leavitt, the Trump spokesperson, said that any allegations of quid pro quo related to political spending at Trump businesses are “false and politically motivated to bolster an old and tired narrative.”

Politics boosting Trump’s bottom line
Still, the biggest political spender at Trump businesses is the same guy whose name is on the gold-plated signs.

Since his first bid for president, Trump’s principal campaign committee and associated PACs and Super PACs have spent more than $28 million on his businesses.

But while political spending at Mar-a-Lago has attracted the most attention, the bulk of Trump’s campaign payments to his own businesses has gone to a lower-profile firm. His campaign and associated committees have spent more than $14 million on air travel from TAG Air, Inc., which operates Trump’s Boeing 757 jet – nicknamed “Trump Force One” – and other aircraft.

Trump’s latest financial disclosure statement, which was released last week, show that he owns TAG Air through another LLC and a trust. The company is listed as being worth between $5 million and $25 million, and Trump reported earning $4.4 million in income from it. He also reported earning $56.9 million from Mar-a-Lago.

So far, about 5 percent of the total disbursements from Trump’s 2024 campaign committee have gone to his own businesses. That’s a larger percentage than for his 2016 or 2020 campaign committees – although that may be in part because overall campaign spending will ramp up ahead of the election.

It’s not illegal for candidates to spend campaign funds at their own businesses, provided that the businesses are charging them a fair market rate, said Weiner, the Brennan Center expert. But he noted that donors may not realize some of their contributions are indirectly going into Trump’s pockets.

“They want to help his ticket win, and they want to express their support,” Weiner said. “To the extent that a campaign is used in part to prop up his businesses – that’s a concern.”

Beyond PACs associated with Trump’s campaign, some other GOP groups are spending less than they were in past election cycles. The Republican National Committee spent a total of more than $2 million at Trump hotels and resorts between 2016 and 2022. But it didn’t report any spending in 2023, and only a single $115.54 payment to “Trump Hotels” so far this year – despite concerns among some that Lara Trump could try to direct money to her father-in-law’s companies after her elevation to RNC co-chair in March.

Similarly, the Senate Leadership Fund and the National Republican Congressional Committee spent tens of thousands of dollars at Trump properties in past election cycles but haven’t reported any spending there since 2020.

The campaign spending at Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties parallels other business ventures Trump has been involved in since he left the White House to earn money from his political supporters – including selling digital trading cards, promoting Trump-branded sneakers and hawking a $59.99 Bible.

Donald Trump's beach front Mar-a-Lago resort on January 11, 2018 in Palm Beach, Florida.
Former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Meanwhile, the growing mix of politics and business has turned off some longtime patrons of Trump resorts who aren’t MAGA devotees.

Mar-a-Lago, a century-old resort in one of Florida’s toniest areas, was once one of the first private clubs in the area to welcome Black or Jewish members. Between the gorgeous scenery and more diverse clientele, it was a great place for a party, remembered Laurence Leamer, who wrote a book on Trump’s ties to the club.

But as Trump transformed American politics over the last decade, Mar-a-Lago has also dramatically changed, Leamer said – with classy society dinners and balls increasingly replaced by fundraisers and events catering to conservatives.

People are there because “they want to get his ear,” Leamer said. “It’s just not fun anymore. It’s political.”

CNN’s Steve Contorno, Winter Hawk, Kyung Lah, Alex Leeds Matthews and Alayna Treene contributed reporting.

