1. 2B+2B = 4B 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国女性把本次大选当成对女性权益的公投。她们发起“4B运动”,即“不约会、不上床、不结婚、不生育”(4词韩文发音均以bi为首,故称4B),向支持川普的男选民表达不满。
2. 敢制裁马斯克?美国就退出北约!我擦,万斯这黑帮老二的嘴脸昭然若揭。 当然,黑帮老大是川普。 US Vice President-elect JD Vance said Washington's support for NATO could be reconsidered if the EU tries to regulate Elon Musk's social media site X, thereby violating free speech and American values.

3. 美国犹太权贵院外集团,花费巨资,促成两党一致达成禁止“挺巴反犹”的抖音的阴毛,在“希特勒二世”的川普上台后,要彻底破产了。

4. 我擦,一觉醒来,俺成了加拿大人了。

5. wow~ ⊙o⊙,亲华亲共的红色资本家马斯克,是不是代表川普,给中美关系指明了方向?

6. 果然是好基友,川普胜选不到三天,就主动给普京打了电话。。。。
Trump and Putin have already spoken, Western media claim. They discussed Ukraine
During the call, Trump advised Putin "not to escalate the war in Ukraine and reminded him of Washington's significant military presence in Europe," according to a source familiar with the conversation.
The presidents "discussed the goal of peace on the European continent, and Trump expressed interest in further conversations to discuss a speedy resolution to the war in Ukraine." Trump also signaled that he would support a deal in which Russia retains some of the territory it controls.
The Ukrainian government was presented with the fact that the conversation had taken place.

7. 川普说:俺胡汉三又回来了!再特莫碾压你们一次,服不服 ?!
