【开心一乐(1)】 方言 – 出错 伍加,2009-7-18 (1) 方言反映了当地的文化。广东话就很有特色,常常把动物拟人化。比如饭店里卖酱猪蹄,是把前猪蹄和后猪蹄分开卖的:前猪蹄叫“猪手”, 后猪蹄叫“猪脚”;谈论鸡的性别时,不象北方人说“公鸡,母鸡”,而是说“鸡公,鸡婆”。这也难怪,人们常把“丈夫,妻子”说成“老公,老婆”,据说这也是从广东开始的。不懂广东话的人到广东去可要小心,当地人叫你“鸡佬”没关系,但是叫你“鸡虫”或“鸡头”可就成问题了。
“集市。。。鸡食。。。?” 这位农妇指着前方说:“前街有卖的。”
(1) Over a remote Scottish island a helicopter lost power and was forced to make an emergency landing. Luckily there was a small cottage nearby. The pilot walked over to it and knocked on the door. “Is there a mechanic in the area?” he asked the woman who answered the door. She scratched her head and thought for a few seconds. “No,” she finally said, pointing down the road, “but we do have a McArdle and a McKay.”
(2) 月底发工资时,一名员工发现她的工资多发了,她没有吱声。第二个月,她的工资又多发了,她还是没吱声。第三个月发工资时,她发现她的工资少发了,立马去找她的领导。这位领导慢条斯理地说:“前两次多发给你工资时,你咋没吱声?”
英语版本: (2) One day, an employee received an unusually large check. She decided not to say anything about it. The following week, her check was for less that the normal amount, and she confronted her boss. “How come,” the supervisor inquired, “you didn’t say anything when you were overpaid?” Unperturbed, the employee replied, “Well, I can overlook one mistake – but not two in a row!” 伍加,2009-7-18 http://blog.creaders.net/invictus/ |