| 中国人是放高利贷者还是冤大头 |
| 【社会观察(3)】
截止 2009 年 7 月底,中国持有的美国国债数量已超过八千零五亿美元。美国向中国借了这么多钱,会不会赖账不还?温家宝说:我确实有些担心。中国金融官员说:没事儿,我们还要继续增持美国国债。今天看到网上有人说:中国的八千亿美元铁定完蛋了,美国绝不会归还,这是美国人亲口说的。我不信,就去看了看到底美国人是咋说的。这是一个演讲录像,网址是:
也可以在网页 http://mises.org/story/3493 上看到。
演讲者是美国欧洲太平洋资本有限公司的总裁彼得-希夫(Peter Schiff),演讲是去年(2009年)7月12日在米塞斯研究院(Mises Institute)进行的。在这近一小时的录像中,有三分钟讲到了中国购买美国国债的事,如果你没有那么多时间,就只看这三分钟也可以:从 40 分 30 秒开始到 43 分 40 秒的片断。从彼得-希夫的演讲中看到,他确确实实地明确说明了美国绝不会偿还从中国借的钱,理由是中国人在放高利贷。你们明知我们还不了,还借给我们那么多钱,你是白痴你怨谁?不仅如此,我们还要倒打一耙,你们放高利贷,给我们套上债务枷锁,我们要改变游戏规则,借钱就是不还,不还白不还!
彼得-希夫(Peter Schiff)有自己的博客(http://peterschiffblog.blogspot.com/),还有一个用于竞选参议员的网站(http://schiffforsenate.com/),专门为自己宣传。彼得-希夫今年 46 岁,金融经济专家,已出版三本书,曾在 2006 年成功预测美国的房市危机和金融危机,并在 2008 年的总统竞选中担任总统候选人 Ron Paul 的经济顾问。从 1996 年起,彼得-希夫一直担任欧洲太平洋资本有限公司的总裁。从他的经历看,希夫是美国典型的成功商人和经济精英。他在演讲中阐述的观点虽然不能算美国政府的立场,但确实代表了美国经济精英和社会中坚的真实想法。至于美国政府对中国大量购买美国国债的真实观点,外人只能猜测。
[原文] Because the Chinese just mentioned yesterday that they were getting a little concerned about all the money they loaned us and that just maybe we won't pay them back. I'm sure they're a lot more than just a little concerned, because that's what they said publicly. Imagine what they're saying privately.
Because they know we're not going to pay them back. Of course we're not going to pay the Chinese back their money. It's impossible. We can't. We can't possibly.
[原文] Can you imagine? Can you imagine if President Obama, giving the following type of speech to the American citizens.
He'll give a national televised address and say, "My fellow Americans, I've got a little news for you today. We're going to have to have a massive, across-the-board tax increase on average working Americans. Any American that still has a job is going to have to pay much higher income taxes.
"And, as a matter of fact, we're going to have to cut Social Security across the board. Forget the Social Security check, we're going to have to reduce it. And remember all my plans about more education and health care for everybody and energy independence, we got to put all those plans on hold, because the Chinese need their money.
"We borrowed a lot of money from the Chinese and we're good for our debts. They worked hard for that money and they loaned it us to and we're going to pay it back. And that's going to require a big sacrifice on our part."
[原文] Does anyone think that we're going to do that? What are they, kidding me?
Do you know what we're going to tell the Chinese? We're going to say, "You guys are predators, predator lenders. We need a modification program. We need a cramdown on this. You never should have lent us all this money. You know we can't pay it back. It's not our fault."
[原文] The Chinese know this. The Chinese, they can't even vote in our elections. Why are we going to care what they think? We're going to tax voters to pay non-voters?
[原文] So the Chinese know they're in this box. The US government, we don't pay our bills. We're like Bernie Madoff. People loan us money. How do we pay it back? We borrow more.
[原文] If somebody came to Bernie Madoff a couple years ago and wanted their money, they got it. Why did they get it? Because they were able to take in new money. They found another sucker who didn't know it was a Ponzi scheme.
Same thing the US government does. Every time a bond matures, we just go sell another one. And every time we need to pay interest on the national debt, we go borrow that too. Well, it works until nobody wants to lend us any more money, then we're going to have to default, just like Bernie did.
And there's only two ways we can default. We just legitimately don't pay, or we print money. That's it. There's only two ways to repudiate your debt. There's no way we're going to pay the debt; the Chinese have to know that, and we're going to figure that out.