把三文鱼片放入玻璃烤盘(或陶瓷/不锈钢的烤盘)中,抹上足够的盐和胡椒粉。将橄榄油和柠檬汁一起搅拌均匀,再均匀地浇在三文鱼上,室温下腌15分钟。(Place the salmon fillet in a glass, ceramic, or stainless-steel roasting dish and season it generously with salt and pepper. Whisk together the olive oil and lemon juice and drizzle the mixture evenly over the salmon. Let it stand at room temperature for 15 minutes).
在一个小碗里混合切碎的葱,小茴香,香菜。将混合物撒在鱼片上,再翻面,让双面都沾上香草。在鱼的四周倒入白葡萄酒。In a small bowl, stir together the scallions, dill, and parsley. Scatter the herb mixture over the salmon fillet, turning it so that both sides are generously coated with the green herbs. Pour the wine around the fish fillet.
送入425度烤箱烤12至18分钟(原方子是10到12分钟)。确切时间得根据自己的烤箱而定。测试的办法是用刀尖戳开鱼片中心最厚的地方,看是否熟了(剩一丝鱼没有熟为最佳),然后取出,用锡箔纸蒙住烤盘保温10分钟。趁热切块,和柠檬块一起上桌。Roast the salmon for 10 to 12 minutes, until almost cooked in the center at the thickest part. The center will be firm with just a line of uncooked salmon in the very center. (I peek by inserting the tip of a small knife.) Cover the dish tightly with aluminum foil and allow to rest for 10 minutes. Cut the salmon crosswise into serving pieces and serve hot with lemon wedges.