前言:DACA,是 Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals 的缩写,中文可以翻译成 “童年时(非法)来到美国的人暂缓遣返政策”。简单地说,这是一项保护一群特定的非法移民免遭遣返,让他们可以留在美国工作和生活的政策。这其实是2001年由几个议员提出的议案,经历了布什08两届政府,国会一直没有通过形成法律。奥巴马绕过国会直接签署了行政令,开始了实质性的实施。行政令不是法律因此下届总统有权否定上届行政令。因此川普若要撤销 DACA,从法律角度上讲没有任何瑕疵。 



DACA一直是一块儿无人敢触及的烫手山芋,是民主党政治正确的标竿之一。奥巴马前政府为了西裔的选票,高举仁义道德的大旗,颁布了非法的总统行政令,不仅让60万非法入境的所谓寻梦者欢呼雀跃,更为严劣的是,这个行政令鼓励纵容更多的未成年孩童,被偷渡进美国。于是乎中南美洲的无辜儿童在蛇头们的强逼下,被硬生生从父母身边抢走,整车整车被拉到美墨边境,非法进入美国...活生生是百年前贩卖黑奴的重演!这再一次证实了巴拉克.侯赛因.奥巴马为首的前民主党政府满嘴仁义道德一肚子男盗女娼的真实面目。 非法贩运儿童偷渡美国,是高利润产业。对蛇头而言,每贩运一个儿童偷渡入美,就意味着$5000+收入。一方面是奥巴马民主党政府假仁假义网开一面,声称对这些非法入境儿童来者不拒,提供衣食住行一切保障;一方面是中南美蛇头们为谋取暴利,强行拆散普通百姓的家庭,将孩子强行从父母手中夺走,偷运进美国,变成名符其实的孤儿。更令人发指的是,偷渡的费用竟然还要孩子的父母来偿还!To make it even worse,大批偷渡过来的孩子不仅未实现梦想,反而沦落风尘,沦落街头,变成贫穷与犯罪的温床。DACA恶法一天不废,中南美洲老百姓骨肉分离的人间惨剧就会天天上演。 感谢川爷,敢冒天下政治不正确之大不韪,终于把终止这一惨无人道的DACA行政令提上议事日程。只有终止DACA行政令,才能从根本上断了人贩子蛇头吸血鬼们的财路,让成千上万的中南美洲的无辜儿童免遭“被孤儿”之䄃。


以下是川爷的声明,句句说到老百姓的心坎中了! The decades-long failure of Washington, D.C. to enforce federal immigration law has had both predictable and tragic consequences: lower wages and higher unemployment for American workers, substantial burdens on local schools and hospitals, the illicit entry of dangerous drugs and criminal cartels, and many billions of dollars a year in costs paid for by U.S.taxpayers. Yet few in Washington expressed any compassion for the millions of Americans victimized by this unfair system. Before we ask what is fair to illegal immigrants, we must also ask what is fair to American families, students, taxpayers, and jobseekers. As I’ve said before, we will resolve the DACA issue with heart and compassion – but through the lawful Democratic process – while at the same time ensuring that any immigration reform we adopt provides enduring benefits for the American citizens we were elected to serve. We must also have heart and compassion for unemployed, struggling, and forgotten Americans. Above all else, we must remember that young Americans have dreams too. Being in government means setting priorities. Our first and highest priority in advancing immigration reform must be to improve jobs, wages and security for American workers and their families. It is now time for Congress to act! 原文 http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/09/05/president-trumps-statement-on-daca.html 备注-1:DACA MYTHS vs. FACTS MYTH: President Trump is initiating this disruption to the lives of hundreds of thousands of DACA beneficiaries. FACT: The Trump Administration’s hand was forced by a pending court case in which DACA was likely to be terminated. Pending litigation from states attorney general with a deadline today forced the Administration to take action. A likely loss means that the program would be rescinded entirely with no time to avoid inevitable disruptions. MYTH: Rescinding DACA will lead to immediate and mass deportation. FACT: Rescinding DACA does not lead to mass deportation because DACA recipients have never been an enforcement priority. