身为国际货币基金总裁,今年 62 岁的斯特劳斯-卡恩怎么说也是个有头有脸的人物,他号称是知名经济学家,担任过法国财政部长,即将代表法国社会党参加明年四月的法国总统大选。国际货币基金组织与世界银行并列,是当今世界的两大金融机构,作为 IMF 的总裁这样叱诧风云的人物,怎么会干出这等傻事?这会不会是栽赃陷害、政治谋杀?
How do you know Dominique Strauss-Kahn did that? He is indeed accused of attacking a maid who had gone in to clean his penthouse suite, but he is not convicted, and the verdict has not been reached yet. It is too early for you to make a conclusion that Dominique is guilty of a crime.