《经度与态度》(Longitudes And Attitudes - The World In The Age Of Terrorism by Thomas L. Friedman)是《纽约时报》专栏作家,多次普里兹奖得主弗里德曼的作品集。该书收集了他在“九一一”前后发表的专栏文章,和在那个时期旅行中的日记。弗里德曼是犹太人,对中东事务十分关心和熟悉。而且他经常在中东旅行,在以色列和阿拉伯国家都有许多各界的朋友。所以他对于目前的恐怖主义问题是很有发言权的。这本书收集的,是他关于恐怖主义和反恐战争的文章。
作为专栏集,本书从陈述论点的角度上说是不理想的。专栏的篇幅限制使得作者不能深入阐述,而主要通过小故事和几句话长度的议论来抓住读者的注意力。不同文章之间也是重复有余,起承不足。我原来以为,这种体裁读来应该相当乏味。其实不然。这主要归功于作者的语言功夫。即使对其论点已经知晓,读其文字仍然是一种享受。弗里德曼有个特点就是自创很多对比词语,如“walls and webs”来说明全球化引起的变化,又如说伊朗“有一点民主,也有一点宗教。有一点民主使得人民要求更多民主,有一点宗教则使人民讨厌宗教”。在讲到美国应该在精神上战胜恐怖主义时,他用“weapons of mass attraction”(吸引大众的武器)来对比“weapons of mass destruction”(大规模杀伤武器)。说到帮助世界上落后人群时,他说“If you don’t visit them, they will visit you”(如果你不帮助他们,他们就会给你惹麻烦)。
对于穆斯林感到“屈辱”,佛里曼也谈到过,他主要是说生活在西方的穆斯林。但我想Harris说的那种心态不局限于那些人。(顺便说一句,中国人由于自己的“五千年文明”,是否有同样的屈辱感?)Harris说的“Most Mulsim extremists have never been to America or even met an American. ”很在点子上。不仅如此,在塔利班等组织开办的宗教学校中,对于穆斯林教义和西方世界的作为都有很多歪曲。这些学校是恐怖分子的重要来源。这也是为什么像“三杯茶”里记叙的莫庭生这样的人,在反恐努力中是重要的一部分。
不知你有没有读过 Sam Harris 的 “The End of Faith”, 2005 年PEN Award winner for non-fiction category 。这位 作者认为宗教(不仅仅是伊斯兰教和基督教)之 间的冲突是当今世界许多冲突的根源。对穆斯林对西方(尤其是美国)的仇恨,他这 样说: “Why would someone as conspicuously devoid of personal grievances or psychological dysfunction as Osama bin Lade- who is neither poor, uneducated, nor a prior victim of Western aggression - devote himself to cave-dwelling machinations with the intention of killing innumerable men, women, and children he has never met? The answer to this is obvious - the answer is that men like bin Laden actually believe what they say they believe. They believe in the literal truth of the Koran. Why did 19 well educated, middle-class men trade their lives in the world for the privilege of killing thousands of our neighbors? Because they believed that they would go straight to paradise for doing so. It is rare to find the behavior of human beings so fully and satisfactorilly explained. Why have we been reluctant to accept this explanation?”
And, "Most Mulsim extremists have never been to America or even met an American. And they have far fewer grievances with Western imperalism than is the norm around the globe. Abvoe all, they appear to be suffering froma fear of 'contamination'. They are also consumed by feelings of 'humiliation' - humiliation over the fact that while their civilization has foundered, they have watched the godless, sin-loving people become the masters of everything they touch".
最后这一段,似乎为Freidman 的 “They hate us not because of our policy, but because of our very existence”做了很好的注解。
Sam Harris从斯坦福大学毕业,长期从事对东西方各种宗教的研究。有趣的是,最近他却转向神经科学的学习(obtained a Ph. D. in Neuroscience last year from UCLA),希 望从生理和科学的角度探讨信仰,非信仰,和不确定性。Very interesting author. 当然他对所有的宗教都持反对态度,不仅仅是伊斯兰教。也因此,他的作品受到很 多批评。