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sets enforcement priorities that focus on convicted criminals, recent illegal entry and visa overstays. These priorities have not and will not change. FACT: Forget deportation, no one will be affected at all for at least six months, and in most cases, much longer. No current DACA beneficiaries will be impacted before March 5, 2018. Beneficiaries whose status expires before then will have ample time to renew their status. FACT: Congress can take action to permanently fix the problem. This time frame gives Congress six months to responsibly address federal immigration law in an appropriate and constitutional manner – through the legislative process. MYTH: Rescinding DACA is cruel, because it targets minors who have only known the United States as their home. FACT: Rescinding DACA does not target children. There is a misconception that DACA beneficiaries are children. While they were minors when entering the United States, the overwhelming majority are adults. The average recipient of a DACA permit is in his or her mid-20s. They range from ages 15 to 36. FACT: The responsibility lies with President Obama, who knew his DACA Program clearly violated federal law. President Obama’s DACA program is clearly unlawful. How do we know? President Obama said it himself. Repeatedly, prior to his 2012 announcement of DACA, Obama admitted he had no legal authority to ignore federal immigration law. But bowing to politics in an election year, he reversed course to authorize the program in what he even then called “a temporary stop gap measure.” MYTH: Rescinding DACA will cause immediate and lasting damage to the economy by removing a pillar from the work force. FACT: Should Congress fail to act, businesses would have between 6 and 24 months to replace any DACA beneficiary whose status expires.No current DACA beneficiaries will be impacted before March 2, 2018. Beneficiaries whose status expires before then will have ample time to renew their status. FACT: Should Congress fail to act, there are over 5 million unemployed Americans from age 16-34 to replace the 800,000 DACA beneficiaries. Last year, there were over 5 million Americans from the age of 16-34 were unemployed. In addition, there are 50 million more Americans in that age range who aren’t even in the work force. MYTH: DHS will begin using the data from DACA recipients to find and deport them as part of the President’s policy. FACT: Information provided to USCIS in DACA requests will not be proactively provided to ICE and CBP for the purpose of immigration enforcement proceedings. 备注-2: 数字化看奥巴马总统的"历史地位" 第一位现代历史上任内联邦政府国债增加几乎超过所有前任总统任内增加总和 (从10.6万亿增加到约20万亿)的总统。2016年三季度美国联邦政府国债占国内生产总值比为105%,是自第二次世界大战以来的最高点。 花了创记录数量借来的钱,却是第一位自大萧条以来任内没有任何一年实际GDP增长率超过3%的总统,即使是在2008年金融危机之后的恢复期。 在把创记录的不工作人口数剔除出劳动力人口后炮制出了名义失业率少有的低点,但成了第一位任内领取食物券人数超过总人口15%,绝对数超过4千5百万的总统。 第一位在任内美国中产阶级占总人口比例跌至50%以下的总统。 任内发生大规模枪击案最多的总统(37起,小布什15起,克林顿18起,老布什7起)。 后二战时代第一位上任时自己的党有参众两院多数而卸任时自己的党变成参众两院少数的总统。上一次出现这种情况还是杜鲁门。(民主党在2009年1月新参议院有100席中的57席,新众议院435席中的257席。 民主党在2017年1月新参议院有100席中的48席,新众议院435席中的194席。) 在任内利使用总统特权减刑次数最多的总统,总计1715人次,超过前12任总统使用总统特权减刑次数总和。另外还创造了批准330人次减刑的最高单日记录。是自杜鲁门以来使用减刑和豁免最多的总统(总计1927人次)。 历史上第一次,代表约四分之一移民与海关执法人员的National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council在总统竞选期间出来表态支持某位候选人。支持的居然是在野党的总统候选人。奥巴马的执政党同志希拉里克林顿得到了会员投票的5%。 这还不包括奥巴马一家人八年中光出行旅游就挥霍纳税人八千万美元,是美国历届总统花费公款最多的第一家庭:瞧这一家子! 这还没跟这位候赛因总统算一算祸国秧民的奥巴马医保的账;这还没跟这位所谓的Nobel和平奖得主巴拉克.候赛因.奥巴马算一算公开纵容支持茉莉花革命,导致极端穆斯林大行于世,让中东陷入人间地狱的血泪账!
图片来自网络 习总出手,美国六十万DACA寻梦者有救了! 好莱坞的政治正确,magnificent! 与植物性交?登峰造极的美国白左! 罗德岛州老中齐声吼,反亚裔细分没商量! 致新州华裔民主党员们的一封信 为了子孙后代,向亚裔细分说不! 新州奇葩:犹太人与穆斯林狼狈为奸