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· 天不怕地不怕就怕爪哥有文化-2
· 天不怕地不怕就怕爪哥有文化
· 侃一侃中国古代四大丑女之四:嫫
· 侃一侃中国古代四大丑女之三:无
· 侃一侃中国古代四大丑女之二:孟
· 侃一侃中国古代四大丑女之一:阮
· 杜蕾斯避孕套传奇-4
· 杜蕾斯避孕套传奇-3
· 杜蕾斯避孕套传奇-2
· 杜蕾斯避孕套传奇-1
· 雪山下的绛珠草的日记-3
· 雪山下的绛珠草的日记-2
· 雪山下的绛珠草的日记-1
· 成语新解:乌合之众
· 成语新解:远交近攻
· 成语新解:见贤思齐
· 高手在民间!
· 成语新解:闻过则喜
· 笑侃中国文字:万事开头男!
· 笑侃中国书法:杜甫猎艳记
· 天不怕地不怕就怕当爹的有文化
· 爪哥段子:成语新解
· 歪果仁申请中国绿卡试卷(爪版)
· 白骨精之死真相揭秘
· 看见今日美国乱象,才明白西游记
· 防火墙是观音菩萨发明的
· 哈哈,避邪防妖的大蒜头
· 西游记的确是韩国人写的!
· 西游记的真相:太可怕啦!
· 中药原来是妖精变的!
· 国际奥委会, 提前为习总完成了统
· 周一段子:奥运会最让中国人骄傲
· 奥运会拳击赛场,意大利女选手当
· 说塞纳河干净,奥运村不需要空调
· 有钱不仅能使鬼推磨,还能使律师
· 周末段子:昨晚酋长与海豚的比赛
· 一个时代的终结:小鸡鸡告别爱国
· Patriots 王朝的终结
· 到底是谁造就了New England Patr
· 霉霉救场,四嫂圆梦
· 扭腰装逼记-5:印度活佛的舍利子
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· 扭腰装逼记-3:马勒隔壁!
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· 扭腰装逼记-1:凡尔赛+高雅=凡高
· 童年拾遗:俺的第一本性启蒙读物
· 奇怪的知识又增加了-5
· 奇怪的知识又增加了-4
· 奇怪的知识又增加了-3
· 奇怪的知识又增加了-2
· 奇怪的知识又增加了-1
· 微信段子精选之六十七:少小不努
· 微信段子精选之六十六:代沟,真
· 微信段子精选之六十五:做穷人的
· 微信段子精选之六十四:天不怕地
· 微信段子精选之六十三:谁能把这
· 微信段子精选之六十二:男女有别
· 微信段子精选之六十一:撒谎有益
· 微信段子精选之六十:隔壁王大爷
· 微信段子精选之五十九:隔壁王大
· 微信段子精选之五十八:隔壁王大
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· 微信段子集锦:这就是和老王做邻
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· 周末段子:近水楼台先得夫
· 周末段子:正能量,就是这么被玩
· 周末段子:厉害了我的国
· 周末段子:道高一尺?魔高一丈!
· 周末段子:狗日的有点道理!
· 周末段子:流氓也是一种境界
· 周末段子:人老实话不多
· 美国华裔在极左极右的夹缝里求生
· 你可真会装蒜!
· 520特别奉献:牙医的优点18+
· 生子当如孙仲谋!
· 防疫绝招,建议全世界推广
· 吹牛B后一定要刷牙!
· 为啥说男人比较二?
· 周末段子:一字千金
· 偶滴太太偶滴爱-69
· 偶滴太太偶滴爱-68
· 清华理工男的日记-11
· 清华理工男的日记-10
· 清华理工男的日记-9
· 清华理工男的日记-5
· 清华理工男的日记-7
· 清华理工男的日记-6
· 清华理工男的日记-8
· 清华理工男的日记-4(真事改编)
· 清华理工男的日记-3
· 清华理工男的日记-2
· 大李的艳遇-6
· 大李的艳遇-5(真实故事)
· 大李的艳遇-4
· 大李的艳遇-3
· 大李的艳遇-2
· 大李的艳遇 (真实故事)
· 小呆的故事-13
· 小呆的故事-12
· 小呆的故事-11
· 小呆的故事-10
· 小呆的故事-9
· 小呆的故事-8
· 小呆的故事-7
· 小呆的故事-6
· 小呆的故事-5
· 小呆的故事-4
· 妻管严的故事-33
· 妻管严的故事-32
· 妻管严的故事-31
· 妻管严的故事-30
· 妻管严的故事-29
· 妻管严的故事-28
· 妻管严的故事-27
