四嫂看后特“严肃”地问我:爪四个,你旁边的又白又嫩的咸猪手是谁的?老实交待! 艾玛,这不是躺着中枪吗?!但俺转念一想,在四嫂面前大显身手的机会也来了。于是乎,俺扮起福尔摩斯,经对这只咸猪手仔细观察分析,已基本成竹在胸! 于是俺得意洋洋地告诉四嫂:经爪神探分析,这应是只白人妇女的咸猪手,年龄应界于中老年,根据手的纹理形状保养程度,可以推断这只咸猪手应属于一个五体不勤,好吃懒做,靠嘴皮子吃饭的民主党政客。 四嫂听后哈哈大笑道:你真是走火入魔了,连一只咸猪手都能扯上民主党政客,你就瞎掰吧。 长话短说,时间切换到今天,俺正在沙发上小憩,四嫂忽然走来把我推醒,大惊小怪地对我说:爪四个,爪神探,快来看,真让你福尔摩斯对了! 我迷迷糊糊睁眼一看,艾玛一声偶滴天!立马睡意全无,对自己佩服得五体投地哈哈(有图有真相) William Cummings, USA TODAY 1 day ago California Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, a prominent voice in the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment, announced Friday she is "voluntarily taking an immediate unpaid leave" of absence, a day after allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced against her. Politico reported Thursday that two men had accused the Democratic head of the state's Legislative Women's Caucus of inappropriate behavior. Daniel Fierro said that a visibly intoxicated Garcia grabbed his buttocks and tried to grab his crotch after a 2014 softball game when he was a 25-year-old staffer for Assemblyman Ian Calderon. A "prominent Sacramento lobbyist" who wished to remain anonymous also told Politico that Garcia made an unwelcome sexual advance. The lobbyist told the political news site that Garcia "cornered him, made a graphic sexual proposal, and tried to grab his crotch at a political fundraiser" in May 2017. 大家看到没?这位加州民主党重量级议员,女权运动的旗帜,反对 sex harrasement 的先锋,对川普所谓的咸猪手gate口诛笔伐的 liberal 的杰出代表,居然是一个屡次性骚挠男生的惯犯,如假包换的咸猪手! 莫大的讽刺,莫大的讽刺啊!再次证明了白左们满嘴仁义道德一肚子男盗女娼的丑恶嘴脸,也再次证明了爪神探是当代的福尔摩斯,不不,是四爪摩斯哈哈哈哈。
情人节居然与关羽斩貂蝉有关 情人节追我的女人们 麻省华人反细分胜利中的“神助攻” 为国为民为子孙,华人参政没商量! 新泽西州将变成共产主义的试验田 奖懒罚勤的福利制度是美国的毒瘤 忍无可忍,新州华人不再做哑裔! 学习爪哥好榜样,扫街拜票没商量! 罗德岛州老中齐声吼,反亚裔细分没商量! 致新州华裔民主党员们的一封信 为了子孙后代,向亚裔细分说不! 心灵深处的自卑自恨造就华左