| 昨天儿子转发给我一篇 New York Daily News 的文章,让我大吃一鲸,大开眼界...

Farts may stink to high heaven, but a new study suggests that the gas responsible for that foul odor may actually extend a person's time on earth. Scientists in the UK claim that hydrogen sulfide, the stinky compound that smells like rotten eggs which contributes to the flatulence stench, could have amazing health benefits. Hydrogen sulfide can be toxic, but tiny amounts have been shown to help protect the mitochondria, which are known as the "powerhouses" of cells. Study author Dr. Matt Whiteman of the University of Exeter explained that diseased cells draw in enzymes to create small quantities of the compound, which helps keep the mitochondria going and the cell alive. "If this doesn't happen, the cells die and lose the ability to regulate survival and control inflammation," he said in a release. The scientists said they have created a new compound known as AP36 that harnesses the power of hydrogen sulfide and can deliver it to the mitochondria. Protecting or reversing damage to this part of the cell is a crucial part of treating many conditions, including stroke, diabetes, heart failure and dementia. Hydrogen sulfide "could in fact be a healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of diseases," study author Dr. Mark Wood said. The team is working on advancing research to the stage where the compound can be tested in humans. The study was published in the journal Medicinal Chemistry Communications. 如果吃瓜群众不想读英文,那俺就帮大家用中文总结一下,其实就是一句话: 闻别人放的屁有益健康! 乖乖隆地咚,这个研究报告居然发表在正经的医学杂志上。哇,做这个研究的学者们也满拼的。不知要闻多少人的屁,才能得到如此结论哈哈。 更让我喜出望外的是,科学家们的无私奉献,为我二年多前写的一个段子找到了科学依据,谢谢科学家们,为你们骄傲,为你们自豪!孟子日:闻善则拜,闻过则喜。可以改为爪子日:闻屁则拜,闻过则喜(听见有人放屁就俯下身闻,闻过以后就高兴了)。 下面这个是我二年多前写的段子。现在有科学做后盾,可以再次给大家科普一下啦。
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