· 妻管严的故事-26
· 妻管严的故事-25
· 妻管严的故事-24
· 逛纽约性博物馆拾趣之四: 给三
· 逛纽约性博物馆拾趣之三: 喜遇
· 史海钩沉:男人的丁丁为何没有阴
· 逛纽约性博物馆拾趣之二:锁腚剩
· 逛纽约性博物馆拾趣之一:不怕做
· 海龟渣男的故事-4
· 海龟渣男的故事-3
· 海龟渣男的故事-2
· 海龟渣男的故事-1
· 她用身体挣的每一分钱,都是干净
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· 我的形形色色的房客之四:冰火两
· 我的形形色色的房客之三:偷腥的
· 我的形形色色的房客之二:报告房
· 我的形形色色的房客之二:报告房
· 我的形形色色的租客之一:美军战
· 房事兴隆通四海,四爪广进达三江
· 三八节四嫂送我一张图,啥意思?
· 三八节的“特殊”服务
· 爪哥揭密:中国三八节的来历
· 中共党史研究的重大发现!
· 三八节的真相,竟然是...
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· 七夕夜,祝大家花好月圆,有情人
· 情人节段子集锦
· 七夕!七夕!
· 给太太做的情人节早餐
· 周末段子:情人节过后之一地鸡毛
· 爪哥段子集锦:520终极揭秘
· 情人节居然与关羽斩貂蝉有关
· 情人节追我的女人们
· 520忘了送花的代价(加强版)
· 爪四哥情人节段子集锦
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· 谁是搞乱欧州的黑手
· 愚人节真实笑话
· 把忽悠进行到底:元宵节的传说
· 四爪朝天闹元宵
· 四哥四嫂的万圣节。。。
· 万圣节之夜,如果有女逃犯敲门儿
· 万圣节不带这麽吓人的!
· 爪哥的万圣节:吓哭美帝没商量!
· 爪四哥的万圣节-3 (真实故事)
· 爪四哥的万圣节-2
· 爪四哥的万圣节-1
· 三胖这么说,川爷就放心了
· 川普三胖之华山论吹
· 川普与三胖的故事-4
· 川普与三胖的故事-3
· 川普与三胖的故事-2
· 川普与三胖的故事-1(18+)
· 爪四哥第二定律
· 爪四哥第一定律
· 笑坛传奇之四十四:旺旺的邂逅,
· 笑坛传奇之四十三:桃子点灯
· 庆新年段子:难怪加拿大的欲哥很
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· 笑坛传奇之三十九:千万不要在牙
· 笑坛传奇之三十八:啤酒的故事
· 笑坛传奇之三十六:马儿为啥会受
· 笑坛传奇之三十五:你个挨千刀的
· 笑坛传奇之三十四:张真人的关门
· 雅典娜的诞生,得益于历史上首次
· 维纳斯的诞生,居然是一出令人瞠
· 侃一侃古希腊美少年那西索斯
· 颠覆西方文明史的考古巨著:女儿
· 关公战秦琼之深度解析之四:由天
· 关公战秦琼之深度解析之三:正史
· 关公战秦琼之深度解析之二:装备
· 关公战秦琼之深度解析之一:从罗
· 【如果有来生】我愿做个日本美厨
· 【如果有来生】我愿意做我的小三
· 【如果有来生】想做王者荣耀中,
· 【如果有来生】如果中了,我就相
· 【如果有来生】卧槽,真有来生!
· 【如果有来生】希望能见到常大哥
· 【如果有来生】乐极。。生悲!
· 【如果有来生】我差一点想变成琵
· 【如果有来生】我还要与四嫂做夫
· 克林顿访华:如此喜好(18+)
· 小布什访华:江总的“款待”
· 奥巴马访华:胡哥的“大礼”
· 川普访华:习总的“大礼”
· 如此白人至上-3(兼问求真知)
· 如此白人至上-2
· 如此白人至上
· 丧心病狂的美国白左-7
· 周末段子:白左的梦幻女友
· 丧心病狂的美国白左-3
· 丧心病狂的美国白左-2
· 丧心病狂的美国白左
· 丧心病狂的美国白左-4
· 丧心病狂的美国白左-5
· 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高
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· 六四祭:六月雪飞在人间
· 六月五号谈六四
· 六四随想录。。。
· 六四祭:为你多爱一夜人间
· 六月雪飞在人间
· 六四之殇:永不放弃
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